Monday, June 21, 2010

TOS- Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 24

The Overlord Saga
Vol I. Past, Present, Future

Chapter 24: The Final Confrontation
(Part 2)


“WELL?” the Insurgent Leader demanded, glaring at the Overlord as she gaped at the Uberlord, who stood with a bow in one hand. She held the scythe in her right hand, her free hand gently moving the Insurgent Leader back as the Uberlord lifted his lance. The Zilant had gone missing, and the Overlord wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing yet. The Uberlord drew his bow and promptly aimed the first arrow at the Overlord, but did not release it.

“I... I don’t know,” the Overlord stammered, drawing away from the wall. ‘My plan is foiled. Now what?’ she wondered, knowing that her troops were well over a mile away. Running was too cowardice a move for her- she had one option and that was to fight.

“Overlord! It’s been awhile,” the Uberlord laughed, “You’ve defeated Doctor Octagonapus, I see. And you’re back from the Wises so early? I thought you’d spend more time with your beloved mentors.”

“Uberlord. I always have an obligation to stop you,” the Overlord retorted, “There’s only room for one of us here.”

“Yes. Might as well get rid of the usurper,” The Uberlord retorted, arrow still aimed at the Overlord’s chest. She knew he was a good enough shot to where he could easily impale her on one of those arrows. She knew what she was up against... But did the Uberlord know?

“Usurper!?” the Overlord yelled, “How insulting! Ah well... Better a usurper than a failed, miserable little fool like you, huh? How’s the life of an exiled lord treating you nowadays?”

“This isn’t the time for insults...” the Insurgent Leader muttered.

“Why you...!” the Uberlord released the arrow. The Overlord swept it away with the stroke of her scythe and grinned at the dark-haired Uberlord.

“I’ve grown up since last time,” the Overlord said proudly, “I am... the Overlord, after all.” She grabbed ahold of the Insurgent Leader’s arm, nodding to him meaningfully. The Insurgent Leader allowed her to toss him up into the air, doing a flip in the process. The Overlord held up the handle of her scythe, allowing him to land on it. As he did, she tossed him upward again, watching as he soared toward the Uberlord.

The Insurgent Leader drew Muramasa and promptly swiped at the Uberlord’s head. The Uberlord jumped to the side hitting the Insurgent Leader weakly with the end of the bow he was wielding. The Insurgent Leader bounced back a foot or two, Muramasa in hand. The Uberlord selected an arrow and drew it back until the string was taut. The Overlord, in the mean time, had run toward the wall, making a swishing motion with her hand. A few semi-visible emblems appeared in the air, spreading out to form platforms. The Overlord began hopping up the platforms, making it to the top of the wall in time to see the Insurgent Leader get struck by an arrow. The Insurgent Leader seemed to shrug the blow off and swiped the Uberlord's bow away from him, the weapon spiraling into the courtyard. The Uberlord stepped back, narrowly avoiding the Insurgent Leader's longsword. Hastily, the tyrant drew his lance and pointed it at the Insurgent Leader, a smirk playing about his lips.

The Overlord launched herself at the Uberlord, scythe knocking aside the lance. She threw in a hefty punch to the Uberlord's jaw, jarring his senses temporarily as the Insurgent Leader made his charge. Scraping Muramasa's tip against the stone, the Insurgent Leader used an upper blow to strike at the Uberlord's unprotected stomach. However, the Uberlord moved to the side, slamming the Insurgent Leader toward the edge of the wall with the butt of his lance. As the Insurgent Leader lost his footing and began to slip, the Overlord grabbed him by the wrist and hefted him up onto the wall. She moved to the Uberlord's left, feeling the wind as it began to pick up.

"You've gotten stronger," the Uberlord nodded, "But you're still not as good as I am."

"Which is why we totally owned you last time," the Overlord remarked, lifting her hand over her head. An orb of green flame appeared and she launched it at the Uberlord. The Uberlord responded by calmly extending his hand and catching the flame gently, mulling it over with his fingers. He smiled, as if remembering something, then promptly touched the tip of his lance to the burning fires. The fire crept across the lance, burning it with a magical force.

"See? Look what you did, now," the Insurgent Leader remarked, glaring at the Overlord.

"So not my fault!" the Overlord argued. The Uberlord cackled and promptly slammed the tip of the spear into the ground, releasing a wave of energy. The Overlord was thrown backwards, hitting her head against the wall top. She groaned and rolled over, grabbing her scythe and pushing herself to her feet. The Insurgent Leader ran by, Muramasa in hand. The Uberlord smirked and launched the lance at the Insurgent Leader. The glowing weapon struck the Insurgent Leader in the shoulder, sending him flying back at least a yard. The Insurgent Leader yelled as the ground around him began turning black with the Uberlord's fell magic, swirling and sending tendrils around the Insurgent Leader's ankles and wrists. He fought against the magic helplessly, striving to keep a hold of his sword. The Overlord angrily turned and sent a charm through her fingers to the scythe, embedding a strong fire spell on it. She reached back and promptly threw the scythe at the Uberlord, watching it spin. The Uberlord ducked beneath it, losing his concentration and breaking his focus on his spell. The Insurgent Leader pulled the lance from his shoulder, tossing it away and leaping to his feet.

"You all right, Thomas?" the Overlord asked, extending her arm as the scythe flew back to her.

The Insurgent Leader wordlessly nodded, holding Muramasa up and pointing at the Uberlord. There was a strange light in his eyes as a series of symbols surrounded the Uberlord, sending out blast waves of darkness. 'Dark magic? From THOMAS?!' the Overlord thought, her breath caught in her throat. The stunned Uberlord held up his hand and cast a shielding spell. As the blasts ended, the Insurgent Leader bent over, looking extremely fatigued. The Overlord stared at him oddly, wondering how he managed to cast such a dark spell.

"I've had enough of the kiddie games," the Uberlord shook his head, his lance flying back to his hand. He slammed it into the ground and placed his hands together, as if praying. The sky darkened tremendously, the last ounce of sunlight drained completely. The Overlord cast a fire spell at the Uberlord, but it bounced off, useless. "Damn it!" She yelled as a cold wind struck the wall top. The Insurgent Leader held up his sword, and began charging at the Uberlord, fighting against the wind. The Uberlord's eyes snapped in the Insurgent Leader's direction, and he extended a hand, as if to greet the Insurgent Leader.

"NO! WAIT!" The Overlord began to yell, running toward where the Insurgent Leader was falling toward the Uberlord. Upon impact, there was a flash of violet light, matched with a cry of horror from the Insurgent Leader. Muramasa fell to the ground, clattering against the stone. In a split second, the Insurgent Leader was gone, completely and utterly vanished.

"No!" the Overlord yelled, her heart racing as she tried to understand what had just happened. The Uberlord turned and grinned at the Overlord, his teeth glinting white. He snapped his fingers, and the Overlord felt the area change around her, altering into some warped room.

The sky was a black and red zig-zag, emitting some ghastly glow from beyond the overcast sky. There was nothingness that surrounded them both- simply a floor and invisible, swirling walls that looked as though they were made out of dark magic entirely. The Overlord searched for Thomas in the large room, but found nothing. Nothing... Except the Uberlord, herself, and the limp Muramasa sitting between them.

"What did you do to him?" the Overlord screamed, fighting to keep her voice steady. She walked toward the Uberlord, the scythe dropping slowly from her fingers as she bent down to take Muramasa into her hands. The Uberlord's raucous laughter sent a chill down her spine as she, in complete disbelief, spoke the dreaded words, "You... You killed him..." Her eyes met the Uberlord's, her rage building as she rose from where she had knelt next to the longsword. Blade in both hands, the Overlord nudged the scythe into the corner of the room, her chest heaving as she fought back a sob. 'Dear God... You'd think I'd have not gotten so soft over the years... Dammit... He was my rival... I shouldn't be sad...' the Overlord thought, attempting to wipe away a tear from the corner of her eye.

"The Insurgent Leader? He is no more," the Uberlord grinned, "It's just you and me." A pause for thought, and then, "You had emotional attachments to him... Didn't you?"

"No one... I repeat... No one... Messes with the munchkin. No one... Except me," the Overlord growled, feeling flares of solid anger crawl into her chest. She looked at the red pulsing light as it reflected off of the Insurgent Leader's sword, blinking back the rest of the tears. "I will not... Allow him to be dead."

"You won't allow him to be dead?" the Uberlord scoffed, "Too bad... He already is."

"No. This is my story. My saga. And I do NOT permit him to be dead!" the Overlord roared, holding up Muramasa, "I am the Overlord. I will always BE the Overlord. You cannot change that. You cannot stop that! The only thing you can do is try, Uberlord, so try! Damn it... I WELCOME IT!"



The Soul-Keeper Apprentice had picked up a zombie head and was waving it at a very grossed out Animal Tamer. "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" the Animal Tamer shrieked, pushing the Apprentice away. "That's so wrong!" She screamed, running away from the Apprentice. She skidded to a stop as a revenant emerged from the earth before her. Startling, the Animal Tamer tossed her staff into the air, watching as it morphed into a sword. As she caught it, she used the momentum to lop the zombie's head off. Grimacing at the mess, the Animal Tamer proceeded to kick the flailing body away, unable to stop from shaking as she did so.

"Animal Tamer, that's so gross!" the Advisor scolded her sister gently as she pointed her machine gun at the zombie torso. A few shots were fired and the body ceased squirming. The Animal Tamer shot the Advisor a very appreciative look and glanced at where the Apprentice was showing a weirded out Captain the zombie head. He looked as though he were about to pee when the head suddenly became alive (or as alive as zombie heads got), baring its teeth at the Captain. In something similar to a Falcon Punch, the Captain reached back and popped the head square in the nose, sending it soaring across the battle field and promptly landing on the Lieutenant, who, in turn, brushed it off quickly while making a face.

"I think we killed the chicken lizard," the Lieutenant called over his shoulder at the Captain as he slammed a revenant in the back of the head with the butt of his assault rifle. "Thing went missing. I say we finish off these zombies and call it night!"

"Quit kidding around! The Zilant will be back before you know it!" the Twin called as she lifted a hand to the sky. A series of lightning bolts struck down from the darkened clouds, electrocuting a group of zombies behind Tinkerbell. "Soul-Keeper, Sexist! Take the Master of Tazers, Canada, the Animal Tamer's Pet, Prussia, Russia, China, and Belarus and see if you can't find a way into the main gates! Watch out for mosquito ninjas!"

"China and what?" Sexist called as he smashed a zombie in the face with a flail.

"Underling China!" the Twin pointed at an underling that had speared a revenant through its torso. With the charming flick of her light colored hair, she smiled and waved almost shyly at Sexist and the Soul-Keeper before pulling her lance out of the zombie. The Twin then pointed at another underling, younger and shorter with blonde hair, "And Belarus." She winced as Belarus began viciously beating a zombie with a stick that had a large ball of flame at the end.

"Wait... She's not even Chinese!" Sexist exclaimed.

"Your point?" the Twin quirked an eyebrow. Sexist then knew he should shut up... But still continued to speak.

"Which one is Prussia and which one is Russia? I can never tell..." Sexist frowned.

"Prussia has lighter hair. Short, too. Russia has slightly darker hair. And it's longer," the Twin said helpfully and dashed off, firing two arrows at a revenant sneaking up behind the Captain.

"Oh... Great," Sexist remarked, "All right. Everyone, let's go! Err... Soul-Keeper?" He glanced at where the Soul-Keeper was dancing in the midst of the battlefield, waving his staff about. With each dramatic flick of the staff, lightning came spiraling from the tip, striking zombies by the tens and twenties. As the Soul-Keeper danced, a song could be heard over the sounds of the Captain's and the Lieutenant's hand grenades.

"Sexist has balls. Big and spiky balls. Bouncing to the left, bouncing to the right..."

Sexist quirked an eyebrow, glancing at Belarus as she watched him dance. "Look at him go," she remarked dryly, "He's a natural at it."

"That's what scares me," Sexist admitted, trying to hide that he was turning a deep shade of red. He scratched the back of his neck and called, "Er... Soul-Keeper! Time to go! We have to open the gates for everyone!"

"GET OVER HERE OR I WILL TAZE YOU!" the Master of Tazers yelled at the top of her lungs, "Honestly, men are so stupid. They aren't the thinkers you know?"

"Oh, I know," China nodded in agreement.

"What!? What!? And why am I called Sexist!?" Sexist demanded.

"Get moving!" the Ninja-Lord hissed, appearing behind Sexist. She tossed a pair of shuriken at an incoming zombie, watching as they pierced between the revenant's eyes. As Sexist turned to thank her, she was gone, appearing a few feet away next to the Twin with her katana in hand.

The Soul-Keeper led the charge away from the battlefield and toward the gates, which seemed like forever away. He ran quite swiftly in his robe, staff in hand as he began summoning a few bolts of lightning. Sexist watched in a mixture of awe and horror as the Soul-Keeper massed a large sphere of lightning magic and sent it flying at the gates. With a horrible crack of thunder, the gates began caving in, the large structures tearing down a portion of the wall as well. Prussia frowned, glancing at the Soul-Keeper and remarking, "Hey... We weren't supposed to DESTROY the gates. We were supposed to OPEN them!"

"Good job, Soul-Keeper," Russia remarked as the group came to a stop before the fallen gate.

"Where's the Overlord?" Sexist scoffed, looking around the Fortress as they stepped onto the wooden doors that had once kept them all out. He tsked and shook his head, "Hiding? She's not even out to order her own troops."

"She's inside!" the Soul-Keeper glanced at Sexist, "You should be nice. She actually does stuff, you know? She's not the bad person you think she is."

"No, because stealing souls is a great thing for people to do," Sexist remarked.

"That's very rude," Belarus commented dryly.

"Or, as the Overlord would say... It's very... Incompassionate. I mean, what does that mean, anyways?" Sexist snorted and stepped into the courtyard. As he did so, he paused, watching a lone figure as they exited the palace. He frowned lifting a flail and holding up a hand to warn the others in the group.

"Is it the Uberlord?" the Animal Tamer's Pet asked fearfully, moving behind Russia and Prussia. "I hope not..."

"Shh. It'll be okay," Russia promised the Animal Tamer's Pet, patting her on the head gently.

"It's... Jamie?" the Soul-Keeper tilted his head to the side, glancing from the pirate to the large bag that she had over one shoulder. The Soul-Keeper and Sexist exchanged glances as Jamie froze in mid-step, holding her hands up guiltily.

"I can so explain what is happening here..." Jamie stammered.

"Is that a bag... of the Overlord's treasure?" the Master of Tazers asked with a laugh, "Wow, Jamie. Really?"

"Put that back! It's not yours!" the Soul-Keeper shrieked in horror, "What would Jesus say? Jesus would give you a spanking, that's what!"

"No, Soul-Keeper, that's just you..." Belarus muttered. China giggled, trying to hide it with a hand.

"Fine..." Jamie dropped the bag with a clang, glancing at the group of Underlings. She folded her arms, sighing and blowing a twig of brown hair from her eyes, "There's no sign of the Overlord anywhere. Or the Uberlord. Or his chicken thing."

"And the Insurgent Leader?" Sexist asked hopefully.

"Gone, too. All of 'em. Just gone," Jamie shook her head, "I don't like the looks of things, Soul-Keeper."

"Emily..." the Soul-Keeper whimpered, hands gripping the handle of his staff, "I hope she's okay..."

"Me too..." the Master of Tazers replied, "If that Uberlord did anything to her... I swear to God, I'll taze him. On the max voltage, too. I swear to God I will."

"The Twin wanted us to use the cannons. Why don't you be in charge of that?" Sexist looked at Belarus, "The Soul-Keeper, Master of Tazers, Jamie, and I can split up and look for Thomas and Emily... Er... I mean... the Insurgent Leader and the False... Er... Overlord... The Overlord. My bad." He caught a death glare from Belarus, but forced a smile, "Anyways... Report back here in an hour if nothing's different, okay?"

"Wow, look at you. Taking charge and all," Jamie remarked, "Got it. I'll take the upstairs of the Fortress. Colby, you search the Dungeons. Sexist, take the first floor. Master of Tazers can take the wall top. We'll find them."

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