Monday, June 21, 2010

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 10

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 10: The Dark Ice Brotherhood

Eric had to admit that his stomach was starting to feel a little odd. He had dismissed it as a stomach virus but was getting a little paranoid. He tried to think of the last meal he’d eaten, then promptly remembered that the Insurgents had gone out partying to Taco Bell the previous night. ‘I shouldn’t have had that burrito,’ Eric thought dismally. He shrugged it off, and continued down the corridor, displeased at how freezing it was. He had been reinstated as the General of the Insurgent army, second only to the Insurgent Leader himself. He wasn’t sure how the other Insurgents were taking the news of his promotion, but he figured that if they complained enough, the Insurgent Leader would just have them be tortured.

“So you’re the famous Eric I keep hearing about,” a voice remarked. Eric stopped in the midst of the hall, then glanced over his shoulder at where Steve McCoy was standing in the shadows. Twirling an apple on his finger, McCoy didn’t look up at Eric. He tossed the apple into the air and caught it, tilting his hat and glancing at the general from the corner of his eye.

Eric wasn’t sure about McCoy right off the bat. He had been the filler for the general position during his absence- and Eric briefly wondered if McCoy would try to weasel (or, I should say ‘ferret’) his way into the job. “Yeah...” Eric said awkwardly.

“Welcome back to the team,” McCoy offered a hand. Eric took it awkwardly, shaking it and then let go rather abruptly. McCoy smirked and shoved his hands into the pockets of his trenchcoat, “Off to see the Insurgent Leader?” Something about his tone made it clear that it wasn’t a question- it was a statement. Eric wondered briefly how McCoy seemed to know so much, but didn’t question it. They guy wore a freaking trenchcoat and had a ferret that seemed to have a higher IQ than most of the other Insurgents. That, coupled by the other things Eric had seen in the previous months, he had learned not to question anything anymore.

“There’s a meeting that he’s asked me to attend with him. It’s between the major players in yesterday’s operations,” Eric shrugged rather casually, “What do you think about the Nemesis?”

McCoy was silent, thoughtful, but seemed amused. He reached up and stroked the top of his ferret’s head, pensive, “He’s... An interesting person. I wonder why he never reveals his face to any of the others.”

“The Insurgent Leader wonders that, too,” Eric remarked, “I don’t think it’s normal, standing in armor all day like that. He insists on keeping his identity a secret. It’s weird, though, he seems to know the Overlord quite well.”

“One of her astray Underlings, maybe?” McCoy suggested.

“I thought about that,” Eric admitted, scratching the back of his neck, “But something doesn’t seem to fit, you know? We did all of this to get the Fortress, but he just wants to have the Overlord’s soul. Am I the only here that sees something really, really weird about that?” Maybe he was just looking into everything too closely. Or maybe there was something else going on.

“Sometimes, struggles aren’t about physical achievements. It’s about mental achievements,” McCoy said mysteriously, “His goal might not have been to take the Fortress. It might’ve been to steal the Overlord’s soul- we’ll never know, though. I doubt the Nemesis would confide such information to us.” He whistled a low note, handing a crumb of a cracker to his ferret, “There’s some talk saying that you’re being deployed in the field.”

“It all depends on if we decide to sign this treaty,” Eric sighed, running his hand through his hair, almost forgetting that he’d gotten a haircut, “If we do, then we’re leaving to track the Overlord down immediately. The Insurgent Leader is putting me in charge of that operation. Ironically enough... I think I’ll promote Tinker... I mean... Zachary... To brigadier. He’s got a score to settle with the Overlord just as much as I do...”

“How does it feel? To lose your soul?” McCoy asked quietly, head tilted to the side, “You’re one of the only people here that can make the comparison between having a soul and having nothing.”

Eric wasn’t sure if he felt comfortable with that question and shrugged, “It sucks,” he said simply, glancing at the time on his cellphone. “I should go...” He nodded to McCoy, then added, “If I’m deployed, I’m requesting you to accompany me as well...”

“Of course... General,” McCoy nodded, tipping his head to Eric as he walked down the corridor. Eric waved and continued around the corridor, towards the throne room. He was still getting accustomed to his general’s attire, complete with the cape and fancy armor. Eric reached the throne room, completely not surprised to find that the Nemesis was sitting in the throne, though was leaning back and seemed rather comfortable.

The Rebel Commander stood there, decked out in what Eric could only describe as his best Halo fanboy armor. Beside him, the Pharisee stood, completely in white with a golden staff in his hand. Eric looked away, trying to hide a snort of laughter as he stood behind the Insurgent Leader. On the far side, a red-head in some fancy black striped dress shirt and a fedora was sharpening his daggers, his eyes narrowed angrily, in a very over-dramatic, pissed off fashion. Blondie was opposite from the Insurgent Leader, dressed in gold armor and a maroon cape. Eric still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was probably the most normal of the lot.

“Where did that stupid furball end up?” Blondie asked with a scoff, glancing about the throne room, “I don’t even think I saw him at the battle.”

“The Operatic Werewolf is dead,” the Nemesis announced, “It was the Overlord that defeated him. Her and her miscreant Soul-Keeper...” Eric shifted uncomfortably, but nodded, looming behind the Insurgent Leader dutifully. The Nemesis chuckled lightly, then shrugged, “Ah well. A life for a life.” He pointed at where the Theurgist’s body was displayed in a wall of ice near one of the pillars.

The Theurgist’s corpse startled Eric, and he drew back a step in disbelief. ‘No... He’s dead? What? No one told me that anyone was going to die!’ he thought in silent horror. ‘Why are they displaying his body like this? That’s awful...’ He glanced at the Insurgent Leader, trying to see if he could tell what his leader was thinking. The Insurgent Leader merely grinned at the Nemesis, rubbing his hands together evilly. ‘He’s FINE with this? I thought the Insurgents were about justice! And honor!’ Eric thought, shifting his weight.

“That’s harsh,” Pharisee commented, “Oh well. Guy was probably a douchebag.”

“Something wrong, General?” the Nemesis asked, quirking an eyebrow and glaring directly into the general’s eyes.

“No... Sir,” Eric replied, folding his arms and shaking his head. Glancing down at the ground, he began nudging a slab of ice with his toe, gritting his teeth. ‘The Insurgent Leader just said that we were dethroning the Overlord... He didn’t say anything about killing people...’ He sighed, looking away and biting his lip, ‘That’s stupid. This is war... people die all the time, right? But... Did I cause that? He was always a nice guy... I mean, I didn’t know him or anything... Why do I feel bad?’

“Good,” the Nemesis inclined his head, “Now... We’ve all agreed that our second stage of the operation would require complete cooperation of each army. The Rebels, the Insurgents, Pharisee’s ministries, Blondie’s cavaliers, Jester’s minions...” He glanced at the silent red-head, “And now, we sign the treaty.”

“Wait a second... We’re signing this treaty, but what good does it do for us?” Blondie demanded.

“Oh, silly freshman...” the Insurgent Leader laughed, “Together, we create an unstoppable force that could annihilate any other faction in a matter of seconds. That is why we’re here. To be an indestructible army!”

“Then sign me up,” the Rebel Commander replied, “The Rebels will do everything they can.”

“And so will we,” Pharisee nodded, “That false lord won’t escape us. She’s such a whore anyways. I heard she’s slept with-”

“That’s enough,” the Nemesis snapped at Pharisee, “Sign the treaty and I will issue the orders. For the sake of clarity and organization!” He thrust the paper into Pharisee’s face, receiving a menacing scowl from the young prophet.

The Insurgent Leader signed his name next, a smug grin on his face. He looked back at Eric and said proudly, “And so ends all of our problems with the Overlord. We’ll finally be able to move on with our lives now that she’s gone...”

“She’s not gone yet,” the Nemesis said shortly. He rose from his throne, snatching the paper from Blondie as he signed it last. “She’s still alive. Powerless, but alive. And with her soul, too.” He lifted a hand and the Overlord’s scythe appeared, continuing to glow uncannily. “Therefore, she is still a threat. She will be a threat until her soul is mine. So, now, my friends and allies, since we’re all declared enemies of this so-called Overlord... I propose to you an alliance, furthering our military bonds. The alliance of the Dark Ice Brotherhood.”

“Agreed. As long as we’re together, she can’t do anything to hurt us,” Jester spoke up suddenly, “What are our orders?”

“Rebel Commander, set up full surveillance around the Fortress. Your Rebels are to arm the walltops,” the Nemesis instructed, “The Insurgent Leader and I will continue to... scour these walls for possible stowaways or hidden cameras controlled by the Overlord. Blondie, Jester, I leave you in charge of setting up potential perimeters around areas the Overlord might be hiding at. General Eric... I hereby leave you and Pharisee in charge of tracking the Overlord.”

“Me?” Eric asked, then glanced at Pharisee. Stifling a groan, he nodded to the Nemesis, “Right... I’ll find her. Don’t worry. I’ve an idea on where to look.”

“Excellent. Now... To ensure victory, we must-” the Nemesis was cut off as the doors to the throne room were flung open, echoed with a very loud shout.


The Twin stood in the doorway, haloed by light. Her bow strapped to her back and a blade sheathed at her side, she marched into the throne room, a burning glare in her dark eyes. To her left, Jamie walked, albeit a little less purposeful, with a swagger and a bounce in her step. She whistled, glancing at the ice that seemed to loom in every corner of the throne room. To the Twin’s right, her sister walked, the newly promoted second-in-command of the Twin’s troops. She had recently been given the title of Centurion of the Troops, though, some still preferred to call her Little Ifill. She held a slim, curved blade in one hand, glaring at the gathered Dark Ice Brotherhood members.

“The Twin...” the Insurgent Leader drew his sword.

“Oh yippee,” Eric remarked, “How did they get past the defenses?”

“Uhm, dude, we walked,” Jamie replied, then pointed at Eric, “Aren’t you supposed to be with the Overlord? What gives?”

“There is no Overlord. Not here. Not anymore,” the Nemesis held the scythe out, offering a sly smirk, “You’ve come to the wrong Fortress... Twin.” Ice crawled up the doors, sealing the way out. The Twin pulled out her bow, tossing her hair back over her shoulder, and setting an arrow on the bowstring.

“I don’t know what you did to her... But you’re not getting away with it,” the Twin said coolly, “I’ll find her. Even if I have to tear this entire Fortress to the ground!”

“I think you misunderstand... She’s not here,” the Nemesis stated flatly, his words fading into the cold air, “And you’re annoying.”

“Ifill... I’m starting to think that this is a bad idea,” Jamie muttered, “I’m all up for shenanigans, but this is a bit much...”

“You’ve trespassed onto our territory. Now leave!” Jester snapped, “Before we have to use force!”

“No. This isn’t yours! It’s the OVERLORD’S!” Centurion Ifill declared, pointing her sword at Jester, “And we’ll fight you if we have to!”

“I don’t recommend that...” the Rebel Commander remarked, pointing a bazooka at the three trespassers.

Jamie narrowed her eyes at the Dark Ice Brotherhood, cutlass in hand. As the Twin released the first arrow, Jamie ran forward, pulling out a knife from her boot and tossing it at the Nemesis. He knocked it away with his scythe, then shot an ice bolt at Jamie. She ducked, swiping at his kneecap with her cutlass, then moved quickly away. Her blade clattered against his armor, barely denting it. Eric stepped in front of the much shorter Jamie, clearing his throat and looking down. Jamie pulled out a pistol and fired. Eric jumped back, tripping and nearly falling down as the bullet whizzed over his head. Blondie vacated the area, shouting that he was going ‘find some reinforcements’.

The Rebel Commander fired the bazooka at the Twin, dismayed as she leapt away. The missile struck the doors, opening the route back into the courtyard. Centurion Ifill had locked blades with Jester, but was aware that Pharisee was creeping behind her. Turning, she swiped her blade across his arm, drawing blood, then ducked as Jester tried to strike her. The Twin was firing arrows at both the Rebel Commander and the Nemesis, enchanting each projectile with a various spell. As the Nemesis lifted his hand to block an arrow with an ice shield, the arrow exploded into flame, piercing through the shield and striking the Nemesis in the shoulder.

“Insurgents! Attack!” the Insurgent Leader yelled, grabbing Jamie by the arm and throwing her to the ground. Jamie responded with a swift kick to the Insurgent Leader’s face, twisting around to avoid a blow from Eric’s sword. Sitting up to see a group of Insurgents enter the room, she hopped to her feet and turned to glance at the Twin.

“Ifill! There’s too many of them!” Jamie called, clashing blades with Eric, then turning to block where Insurgent Canada had snuck up behind her. She kicked him in the stomach, sending him backwards, then began making a break for the door.

McCoy sent a shower of bullets at the three trespassers, laughing all the while. The Twin grabbed Centurion Ifill and began running for the door, her free hand sending a light swirl of magic at McCoy. He plunged out of the way, the spell hitting an unlucky Jester and sending him colliding into a wall.

The three made it out of the Fortress and into the courtyard, rushing towards the gates. A glance up and Jamie could see two Insurgents by the gate controls. “They’re shutting the gates!” Jamie yelled in horror as the gates began to sway.

“Fine by me!” the Twin stopped and grabbed Jamie by the arm as well. She glanced at where the Nemesis was standing in the doorway, watching them with his icy blue eyes. Holding onto her sister and her friend tightly, she shut her eyes, forming a light yellow, purple, and green neon shield around them (she had recently found out how to color-coordinate her shields to her sunglasses). In a flash of light, the three had disappeared.

“Where’d they go?” Pharisee spat, hand on his gaping wound.

“To their beloved friend,” the Nemesis’ voice was a pur, “General Eric. Pharisee. Find the Overlord, no matter what. You will do everything necessary to return her to me. And I want her alive.” He glanced at Eric in particular, “Is that clear?”

“Yes,” Eric nodded, “I understand, sir.”

“Good...” the Nemesis turned back to where the Twin had warped them away, “Now... You are dismissed.” As Eric and Pharisee left, the Nemesis walked silently toward where the three had vanished, closing his eyes. He inhaled deeply, taking in the smells of the courtyard. Standing directly where the Twin had been, he muttered under his breath, “Earth... So that’s where they’ve run off to.” He allowed himself a chuckle, albeit a bitter taste in his mouth, “Of course... How typical, Overlord.”

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