Monday, June 21, 2010

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 12

Emily lashed out with Kagi, not surprised to find her strike blocked by Eric’s sword. She ducked to the side, blood pumping in her ears. The Witch had fired a charm at Pharisee, who had rolled under a table. The spell hit the wall, blowing it off the house completely. A portion of the roof began to cave in above Eric, who leapt at where Emily was standing, katana at the ready. She spun around him, Kagi clanging against his armor. As he recovered, Emily jumped onto the table Pharisee was hiding under, kicking a chair so that it slammed him in the face.

“Come on!” Emily waved at the Witch, “We have to go!”

“Hold on! Hold on! I wanna kick these guys asses really quick...” the Witch sent Pharisee flying into the ceiling, grinning as he hit the chandelier on his way down. Eric swung his sword at the table, cleaving it in half as Emily jumped out of the way. Her back hit against the wall, glancing around for an escape. As Eric stabbed at her with his sword, she moved out of the way, hopping over the remains of the table and moving towards where the wall of the house had been blown away.

“We really don’t have time for this!” Emily shouted.

“OH FINE!” the Witch huffed, then began running for the newly-created exit. Emily pulled the Witch out into the night, glancing over her shoulder to see Eric chasing after them. As the Witch waved her wand to open a large gaping light in the midst of the air, Emily whirled around to clash blades with Eric. Pharisee could be seen jogging after them, half-heartedly firing a spell at the Witch. Emily kicked Eric back, drawing in a deep breath and stabbing at her former Underling’s chest. As she did, he sent a spray of water from his hand, smashing into her chest and sending her flying back. She landed a foot away from the portal, wincing painfully.

“Get in the portal!” the Witch yelled, holding up her hand. Starting at her fingers and spiraling down into the ground, lines of red magic began scattering around the ground, embedding themselves deeply into the ground and forming some complicated sign on the ground.

“What are you-” Emily began.

“I’ll make sure they don’t follow you. They won’t get past me!” the Witch replied, “It’s your task to get to the pool, Emily. You know what you have to do, so just GO AHEAD AND DO IT ALREADY! QUIT HOLDING UP PLOT PROGRESSION IN THE STORY!”

“Task...? Pool... Plot... progression?” Emily stammered, but nodded, “Fine. No dying, Witch. I don’t allow any more people to die because of me!”

“SHUT UP AND GET IN THE PORTAL!” the Witch yelled. Emily nodded and jumped through the portal. As she looked back through the wavering image of the Witch’s front porch on the far side of the portal, she caught sight of Eric running at the Witch. There was a crimson flash of light and what sounded like some explosion. Emily staggered back, holding her arms up over her eyes. She heard a thud, and the portal shut itself, leaving the forest in pitch darkness.

Emily began walking down the ravine trail, recognizing the area from before. She glanced at a large solid wall of rock, seeing the light filter through the trees from the sky. Brushing a twig of hair away from her eyes, Emily quickened her pace, one of her feet slipping into the small stream of water that had gathered at the basin of the ravine. Jumping up to the side of the ravine and grabbing onto the branches, Emily made her way across cautiously, using a few well-placed fallen logs to cross onto the more dry areas.

As she staggered through the woods, she felt a second presence with her, lurking somewhere in the shadows. Glancing around, she realized that Kagi had been left on the other side of the portal, lost when Eric had struck her with water magic. Muttering under her breath, she held her fists at her side, trying not to let the moving shadows from the trees scare her.

After what seemed like an eternity, the moonlight shone down upon an overhang at the end of the ravine, the water reflecting the light from the sky. Her pace slowed, wondering if Jesus would grant her an audience that fateful night. ‘Just for a moment,’ Emily thought, realizing that she was on the verge of pleading with him. As she approached the water, she saw a faint glow from its depths. Her heart leaping, she bent down at its shore, reaching to touch the surface gently, “Jesus?” She asked, her voice quiet. But as she spoke, the small light seemed to die away, lost in the pool’s dark depths.

“Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me?” Emily demanded, “I came here, risking everything, had friends get hurt, friends give up everything, just so I could live.... And you’re blowing me off. Geez, thanks, Jesus. Glad to see you care!” She muttered angrily, then turned away, arms folded. As she took that first step, she felt something slither around her ankle, grabbing her leg and pulling suddenly. “WHAT THE HELL!?” she screamed, watching as a tendril of water snaked around her wrist. Fighting the moving water, she strove to pull away, but found herself getting dragged into the Overlord’s Sanctum.

The tendrils pulled her into the water, and she attempted to keep her head above the surface. However, before she knew it, her head was beneath the water, and the moonlight seemed miles away. Staring up with wide eyes, she tried to will herself to move, but couldn’t. A small light hovered before her, floating leisurely underwater.

“You’re back,” Jesus said gently, his voice originating from the light. Emily was pretty sure there was some form of LSD in that salsa she’d just eaten- either that, or she was actually talking with Jesus Christ, “I knew you’d come back. You always do. Even when you doubt.” Emily began to speak, but found that water flooded her mouth- was this Jesus’ way of telling her to shut up? She didn’t know. Jesus continued, “You’re powerless. You’re defenseless. And you still believe you can defeat the rival hand-picked for you?” When Emily nodded, Jesus’ light grew brighter, “You may talk, Emily.”

“I can talk?” Emily said, then startled, realizing she could breathe under water, “Thaaaaaat’s trippy.”

“You’ve many questions,” Jesus frowned, “I can tell.”

“The Nemesis... Did you send him?” Emily asked, “If not, then who did?”

“I... Did not send him,” Jesus admitted, “I think someone else did. And I think I know who. But either way, I cannot interfere, the most I can do is give you the strength to stop him.”

“You’ll return my powers?” Emily asked.

“I’ll do what I can,” Jesus replied, “I’ll do what is needed.”

“Thank you...” Emily nodded, reaching out to touch the light. It drifted away quickly and she hung her head, having been resisting the urge to touch the shimmering orb.

“Listen... You must go and gather warriors. True warriors, not some of the rowdy hoi polloi you take in for your Underling Army. You must go in order to save your Fortress and yourself,” Jesus cautioned her, “You will find great help in old friends- people you might not have seen in many years.”

“Old friends...?” Emily began.

“I can’t reveal everything, child, or else it would not be much of a journey to make. And this journey shall be your greatest yet,” Jesus replied calmly, “Think. Trust your instincts... And above all... Do a barrel roll. You are the Overlord. You will always be the Overlord!” The light surged forward suddenly, striking Emily in the chest. She felt a jolt of pain flash through her body, the familiar feel of so much energy rushing to her head. Writhing in the water, she shut her eyes, trying to block out the pain in her limbs. As the light spread throughout her, she opened her mouth to gasp but found water pouring down her throat instead.

A few painstaking moments later, she was laying face-down on the shores, completely unsure of how she had gotten there. Resting there, Emily breathed deeply, coughing up water. Eyes halfway opened, she clawed her way to where her feet no longer rested in the Overlord’s Sanctum. She slid onto her back, panting and breathing in the crisp night air. A few moments later, she sat up, slightly delirious but her senses returning. As she rose to her feet she ran a hand through her wet hair, smoothing it back and coughing some more.

But something seemed wrong- very wrong. The night was dead silent and the sky seemed to darken. The pool had dimmed its light and Emily felt her now peaked senses stretch further than it had before. ‘Something’s out there,’ she thought, a chill sweeping through the ravine and rattling the leaves on the trees.

‘He’s behind you...’ the Theurgist’s voice appeared from nowhere, startling her. Before she could ask what, she heard him speak again, ‘You’re prepared for this.’

Emily heeded his words and turned to face the silhouette just yards away, standing calmly and watching her without a word. “You followed me,” Emily said calmly, glaring at Eric as he stepped forward, sword in hand. She noted the dried blood that was on his face, most likely from the Witch’s attack. “What’d you do with her?”

“She escaped,” Eric replied quietly, “Why are you all wet?”

“That’s what she said,” Emily smirked at Eric, then shook her head, “And here I am... Weaponless and alone... Are we going to have a repeat of a few days ago when you totally kicked my ass?”

“I’d rather not have to fight you,” Eric admitted.

“Well, I’d rather not have you fight me either. But there’s not much I can do ‘bout that. Alexi’s dead because of you,” Emily replied, her tone growing serious and accusing, “You’ve a lot to repent for... Sexist.”

“So do you,” Eric said evenly, claymore still in hand, “Don’t preach to me about how I’m an awful person.”

“I’m only stating facts. I’m an awful person, too. So, hey, we’re twinkies,” Emily laughed bitterly, “But I’m trying, Eric. I’m trying. Are you? Do you think by handing me over to the Nemesis, that everything’s gonna be squared away? Got some news for you... It won’t be.”

“You’ve got no room to talk,” Eric retorted.

“I don’t... So let’s skip this ceaseless banter, shall we?” Emily held up her fists.

Eric shook his head and took a step forward. Extending a hand, he summoned a large swirl of water magic, encircling the two. Emily cast a fleeting look at the water, unable to hide a small smile. She ran toward Eric, an orb of fire swirling in her palm. Eric jumped aside, swinging his sword and missing her entirely. The orb hit the blade, ricocheting back at her. As it sizzled through the wall of water behind her, the swirling waters seemed to weaken. She ducked and sent a high-kick at Eric’s back, staggering him. As he swung his blade over his head to hit her, she ducked, hopping back. Her back brushed against the swirling waters, and she felt the sting of the rapids.

“You have your powers back,” Eric remarked, “Doesn’t matter.” He motioned with his hand and a jet of water shot at Emily. She held up both hands and blocked the stream with a hand, a light, barely visible red magic shield surrounding her. As Eric reached back with his sword, Emily ran forward, another orb of fire appearing in her hand. Eric swung the claymore at her head, the blade so close that it couldn’t have missed its mark. Emily flinched, the magic in her hand disappearing. However, when she expected to feel immense pain, she felt nothing- the waters dying down entirely to reveal the two combatants standing in the middle of the ravine. She opened her eyes, feeling something in her hands- something long and firm (“THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!” Tinkerbell shouted from wherever he was at that particular moment).

‘I don’t think I’m dead,’ Emily thought.

‘No, you’re not dead. You’re okay,’ the Theurgist’s voice replied, breaking his silence.

Glancing at the staff that had appeared into her hands, Emily couldn’t hide the shock in her eyes. “That was great timing,” She muttered under her breath, looking at where the blade had hit the middle of the staff. Though the staff was wooden, it seemed unharmed, its green and black surface unscratched. She pushed Eric away and then twirled the staff with one hand, “Well this changes things a bit.”

“Where’d that come from?” Eric asked.

“It’s like in every book or movie or video game, really. In the hero’s time of need, a mystical weapon always, for reasons unknown, appears in their hands,” Emily remarked, “Like Sora and the Keyblade. Except, I always thought that a giant stick was more effective than hitting people with a key. Not very practical, you know?”

“Agreed... But it’s a KeyBLADE, right?” Eric shrugged.

“If you observe the weapon closely, it’s actually got a rounded “blade”. Unless you’re going for Riku’s version of Way to Dawn...” Emily’s voice trailed off, “Wow, we’re nerds. Whatever... Wanna keep going?”

“Let’s just get back to killing each other,” Eric agreed.

Emily smirked and shrugged carelessly. Eric ran at her with his claymore, and she sprung into action. The staff clashed against the claymore, Emily jolting forward due to the momentum. She ducked to the side, trying to knock Eric’s feet out from under him. As he stepped away from her casually, he swung his blade at her again. They clashed several more times, the staff unscratched still. Eric angrily began hacking at Emily, relentlessly striking the staff. She backed away, barely able to dodge and block the blows. Finally, she felt the staff seem to jolt awake, and she swung it up to meet one of the claymore’s hits. With a thundering crack, the claymore shattered, the hilt of the sword flying away. Eric raised an eyebrow, then began to back a step, one of his hands moving toward a flail strapped at his hips.

Holding the staff in both hands, Emily glared at her opponent, taking in a deep breath. It felt great to be powerful again... It was similar to the feeling of not having to deal with school work anymore at the end of the final day of school. No, it might’ve been even better than that. It was like being handed a free box of those orange Monsters along with a collection of pixie sticks and nixie tubes. She felt the power and the energy she had missed for the past few days run through her veins- she felt invincible now.

‘You always HAD this power, you know,’ the Theurgist’s voice rang in her ears. ‘You just never chose to use it.’ She glanced around the forest, seeing nothing but Eric. She knew the voice was not his, but how could it be that someone was speaking to her? ‘You’re not going crazy,’ the Theurgist added with a laugh. ‘I’ve been here the entire time... Overlord.’

“Here...?” she asked, glancing around.

‘Yes... With you,’ the Theurgist replied.

“That’s not creepy at all,” Emily remarked.

“What are you talking about?” Eric asked in confusion.

Realizing that Eric didn’t hear the Theurgist’s voice, Emily awkwardly shifted her eyes about the battlefield, “Er... Nothing. Are you finished yet? Do you just wanna give up and call it a night?”

“I’ll not surrender, especially not to you,” Eric began to swing the flail when something rather big, pale, but clad in some frilly pink and black mini dress came flying from the woods. Tackling Eric, the thing knocked the flail away, screaming loudly and rather horrendously.

There was something familiar about this shape, something very wrong about it, and... possibly something even disturbing about what was happening on the ground. Eric kicked the attacker off of him, a bewildered look in his eyes. As the attacker fell back onto his butt, he stared at Eric and Emily with wide brown eyes. “S-Soul-Keeper?” Emily stammered, staring at the skull and crossbones, gothic dress he was wearing.

“We’re here to help!” the Advisor declared, emerging from the bushes with the Ninja-Lord, the Captain, the Lieutenant, and the Apprentice. Emily noted the extremely bizarre attire- the Ninja-Lord was in paint-splattered pants and a skull and crossbones T-shirt, and the Advisor was in a Hello Kitty shirt that showed her middrift and baggy pants. Everyone seemed to be wearing a lot of dark clothing, matched with extreme colors on their shirts and many really awkward looking belts... Emily wasn’t sure if she was thankful or disturbed by her former army’s sudden affinity for the bizarre. The Advisor pulled out her machine gun and began to fire at Eric as he stood up, flail still in one hand.

“You’re all... here?” Emily gasped, glancing up as the Witch appeared next to the Advisor.

“Why are you... wet?” the Soul-Keeper asked, staring at Emily. “Did you take a bath?”

“Errr...” Emily stammered, “You could say that.”

“I knew you’d make it,” the Witch beamed, but said a little more seriously,“But good job at letting the enemy follow you here.”

The Soul-Keeper sent a thunder spell at Eric, who had begun fleeing into the woods, leaving the remains of his claymore in the ravine. “FOLLOW HIM!” The Soul-Keeper cried, his own staff in hand and running after Eric, his frilly dress bouncing all the while. The Animal-Tamer, in some short dress, pointed at Eric and whistled, a large dog tearing down the ravine after him.

“GET HIM, OTTO!” She cried excitedly. The Ninja-Lord hopped into the trees, Llama, Kunoichi, and Shinobi following her in pursuit of the Insurgent. The Apprentice wildly flailed her arms and began casting random spells down the ravine at where Eric was running, missing the Soul-Keeper by inches.

“Are you okay?” the Captain hopped down into the ravine, the Lieutenant following him. “You look pretty shaken up... Why are you wet?”

“Why do people keep asking me that?” Emily remarked, leaning against the green and black staff, “I’ve a lot to explain... And I can’t tell you how glad I am you guys showed up. There’s some weird things going on here...”

“We’re all here. The rest of the army is in the woods,” the Lieutenant explained, glancing at where the Witch had summoned a few fiery looking spirits to go seek out General Eric. She was laughing maniacally as she waved at the three talking, an eerie gleam in her eye, “Is that normal?” the Lieutenant whispered.

“Yep!” Emily nodded, and for the first time in what seemed like ages, actually laughed. She sat down on a large rock in the ravine, looking up at where more people were starting to appear on the edges of the ravine. She spied Fish, who waved sheepishly down at her, next to Prussia and Russia, who both were attempting to not catch the forest on fire with the torches they were holding. “Hello up there!” She called, unable to hide a grin.

“Hey, look we found her! ... Now can we go get some food?” Fabio asked rather blandly.

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