Monday, June 21, 2010

TOS- Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 21

The Overlord Saga
Vol I. Past, Present, Future

Part III - Lords

Chapter 21: The SVC Take Two

The Overlord looked at the Insurgent camp, feeling incredibly out of place. She missed the comfort of her castle, she missed having her office, her nice fireplace, her extra weapons- the list went on forever. She didn’t understand why they couldn’t just take out the Uberlord right then and there, but supposedly, there was something they had to do. Oh right, planning. She hated planning... It was usually insanely boring and she almost always fell asleep during the meetings...

“The Uberlord’s rising into power,” the Theurgist was saying as the Overlord focused in and out of the conversation, “If he’s summoned the Zilant, then it’s a sign he’s about to resurrect the rest of his troops, right?”

“The mosquito ninjas will be next,” the Twin nodded, “We don’t need our entire forces hampered in the fight. God knows the mosquito ninjas are the worst. And if they’re carrying malaria...”

“Or AIDS,” the Soul-Keeper nodded wisely, “Like rats.”

“We never said that rats COULD carry AIDS, though,” the Advisor pointed out.

“And then the revenants. And the other assortment of nasties that the Uberlord has under his command,” Jamie added, “I never was a huge fan of undead things. Kinda freaky.”

“Revenants? That’s our job!” the Captain elbowed the Lieutenant, “Leave those to us!”

“Revenants?” Sexist shuddered, “So... Why can’t we just... you know, leave the Fortress to uh... Him?”

“You weren’t there when the Uberlord reigned. Massive massacres, zombies everywhere, random plagues...” the Overlord shrugged, “It was a mess. A giant mess. And it’s clear what we have to do.” She caught the Insurgent Leader’s gaze and looked away. ‘It’s like he doesn’t even remember that we were trying to kill each other a few days ago.’ she thought bitterly, but shrugged it off.

“So, what do we do?” the Evocator asked, looking at the Overlord imploringly, “You were there. You beat him, didn’t you? How did you do it?”

The Overlord winced, glanced at Sexist, then turned her gaze to the Insurgent Leader, “It wasn’t just me,” She muttered under her breath, then stood up, “There’s a first order of business we must consider and that is the SVC. The Uberlord once held my spot there and he’ll try to go back and reclaim it. And in order to wage war against a villain, you have to get a warrant. So...”

“Before we plan anything, we have to go to the SVC?” the Theurgist asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Exactly. The Insurgent Leader and I will handle that,” the Overlord held out her hand to the Insurgent Leader, “The rest of you can come up with a plan. Preferably something not half-baked that gets my butt killed.” She shot a particularly spiteful glance at Sexist.

The Insurgent Leader grabbed a hold of her hand and the Overlord warped them from the midst of the camp into a long, dark corridor. She frowned and looked at the Insurgent Leader, arms folded after jerking her hand away from him, “No causing trouble, you hear?” She asked, gesturing about the hall, “This is the Hall of Memorium. It’s en route to Lex’s office.”

“These portraits...” the Insurgent Leader looked at the large masterpieces that lined the walls. “Who is this?” he pointed at an old man, scarred and greenish in skin tone, wrapped in some black cape.

“Darth Sidious. He died years ago. He’s famous for starting a galactic war and manipulating both sides,” the Overlord explained, “Used to be a second-in-command figure here at the SVC.”

“And who’s that?” the Insurgent Leader walked over to a picture of a horned, skankily clad woman. Her black wings curled about her sinisterly, her silvery hair seeming to glisten in the dim light. The Insurgent Leader grimaced as he saw the odd purple markings that zig-zagged down her face, causing her unnaturally golden eyes to stand out. Her claws gripped the chain of some dark-colored lion-like monster, its wings folded at its sides.

“Ultimecia. She’s famous for her work on the space-time continuum. Could freeze time, you know? Merge it, too. She was one nasty ho to deal with, I hear,” the Overlord shrugged, “Don’t remember much about her. ‘Cept she had a funky accent.”

“Creepy,” the Insurgent Leader moved onto another picture, a portrait of a large monkey with levitating hands.

“Andross. He’s renown for living without a torso. Like, really, how did the guy eat? He has no STOMACH,” the Overlord remarked, “Also did that funny thing with his hands. Y’know... The hands that aren’t attached to his body...”

“I see...” the Insurgent Leader moved onto a bald man with vivid scars on his head. The Insurgent Leader noted how the man’s pale eyes seemed to follow him as he moved from side to side. ‘Creepy...’

“Saint Dane. Famous for being a royal creepass,” the Overlord shrugged, “Don’t even get me started on how messed up that guy was.”

“Okay then...” the Insurgent Leader frowned and looked at the new picture of Voldemort, “He died?” He pointed at the serpentine man, mouth slightly agape, “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“I know, right? Took Harry long enough,” the Overlord sighed, “The SVC won’t be the same without Voldy.” She shrugged and dragged the Insurgent Leader down the hall, passing the various portraits of Nergal, Scar, Maleficent, and Doomsday. As the two neared the large doors at the end, the Insurgent Leader noticed that the Overlord grew steadily more irritable. She released the Insurgent Leader’s arm and began to open the door.

The Insurgent Leader followed the Overlord into Lex Luthor’s office, feeling very out of place. He stayed as close to the Overlord as possible, hovering by her and looking at the puzzled faces. The Insurgent Leader recognized Sephiroth, the Joker, and Ganondorf, each holding a glass of wine and watching the two as they walked straight up toward Lex.

“I need a warrant,” the Overlord said flatly.

“A warrant?” Lex asked, “You interrupted my conversation with these three fine gentlemen for a warrant?”

“Gossip can wait,” the Overlord said blandly, “This is the Insurgent Leader. There’s been an unbalance in my Fortress and I need a warrant.”

“What sort of unbalance?” Lex Luthor asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“The Uberlord. He’s back. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll give me the damn warrant,” the Overlord replied, arms folded, glaring at Lex, “And now.”

“You need to have a reason,” Lex Luthor began, running his hand over his bald head.

“He took my damn Fortress,” the Overlord replied, “And you remember him. You remember how he is...He won’t stop until the SVC is his. Which means that you’re just as screwed as I am, Lex.” She gave him a pointed glare, then added, “And if you don’t give me the warrant, I’ll bribe Sylar. He likes a good brain to eat, right?”

“Actually, Sylar was kicked out of the SVC,” Ganondorf spoke up, “He and Peter Petrelli teamed up together.”

“Damn,” the Overlord breathed, but shrugged, “Choice is yours, Lex. Face the Uberlord’s wrath or gimme a warrant. Your life is on the line.”

Lex sighed and trudged over to his desk. He pulled out a slip of paper and began writing something at the bottom. The Insurgent Leader watched as he signed his name at the bottom in cursive, and handed the paper to the Overlord regrettingly. The Overlord took the paper with two fingers and gave Lex an innocent, yet satisfied smile, “Thank ye kindly!” she exclaimed and grabbed ahold of the Insurgent Leader. With the snap of her fingers, the two vanished from the SVC.


The Advisor and the Soul-Keeper watched the sun as it set on the western horizon, the cracked ground turning a rusty color of red. She checked her machine gun, making sure there were bullets in there, and looked at the Soul-Keeper as he leaned against his staff.

“You realize what tomorrow is?” the Advisor asked the oblivious Soul-Keeper. With a sigh, she added, “It’s been two weeks since Gabriel told the Overlord she had to give the souls to God.”

“Two weeks already?” the Soul-Keeper remarked, “Wow, time flies.”

“Time flies when you’re never aging,” the Advisor shrugged, “I guess that’s what this realm does to you. It makes time seem like nothing.”

“Nothing at all...” the Soul-Keeper glanced back as the Soul-Keeper’s Apprentice ran out of the woods, yelling madly. The Advisor raised an eyebrow, watching Russia and Prussia as they followed the Apprentice out of the woods. The Animal Tamer’s Pet trundled after, awkwardly waving at the Soul-Keeper and the Advisor.

“It’s good for some of us to be out and about,” the Advisor added with a laugh as the Apprentice tackled Prussia to the ground.

“What do you think the Overlord will do about Gabriel?” the Soul-Keeper asked, for once being serious. “It’s not right to ignore orders like that. Especially from God. I think she’s going to get herself into trouble one of these days.”

“She will...” the Advisor muttered, shrugging, “When that day comes, though, we’ll be there, right? No one messes with the Overlord.”

“Right,” the Soul-Keeper nodded, leaning against his staff still. “Tomorrow is going to be a looooong day.”

“Did the counsel ever come up with a plan?” the Advisor frowned.

“No... But JAMIE did,” the Soul-Keeper smirked, “And it’s a good plan. I think it’s an awesome plan, actually...”

“What does it involve?” the Advisor asked slowly, catching the Soul-Keeper’s eye. The Soul-Keeper merely threw back his head and began laughing, stirring even more concern. The Advisor frowned and looked out at where the Apprentice had picked up the Animal Tamer’s Pet and Russia and were carrying both of them over each shoulder.

‘Tomorrow will be interesting’, she thought, shifting her weight.

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