Wednesday, June 23, 2010

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 22

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 22: Actions and Consequences

The walls of Fort Effort were crumbling in, burning as the Insurgents fought their way through into the Fort. Centurion Ifill had engaged Norris in combat and had locked blades with the young apprentice. As she slammed a foot into his chest and pinned him down, she glared down at him, rapier held at his throat, “Okay, you little blonde punk, I’m going to cut you up so bad if you don’t tell me where the Insurgent Leader is.” As he feebly pointed inside Fort Effort’s main building, Centurion Ifill whistled, a horse galloped over, passing through the mayhem with relative ease. Swinging her leg over the horse’s back, Centurion Ifill reared up, rapier in hand.

“Twin! He’s inside!” she yelled, running her free hand down the horse’s neck, “Easy Pat. We’ll be outta here soon.”

“The Ninja-Lord must’ve followed him inside! We lost her when that stupid Insurgent brat attacked us!” Shinobi glanced at the Twin, “She better be okay...!”

“She’ll be fine. She always is. I hope,” Llama said frantically.

“Only one way to find out!” the Witch jumped from the wall, into the chaos below. Sending a wave of swirling flame out at the Insurgents, she grinned, then made a dash for the doors, her sleek black dress flowing behind her. Jamie jumped from the wall as well, tossing a dagger into a nearby archer that had gotten the bad idea of trying to shoot her. As Jamie dashed up the stairs after the Witch, she swiped an Insurgent in the kneecap, quickly dispatching him before continuing. The Twin shot the doors open for them, having implanted explosives on a few of her arrows.

Jamie ran through the doors alongside the Witch, cutlass swiping through any Insurgent she could reach (which was admittingly a lot, in comparison with her short stature). She hit the next hall seconds after the Witch, flying right past Batman as she did so. The Twin shot a few arrows down the hall at two Insurgent guards that were standing in front of the main hall’s doors. As the arrows thudded into the guards, the Witch flung the doors open, her eyes narrowed as she saw the Insurgent Leader standing alone in the room. Gazing up at a particularly large hole in Fort Effort’s ceiling, he didn’t turn to face the others as they ran inside. Instead, he rested his hand on the hilt of Muramasa, waiting for them to begin prattling on about how he was an awful person.

“Where’s the Ninja-Lord!?” the Witch demanded.

“Where do you think?” the Insurgent Leader turned to face the Witch, Muramasa in hand.

“Oh my God!” Jamie yelled, pointing at the severed arm laying in the middle of the floor, stained with blood.

“What the hell did you do to her?” the Witch shouted in anger, summoning a sphere of fire in her hand.

“My God...” the Twin gasped, staring at the arm with horrified brown eyes, “Ninja-Lord...” She whispered eyes flooded with tears. Kunoichi grabbed the Twin as she fell to her knees, sobbing openly. The Insurgent Leader scoffed, then turned away, lifting his hand to the sky. Black mist returned to the floor, sweeping through from the sky and spreading across the tile.

“We need to go...” Jamie stammered, pulling on the Witch’s arm, “Leave him, don’t you see we have to go!”

“No...” the Witch gritted her teeth.

“This place is swarming with Insurgents. We have to fall back!” Jamie yelled, “You’ll get yourself KILLED!”

“... Fine!” the Witch acquiesced, albeit reluctantly. As she turned to flee, the Insurgent Leader began laughing, insanity filling his voice. Kunoichi dragged the Twin away, meeting Centurion Ifill in the hall.

“Where is she?” Centurion Ifill demanded, rapier a light maroon to the hilt. She caught a glance of her sister’s tearful face, then pulled her onto the horse with her, stunned silent.

“Get the others. Fish!” Jamie yelled, glancing over at where Fish had restrained both Tinkerbell and Agent. He perked up, looking at Jamie quizzically before releasing the two Insurgents. Falling to the ground, Agent picked up his sword, then made a charge for Fish as he turned away. Fish whirled around, grabbing Agent by the throat. A set of claws burst forth from Fish’s fingers, clutching Agent’s neck as he lifted him into the air slowly. Tossing Agent into the recovering Tinkerbell, Fish turned away once more, looking at the newfound claws rather oddly.

“That’s... new,” Centurion Ifill remarked.

“Get us out of here, Witch,” Shinobi said through clenched teeth, grabbing onto the crying Llama’s arm. “Now! The troops can’t handle much more!”

The Witch nodded and lifted her arm, releasing a blinding flash of light into the air. The Twin let out a cry of anguish, face buried into Kunoichi’s shoulder, “Ninja-Lord!”


Eric awoke rather suddenly, clutching his chest as he did so. He tried to move his legs but found that they were quite sore- perhaps from the jolt he’d been given before losing consciousness. He painfully turned his head, glancing at a set of furry paws before looking up at the face of his ‘guard’. Nard sat, staring at him oddly with his tongue sticking out. The Soul Jar hung around his neck, glowing vibrantly with an abundance of souls.

Silently, Eric reached for the jar, but gasped in pain as his elbow popped. Nard trotted away, leaving Eric alone in the tent. A few moments later, a group of people entered the tent, the first one being the Overlord, followed by the Evocator, the Advisor, a sobbing Twin, and the Soul-Keeper. He noted their grim expressions and began to wonder if he had awoken at the wrong time. Pushing himself up into a sitting position and cringing at the pain, he blinked a few times, watching as the Evocator quietly comforted the Twin.

The Overlord shot Eric a look, her eyes devoid of the usual spark of sarcasm and spirit they usually carried. Instead, they were replaced with something else. Hints of tears? Maybe, but he didn’t ask. She tore her gaze away from him, looking frustrated, dismayed, but above all, just angry. The Advisor looked down at the ground, twiddling her thumbs in an uncomfortable silence. The Soul-Keeper stared out the tent door, dazed as he did so.

“... What happened?” he asked, a few moments of pure quiet passing by.

“Ninja-Lord’s dead,” the Overlord said in quiet, slurred speech, a clear indicator that she, too, was on the verge of tears. “She took on the Insurgent Leader by herself.” That was all she could muster for a few moments, allowing a tear to roll down her cheek before whirling upon the General of the Insurgents. “Do you see now what you’ve done.” Another one of those non-questions. Eric cringed. “She’s dead.” Another pause. “Like the Theurgist.” He didn’t know what to say. “Did you ever think about how your actions affected people.” A second non-question. He could tell that she was pissed. “I guess you just thought of yourself. What did he promise you?”

“... He said I could be free...”

“You had me fooled. Had us all fooled. You and Tinkerbell. And now there’s people dead. You disgust me.”

“I wanted my soul back. I wanted to be free. I didn’t know all of this would happen. He just... He just said he would free us all and we could go back to our old lives. We just had to give you to him...” Eric stammered, completely taken aback.

“Tell that to the people who had loved ones that died,” the Evocator whispered venomously, tears in her eyes, “Do you know what some of us lost when you ‘just wanted your stupid freedom’? Didn’t you ever think that you had all the freedom in the world? You didn’t have a bad life, you stupid little brat, you just whined your damn ass off the entire time.”

“You ENSLAVED me!” Eric shot back angrily, “I wanted that chance to be who I used to be.”

“Alexi’s dead because of you,” the Evocator broke out into tears, “He’s dead. I loved him. And you took that away.” Eric sat there, staring at her in shock- numbed and unable to comprehend what was happening. The Evocator continued, “So are you satisfied with your little freedom? Are you satisfied that you’re free to do whatever you’d like? Because lives were paid for that freedom, you little ignorant snob. Lives that you didn’t control. Didn’t have a DAMN right to decide what should happen to them!” The Overlord glanced at where the Theurgist had entered the tent quietly just moments ago. Quietly, the Theurgist reached over and put an arm around the Evocator, fighting back wispy tears.

“I...” Eric faltered.

“You betrayed us, Sexist. You turned your back on all of us. You know... For a time, I thought I could trust you. After what happened with the Uberlord. The Room of the Wises. You saved my life, just to what? Try to get me killed later?” the Overlord said quietly, standing up. “Alexi’s dead. Kylee’s dead. Their lives could have been spared if you had kept your end of our contract. You work for me, I work for you- it’s how it’s always been.” The Overlord pulled a katana from its sheath, running her fingers over the markings on its blade, “I ought to kill you. Might not bring them back, but it’ll make me feel better.”

“No!” Sexist stammered, holding up his hands and realizing that he hadn’t been handcuffed the entire time.

“No, I didn’t handcuff you. Where could you run?” the Overlord halfway laughed now, sounding slightly psychotic as she turned to face him, “Fortunately, I am a very considering individual. I know who will pay the ultimate price for the Ninja-Lord and the Theurgist dying. It will be the Nemesis.” She stuck the blade into the dirt, then glared at Sexist, green eyes fighting to stay interlocked with his blue eyes. It was still so hard- she saw the Nemesis in there so many times, “Your life was spared by me when we fought in the forest earlier today. Take that as how much you owe me. You owe everything. Your life. So you will follow me. I have your soul handy, and I will use it to coerce you into obeying me.”

Sexist nodded dumbly, rubbing his head.

“The Nemesis placed a Curse on you, didn’t he?” the Overlord asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“I don’t remember much these past few days,” Sexist admitted.

“He’s bestowed ice powers on you. Meaning you hold a fraction of his power. Meaning he was implementing his own will upon you, which is nothing more than a sucky way of trying to mind control you. Which means that since I have your soul, he can’t do that any longer. This also means that if you were to re-obtain your soul, you’d be re-bound to whatever Curse he inflicted on you, which means your life boils down to two options, Sexist, so listen carefully,” the Overlord held out one hand, “Eternal servitude to me. Or...” She held out the other hand, “Eternal servitude to the Nemesis, who apparently can brainwash you. Take your pick.”

“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” Sexist smiled wryly.

“I have your soul and I don’t plan on giving it back, so, no, you really don’t,” the Overlord shrugged, careless. “So, welcome back, Underling Sexist.”

“What IS a Curse anyways?” the Advisor asked quietly.

“It’s an ancient art. Forbidden stuff. You essentially give the target two options- a painful death or they have to complete whatever mission they’re given. Upon giving the Curse, the Curser, it is said, gives them an unbendable desire to fulfill their mission. This desire is outrageous, usually takes a toll on the physical form, and leads to quite a few frenzies. I wouldn’t imagine you’ve been getting a lot of sleep, have you?” the Overlord asked, and when Sexist shook his head, the Overlord shrugged again, “There’s also some rumor that part of the Curser’s soul- some sliver of it- enters the Cursed to fuel their desire to accomplish their goal. But it’s only a rumor.”

“So I see...” the Advisor nodded, “Well, as long as he’s willing to cooperate, I guess everyone is willing to have him. He and McCoy will be valuable assets to the army.”

“What about Blondie?” the Soul-Keeper asked absent-mindedly.

“I’ll interrogate him later,” the Overlord began towards the tent door, looking down at Sexist on her way out. She couldn’t shake the way he looked at her, the eyes piercing into her mind. Glancing away, she departed from the tent, exhaling softly. “Did I do the right thing?”

“Time will only tell,” the Theurgist echoed quietly.


The Ninja-Lord was not dead, despite popular belief. When the blade had come down, she had lost consciousness, but the blade had not even touched her. She was unaware of how she’d gotten to the caverns, but they were there and she was not alone. Though it had taken a few minutes for her eyes to adjust to the pitch black, the Ninja-Lord had grown accustomed to the lack of light. She was laying on a bed, her right arm completely gone almost to the shoulder. The shock had worn off eventually, as had the will to move her now very gone arm.

The person that had saved her was a strange individual indeed. Hooded and rather short, she scurried around the caves with surprising speed. All that the Ninja-Lord had gathered about the woman was that her name was Maverick- sometimes with a ‘the’ or sometimes without. The Ninja-Lord was fairly certain that she was crazy. Actually, there was little doubt that Maverick was crazy. It was pretty much established.

“Where are we?” the Ninja-Lord persisted, watching Maverick as she walked around the bed, sprinkling what looked like some illegal drug on the ground. As the Ninja-Lord sat up, Maverick pushed her back down with one hand, muttering stuff under her breath.

“Do not speak. Must pray,” Maverick hissed, “Arm almost done. Sleep more, little ninja.”

“I... I’m kinda weirded out by this whole thing, not gonna lie,” the Ninja-Lord remarked, but lay back down against the soft bed, closing her eyes. The weird white stuff was letting off some weird, mesmerizing aroma. She breathed in deeply, tired to the point that she couldn’t really care if the Maverick was dancing a jig around her.

“One of the Overlord’s underlings,” Maverick muttered to herself, “Always in trouble, that Overlord. Always fighting. Never stops to smell the roses. Roses smell good. I like red roses. They remind me of love. Ahhh... Love...” She sighed, then scolded the Ninja-Lord as she giggled at the Maverick’s nonsense, “Soul-less one should be sleeping!”

“Soul-less one wants to know why you’re drugging her,” the Ninja-Lord remarked sleepily.

“Soul-less one doesn’t want to be awake for what Maverick has in mind,” the Maverick chided her.

“That’s... not comforting at all,” the Ninja-Lord mumbled.

“Soul-less one wants arm back? Soul-less one gets arm back. Only if Soul-less one is nice and gives Maverick nice red rose,” Maverick waved a hand over the Ninja-Lord’s head as the Ninja-Lord began dozing off, giggling gleefully. “Soul-less one is going to love new arm. Soul-less one is going to get Maverick roses.”


The Nemesis had arrived at Fort Effort within an hour of the Underling army’s retreat. Stepping lightly over the dead bodies and gruesome appendages laying scattered about, he cleared his throat upon entering the Insurgent Leader’s new chambers, which had formerly been the Twin’s. Upon entering, the Nemesis took a gander at how the Insurgent Leader was remodeling the formerly neon room, ordering a few painters to remove the bright colors and paint the walls black.

“You appear to be busy,” the Nemesis whispered softly, “It seems as though you’ve been quite... Fruitful in your plunderings. Almost forgetful of the Brotherhood and the bonds we all share.”

A painter dropped his bucket at the sight of the Nemesis, glancing out the window to spy the Jabberwocky flying about Fort Effort, waiting for its master to return. “I won this fort fair and square, after all. What have the others done to show for their work? No Overlord, no prisoners, just failure every time,” the Insurgent Leader turned to face the Nemesis.

“That is true,” the Nemesis inclined his head in agreement, inspecting a rather large wardrobe on the far side of the room, “Peculiar thing, this is. Haven’t seen one of these in ages.”

“It’s a wardrobe,” the Insurgent Leader scoffed, then continued, “You have your Fortress. This can be mine. The others can have their own forts when they conquer them. I’m not letting them stay here. This fort was taken for the Insurgents by the Insurgents.” He placed Muramasa and its sheath on the bed, then folded his arms, silently noting to change the bed sheets to something less girlie. Perhaps even a new bed entirely was a good idea. ‘To Bed, Bath, and Beyond after this,’ the Insurgent Leader thought, then silently remarked, ‘What’s in the Beyond section, I wonder...?’

“It seems like you need a bit of soul-searching, Thomas. You’ve lost yourself entirely in this quest for power, and it saddens me,” the Nemesis murmured, but loud enough so that the Insurgent Leader could hear him, “You killed the Ninja-Lord? That’s just low even for you. I’m proud.” Grabbing the Insurgent Leader by the arm, the Nemesis forced the wardrobe open, “But I’ll teach you a lesson in humility. Flaunting your powers like that? Did you think I hadn’t guessed your scheme to overthrow me?”

The Insurgent Leader stared at the Nemesis, eyes wide in shock, “O-overthrow...?”

“Your new darkness powers, I must admit, I thought were hereditary. But when I realized you endeavored to one day overthrow the very Brotherhood you helped forged? I was hurt, Thomas. So very hurt. Perhaps this will show you why I cannot be stopped. Why your place is and forever will be at my feet- as the dog that eats the scraps from his master’s table.” Picking the Insurgent Leader up, the Nemesis quietly tossed him into the wardrobe, slamming it shut and locking it.

Glancing at the painters that were all frightfully staring at him, the Nemesis said, incredibly nonchalant, “I think a nice blue would go well with the curtains you have there.” Without another comment, he left the room, leaving the painters in fearful silence.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 21

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 21: A Decisive Victory

The battle was going poorly. Grabbing a nearby dying soldier, the Soul-Keeper threw the unfortunate knight in front of Blondie as he tried to stab him. As the enemy’s sword impaled the poor soldier, the Soul-Keeper caught Blondie in the back of the head with his staff. “You know, I think I liked it better when you were a stupid Insurgent,” the Soul-Keeper muttered, sending a piercing shock through Blondie’s spine. As Blondie fell to the ground, the Soul-Keeper placed a triumphant foot on his back. However, in the blink of an eye, Blondie had pulled a knife from his belt and had stuck the blade into the Soul-Keeper’s leg. As the Soul-Keeper bent over in pain, Blondie rolled out from under him, grabbing his sword as he did. Victoriously crying out, Blondie held up his sword, pressing it against the Soul-Keeper’s neck.

“NO!” the Animal Tamer yelled, kicking an brigand that was halfway on her sword away from her. “Soul-Keeper!”

“And now, you die!” Blondie yelled, eyes alight with mad glee. The blade glinted in the sunlight, filtered between the trees. The Soul-Keeper looked up, horrified as Blondie’s sword lifted, like some guillotine ready to decapitate him. Frozen in fear, the Soul-Keeper’s heart stopped, the entire world going silent. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Evocator, an arrow protruding painfully from her shoulder. Part of her sleeve was torn and her face was stained with dirt, but she had sent a gush of emerald looking wind at a mounted unit, trying to aid Belarus as she dragged an unconscious Prussia away from the battle. To his right, he saw the Animal Tamer trying to reach him, thrown back as Jester intercepted her, a knife cutting her cheek open. He saw the smurfs being overwhelmed by much taller DIB warriors, being beaten viciously. Fluffy had been subdued, and was laying on his side, barely conscious. The Advisor was jumping over a log, sending a spray of bullets into the DIB ranks, but was on the far side of the battlefield.

‘Am I really going to die here...?’

And there there was a blast. Blondie flew away from the Soul-Keeper, right before his eyes, trailed with smoke and even a few flames. The noise that had taken Blondie had been deafening, rocking the entire ravine. The Soul-Keeper saw Blondie’s blade sticking out of the ground, the sounds of the battlefield flooding his ears once more. “What in the world...?” the Soul-Keeper gasped, looking at where the Lieutenant had launched a missile straight into the DIB officer. “T-thank you! Oh, oh, THANK YOU SO MUCH!” the Soul-Keeper yelled happily. The Lieutenant, despite the dirt and leaves caking his facial hair, and the blood smeared on one side of his face, saluted the Soul-Keeper, then went off to exploding more DIB soldiers.

The Soul-Keeper pulled the dagger from his leg, wincing as it began bleeding. Glancing up, he spied the Evocator run over, despite her own injuries, “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Are YOU okay?” the Soul-Keeper pointed at the arrow with a shaky finger, “I... Oh God, this knife and sword business is too bloody for me.”

“No puking on me!” the Evocator scolded him, “Here, let’s try this! Conjure, peace spirit! Eirene! Blanca!” A mist filled the area, pure white with a soothing, moist feel. As it swirled around the Evocator, it began to take on the shape of some hooded maiden, with a large swan perched on her shoulders. “Heal this guy up!” the Evocator glanced at the healing spirit.

“She looks like Christine...” the Soul-Keeper reached up to touch the spirit, but found that his hand went right through her. “She can heal me up any time!”

On the other side of the battlefield, the Scribe, the Master of Tazers, and the Apprentice had forced Jester away from the wounded Animal Tamer. As the Master of Tazers leaned down to see if the Animal Tamer was well, the Scribe had taken some sort of claymore from a fallen DIB soldier, “BACK! GET BACK, YOU... DISGRACEFUL... THING!”

“Oh, that’ll REALLY show him, Scribe,” the Master of Tazers remarked, helping the Animal Tamer up gently.

“You frizzy-haired little idiot...” Jester sneered, sending a knife flying at the Scribe. The Scribe whacked the dagger away, then charged, dealing Jester a hefty blow to the stomach. Knocking him away, the Scribe huffed and puffed a few moments before straightening himself, wiping the blade clean, then watching as Jester began limping away.

In the mean time, the Apprentice had begun summoning a new song to replace the battle theme she’d been playing (which had been an appropriate Duel of the Fates). As Jester began calling for a retreat, the Apprentice officially changed the song to “Na Na Hey, Kiss Him Goodbye”.

“I... I did it... I really did it...” the Scribe stammered, eyes wide. “I just... Did... Did you see that!?”

“Yes, I saw it... good job,” the Master of Tazers said with usual sarcasm. “Now help clean everything up.”

“Is everyone accounted for?” the Advisor asked as the last DIB soldier fled the ravine. The Lieutenant had dragged out the ragged and bloody form of Blondie from behind a few stones. Bending down, he put a hand around the limp soldier’s wrist, waiting for a few minutes before declaring.

“He’s alive.”


The Insurgent Leader couldn’t explain what had made him turn around. But something had. His sense had become sharper in the past few days- there was no rat that moved by him without his knowledge. No whisper that he could not hear. No fart amongst his troops went unheard- and the Insurgent Leader learned that this power made it all the more easy to evade his more gassy soldiers. But the sound of a bowstring being pulled and an arrow launching made him turn. And with his hand held on Muramasa’s hilt, he unsheathed the cursed blade, a flash of sunlight being the only movement that the Twin could see. The arrow fell to the ground, shattered by the blade. Glancing down at the wooden shaft that had almost taken his life, he blinked, before gazing out, directly at the Twin.

“Insurgent Leader...?” Norris asked from his right side, head tilted to the side, “What is it?”

“Maintain the walltop and after the battle, begin a search. Every soldier supporting the newly formed ANF will die. Every innocent is to be taken into question. I will perform the interrogations myself. What we cannot use will be ransacked and burned,” the Insurgent Leader ordered, his voice strangely cold. “Agent, there’s a squadron of ninjas en route to slay me. They’re your priority.”

“Where are you going...!?” Agent stammered.

“To secure the main room and claim this fort as my own,” the Insurgent Leader growled, unable to hide the fact that his left eye was twitching. As he stepped down to the main floor of Ft. Effort he found several of the guards waiting for him. As the Ft. Effort guards ran towards him, he merely willed them away from him, waving his hand and pressing them up against the wall with some invisible force until they passed out. He came across a few Insurgents- primarily the Brigadier (or, as most would know him, Tinkerbell) and Batman. Briefly, he wondered if General Eric was having as much luck as he was. After directing the Insurgents to begin preparing defenses against the newly arrived Twin and her friends, he emerged into what looked like some throne room- minus a throne.

He had taken about seven steps into the room when some movement in the shadows caught his eye. Stopping for a minute, the Insurgent Leader sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I figured you’d slip past Agent,” the Insurgent Leader looked at where the Ninja-Lord emerged from the shadows, katana in hand.

“What’s happened to you?” the Ninja-Lord demanded, eyes narrowed as she watched the Insurgent Leader draw his sword from its sheath. “You’re acting out of malice. So unlike the little hero we all know. From this stance, it looks like the Overlord is less suited for the SVC than you.”

“DIB is not villainous. We’re here to end villainy, Ninja-Lord. Our purpose is to eliminate the SVC and its contributors,” the Insurgent Leader spat, “The False One has reigned for far too long. And I’ve been inadequate in stopping her for far too long. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Don’t you see what the Nemesis did? He murdered the Theurgist, Insurgent Leader!” the Ninja-Lord yelled, holding her katana up at the ready, “You’re not a hero. Because no hero would side with the Nemesis. I’m done talking with you.” The Ninja-Lord sprung forward, swords colliding into each other. As a spray of sparks flew against the tile ground, the Ninja-Lord threw her back into pressing her blade against Muramasa. The Insurgent Leader jumped back, sending a wave of black magic at the Ninja-Lord. Using the wall, the Ninja-Lord jumped high over the spell, flipping, then crossing blades with the Insurgent Leader again.

The Insurgent Leader spun around and tried to catch the Ninja-Lord off-guard. She blocked his every move, her much smaller katana quicker than his larger sword. Realizing this, the Insurgent Leader sheathed Muramasa, lifting a hand and closing his eyes. The room began to fill to black smog, drifting around the ground as mist did, clinging to the Ninja-Lord’s legs, but not hampering her from walking. The Ninja-Lord’s eyes narrowed, forming small slits as she studied the Insurgent Leader. “So you’ve sold yourself,” she muttered, replacing her katana in its holder. Grabbing three shuriken, she held them at the ready in her hand, watching as the mist suddenly surged forward. Wrapping around the Insurgent Leader, the black smog formulated into a snake, its eyes crimson slits amidst the darkness.

Jumping back, the Ninja-Lord let the ninja stars fly at the Insurgent Leader as the mist-snake lunged forward. Snapping its jaws at the Ninja-Lord, it missed by inches. Moving as fast as she could, the Ninja-Lord jumped up on the side of the wall, running along it as the snake began slithering after her. The Insurgent Leader directed it with his arms, aiming a strike at the wall in front of the Ninja-Lord. As the smoke-snake coiled and reached back with its mighty neck, the Ninja-Lord jumped into the air, katana in hand. The snake hit the wall with such a force that it caved in, the Ninja-Lord landing on its other side, between the snake and the Insurgent Leader. Realizing that he was vulnerable, the Insurgent Leader lifted his hands to grab his sword, but it was too late. The Ninja-Lord flashed by him, a mere blur as her katana struck him in the stomach. Upon impact, the smoke-snake vanished.

Staggering back, the Insurgent Leader grabbed the gaping wound in pain, the Ninja-Lord not facing him. Cleverly, the Insurgent Leader bent over, looking rather defeated despite his other hand sneaking to Muramasa’s hilt. ‘Stupid girl... Always trying to foil my plans. And then when she thinks that she’s killed me...’ The Ninja-Lord turned to face the Insurgent Leader, a rather expressionless look in her eyes. However, as she turned, the Insurgent Leader moved as well, Muramasa a mere glint of light as he struck the Ninja-Lord. Some reflex had driven the Ninja-Lord away from the blade, but not in time. She felt the blade pierce her arm, digging all the way through. Shock and excruciating pain ran through her, causing her to fall to the ground.

Gasping for air between shudders, the Ninja-Lord felt her vision fading in and out, the shock overwhelming her, “M-my arm...”

“Did you think that I’d survived for so long if a single stab to my stomach could kill me?” the Insurgent Leader declared, Muramasa held above her, ready to stab her through the chest. He stepped over the severed limb, crimson tainting the soles of his boots. “You will be a testament to DIB’s power... I’m only sorry it had to end this way, Ninja-Lord!”

And he thrust Muramasa forward.


The Captain led the way through the forests, carefully glancing over his shoulder at where the massive ferret was clawing through the trees. Running alongside the Captain was the Grasshopper, surprisingly able to keep up with him. She cut a path through the shrubs with her sword, occasionally letting out a small shriek as Mooka would come closer to the fleeing underlings. “We’re almost there!” the Captain shouted, “I thought this stupid thing would have lost us by now!”

“We can’t led it back to the campsite!” the Grasshopper gasped, “We’ll have to kill it.”

“It’ll EAT us!” the Captain yelled, “No, we’ll lure it in and the rest of the army can help us. Maybe it’ll give Fluffy something to munch on.” He grabbed her by the arm and the two continued their mad sprint through the forest, the Captain pulling out a pistol and firing over his shoulder at Mooka.

What seemed like an age, the two skidded to a stop, resting over the remains of the campsite. The Grasshopper clung onto the Captain’s arm as the ferret came barreling out of the timberline, colliding into the two. Tumbling head over heels into the ravine, the Grasshopper was temporarily delirious, shutting her eyes until she finally rested on the ground, in the middle of the camp. As all heads turned to the large ferret standing at the top of the ravine, the Soul-Keeper helped the Grasshopper up onto her feet.

“Looks like you’re back,” the Advisor frowned, glancing at Mooka, “With company.”

“Mooka!” McCoy yelled, breaking through the trees. Though the Grasshopper waited for the Rebel Commander to appear alongside him, she realized that McCoy was alone, standing next to his pet. Mooka reared up, then shrank again, twitched his nose, then scurried up McCoy’s coat, resting on his shoulder.

“What do you want, McCoy?” the Soul-Keeper demanded, staff in hand, “We’ve had about all we can take from DIB today. I suggest you get out of here before you become my next victim in the Dungeon!”

“As terrifying as that sounds... I’m here for the Overlord,” McCoy tipped his hat to the Soul-Keeper, “I just want to talk.” Machine gun resting on his belt, McCoy lifted his hands, though was unable to hide a charming smile. Confused, the Soul-Keeper’s eyes moved from McCoy to the Advisor, wondering what she thought of this. “Can I come down there?” McCoy asked, eyeing the heaps of dead bodies that were being piled on the far side of the ravine.

“If he comes in peace, let him talk,” a voice announced from behind the others. As the Underling Army turned, the Animal Tamer shot upright from where the Evocator was tending to her wounds.


Standing on the far side of the ravine while barely able to hold an unconscious Eric upright, the Overlord glanced down at the ruined campsite, still roughed up from her own fight. “Is that Sexist?” the Advisor asked, eyes wide as the Overlord tried to walk a step, but nearly fell over.

“Yes, and he’s quite heavy, so, unless you want me to collapse as well, I suggest we get our more able-bodied Underlings up here.”

The Captain and the Lieutenant climbed the slope and took Eric’s limp form from the Overlord. She leaned against her staff, glancing down at her injuries. In silence, she followed the Captain and the Lieutenant down from the ridge, into the ruined campsite. Walking towards the Soul-Keeper, she put a hand on his shoulder, then nodded to him, “Good work.” And then, she watched as McCoy joined her on the ground, removing his hat politely. Watching McCoy, the Overlord couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy in his presence. “Speak.”

“You’ve captured General Eric and Blondie?” McCoy inquired.

“I was unaware of Blondie’s surrender. But yes, we appear to have,” the Overlord responded evenly.

“The Insurgent Leader has been acting odd lately. He bars himself in his room, reads these odd leather-bound books, and doesn’t speak to anyone except the Nemesis. His behavior is troubling. So I did research,” McCoy responded, glancing at where the Lieutenant and the Captain were tying Eric’s hands. The Overlord waved at them, signaling them to stop.

“Go on.”

“He’s dabbled in dark magic. That much is clear. His eyes are dark, Overlord. He’s not the guy I pledged my gun to. So, I ask... if you understand me... Where do I sign?” McCoy replaced his hat, then folded his arms.

“You wish to ally yourself with me?”


“As an Underling?”

“Perhaps more like a temporary servant until DIB is destroyed.”


It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. The Overlord glared at McCoy, green eyes bearing into his eyes. McCoy shifted his feet uncertainly, very much aware of how his life was at stake if he answered poorly. “I don’t fight for people that go against their word. You say that you’ll overthrow DIB? Do it, and I’m yours.” The Overlord watched McCoy silently, eyes bright against the grime and dirt that stained her face. Silence swept through the campsite, all eyes resting on the Overlord as she stared blankly at McCoy.

And then she smiled, resting a hand and clasping his shoulder, “You know what, McCoy? I think I like you.”

“What about Fort Effort?” the Soul-Keeper asked, looking at the Overlord. “Ah... I forgot! You weren’t there!” He stomped a foot in frustration, flailing his arms around like usual, “The Twin went to go fight! The Insurgent Leader’s set a campaign against Fort Effort!”

“Oh, so that’s where half my forces went,” the Overlord remarked, “We’ll go find them. Immediately. Those who can still fight are welcome to...” She glanced back at where the Theurgist was drifting a few paces behind the Evocator, watching her as she mended the Animal Tamer’s wounds. She noted the sorrow in his eyes as he reached out to touch one of the cuts on the Evocator’s arm. Jerking her head away, the Overlord took in a deep breath, “McCoy, I’d like to see what you can do with that gun of yours.”

“Happy to oblige, ma’am!” McCoy saluted her.

“Ohhhhhhh snap!” the Soul-Keeper giggled.

Monday, June 21, 2010

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 20

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 20: A Turn In the Tides

Fort Effort was a very perplexing building somewhere in the Between. While it ranged further away from the Room of the Wises than the Fortress did, it was still in sight of the craggy cliffs and mountains that sheltered the Wises, it’s easternmost wall actually a portion of one of the red-colored cliffs. Fort Effort had been sculpted very skillfully from the cliffs, its structure a reddish hue due to the rock it had been made from. While it took on the appearance of an old school medieval fortress, the interior was much more modern. There was a rock climbing wall, a casino, and even a Laser Tag room. Why? No one was quite sure, but people suspected that it had something to do with the Twin’s spontaneity.

Fort Effort’s name was even spontaneous. The Overlord had actually been the one to commission Fort Effort, as payment for the Twin’s efforts against the Uberlord. The Twin had been the one to name it, and had been forced rather harshly by the Overlord to come up with a name for it on the spot. When the Twin remarked that it was ‘too much effort’ to concoct a name, the Overlord had then made her decision as to what the fort would be titled. However, it made a much better story to say that the Twin and her soldiers had slaved away at building the fort for years, so, quite a few people lived under the belief that the fort was so named due to all of the hard work that the Twin’s forces had put into the construction work.

The wall surrounding Fort Effort was almost completely submerged in Insurgents. As the group appeared somewhere in the wastelands behind the main Insurgent army, the Twin couldn’t help but let out a gasp of horror, “My FORT!” Notching an arrow to her bow, she glanced back at the group of people who had followed her through the portal. “Kill the Insurgents! All of them!”

Fish nodded to the Twin, then lifted his arm. A series of chains shot out of the ground from behind him, lashing out at the back of the Insurgent Army. The Ninja-Lord charged forward, katana in hand. As she approached a ballista that was ruthlessly attacking the walls, she impaled the person operating it, not stopping to check if he was dead. Kunoichi lit a match and caught the remains of the ballista on fire, grinning all the while. Llama ducked under a large Insurgent, brandishing a pair of nunchuku. She dealt a hefty blow to the Insurgent between the legs, then continued after the Ninja-Lord. Shinobi, in the mean time, was having fun clanging on each Insurgent’s helmets with the hilt of his katana, causing them to be stunned by the deafening ringing.

Elwell was busy resurrecting an army of zombies, much to Centurion Ifill’s horror and fascination. Obstruckshun had seemingly disappeared, though, it was assumed that she had slipped off with the Ninjas, too small to really notice. Sensei was trailing after the Ninjas, but instead of charging through the troops, she was hopping from Insurgent to Insurgent via stepping on their heads.

“YAR!” Jamie held up her cutlass, charging forward alongside the Witch, Centurion Ifill, and the Twin. The Witch began casting meteorites to shower down on the Insurgent Army, cackling all the while. The Twin launched an arrow into an Insurgent working a catapult, then notched another arrow to her bow.

“The ninjas are scaling the walls!” Centurion Ifill looked at her sister, rapier drawn. “I think I see the Insurgent Leader by the main gates.”

“I’ll give him something to think about,” the Twin said through clenched teeth, pointing an arrow at where the Insurgent Leader had just climbed the walltop. His back to the main army, he had yet to see the newly arrived Underlings and their allies, despite the ceaseless screams of Fish’s chains dragging unfortunate footsoldiers under the surface. The Twin enchanted one of her arrows with thunder and fire, her brown eyes locked on the oblivious Insurgent Leader. A few heartbeats later and she let the arrow fly.


Eric’s flails slammed into a tree next to the Overlord’s head. As bark showered over her head, she turned and low-kicked him in the knee cap, her shoe not doing much damage against his armor. She rolled away, clutching the green and black staff tightly as it began to power up an attack. As Eric slung one of the spiked balls forward, the Overlord leapt back, sending a blast of magic into his chest. He extended his hand and shot out a few waves of water, completely devoid of any emotion as they turned to ice shards. Hitting the surface of a tree, the Overlord watched as the ice began to consume it, freezing it over entirely.

And, very wisely, she stepped back, the other shards hitting other trees and freezing them over, but as the ice began to crawl down to the roots, it began to spread to the ground, turning everything it touched to ice. “Run,” the Theurgist whispered, and the Overlord turned and began to sprint away.

“Coward!” Eric sneered, running after her. The Overlord’s staff went back into its holder as she ran, tearing through both trees and bushes. Clearing the thickest part of the forest, she slid down a slope, estimating that she was probably five miles down the ravine from her campsite. Looking back up at where the ice was continuing to devour the trees, the Overlord took off down the ravine, away from the camp. She couldn’t afford to lead him to where her soldiers were- she wouldn’t betray them like that.

A few feet in front of her, a large stream of water shot up, freezing over and blocking her path. The tendrils of ice spreading towards her ceased their advance, stopping several yards away. Eric slowed to a stop, still carrying both flails. “Where did you think you’d run to?” the General asked with a laugh, “You’re not going anywhere.”

“You fell for it,” the Overlord retorted, then slammed the staff into the ground. Stepping away from the staff, she watched as it sent out waves of flame in every direction, melting the ice that surrounded them. As it did this, the Overlord charged forward, weaponless, towards the General of the Insurgents. As one of the flails struck her in the shoulder, she turned around, a wave of flame scorching the back of Eric’s armor. Eric grabbed her by the wrist and slammed her into the ground. She sent a foot into his stomach, then jumped back to her feet. Drawing a small dagger from her pocket, she stood at the ready, the blade glowering in the light from the fire.

As Eric lashed out, the Overlord was faster, stabbing him with the blade between his plates of armor and pulling away. There was another stab to the leg, a small cut to the cheek, then she was suddenly knocked backwards, one of the flails catching her in the chest. Winded, she sat on the ground, glancing up in time to see the General reach back with a flail to smash down. The Overlord jumped up, the flail shattering her shoulder in the process as she made a decisive blow to the General’s chest. The knife stuck out awkwardly, Eric grabbing the hilt in pain. He sputtered and gasped for air, blood running down his chest.

“You thought you could capture me?” the Overlord laughed in triumph, despite the agonizing pain in her shoulder. It was hard to move her right arm without sending a thunderous jolt of pain down her spine. “You were dead the minute you turned your back on me.”

And then, Eric stood up, defying the Overlord’s predictions entirely. Her laughter and smile faded at once, replaced by a mixture of horror and confusion. ‘How is he...?’ the Overlord thought, watching as he grabbed one of the flails from the ground. With a bitter smile, the Insurgent General spun the spiked ball, then threw it at the Overlord with surprising speed.


The Overlord didn’t have time to obey the Theurgist’s shout. She hit the tree behind her, a pair of nasty slash marks in her chest from the flail. As her head struck the trunk of the tree, she saw brief flashes-

The Nemesis standing in her doorway.

The Theurgist laying dead on the floor.

Sexist was choking the life from her, lifting her into the air.


A blink and the Overlord saw Eric bend down to grab her by the neck. ‘No!’ she screamed in silence, hand snapping up and grabbing Eric’s arm. A desperate, sudden wave of magic surged through her, jolting the General. But even as he yelled, she didn’t let go- not for a few minutes. And as he fell backwards, she rose from the ground, clutching the blood running from her chest. A golden wisp was floating above the General’s semi-conscious body, ripe for the taking. The Overlord staggered over, grabbing it with her injured arm and yanking it free. She heard a sickening rip and the General went unconscious.


“What do you have against the Overlord anyways?” the Captain roared as he shot a few bullets at the Rebel Commander. The Rebel Commander had forsaken his bazooka for a handgun as well, and was ducking behind a tree.

“Some little girl who thinks she can rule the world? It just doesn’t work,” the Rebel Commander retorted, returning fire. The Captain rolled aside, still clutching his gun. “Why do you insist on following her?”

“You don’t have any room to talk. You follow the Nemesis,” the Captain remarked, “And the Overlord is simply the epitome of epic badassery.”

“This is true,” the Grasshopper remarked from across the field where she and McCoy were battling. As McCoy fired a round at her, she began deflecting the bullets with her katana. In frustration, McCoy loaded another round, but not before Mooka had jumped from his perch on McCoy’s shoulder. Mooka hit the ground, rearing up and snarling devilishly. As he did, he began to grow, his fangs extending and enlarging into sabers.

“H-hey, Grasshopper?” the Captain stammered, eyeing reinforcements that the Rebel Commander had radioed in, “I think we ought to retreat...”

“What about the Overlord!?” the Grasshopper protested, “We can’t just leave her!”

“She wouldn’t want us to DIE!” the Captain argued, grabbing the Grasshopper by the arm. “We have to go. She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself!” Reluctantly, the Grasshopper followed, sheathing her katana and running after the Captain.

“Mooka, follow them!” McCoy shouted, pointing at the fleeing Captain and Grasshopper. As the ferret charged forward, the Captain turned and tossed a grenade at the pursuers. There was an ear-splitting boom, and the area filled with smoke, completely obscuring McCoy’s view .

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 19

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 19: Cursed

“Look who decided to show up,” the Ninja-Lord remarked, dislodging the dagger from the tree. Jester responded with a harsh, melodramatic laugh, a second knife twirled deftly in his hands. Behind him, shadows and silhouettes of his brigand soldiers could be seen, bearing arms and standing at attention obediently. The Ninja-Lord caught the wavy blonde hair of Blondie just a few feet behind Jester, wielding a large spiked mace.

“Ha! I said that I’d come back,” Jester gloated, “And I brought company with me.”

“We’re here to smash you ANF losers and take the Overlord. The Nemesis has a couple of things to say to her,” Blondie shouldered the mace, careful not to accidentally hit the footsoldier behind him in the head.

“Blondie!” the Ninja-Lord stepped forward, brandishing her silver katana.

“Another day,” the Twin rested a hand gently on the Ninja-Lord’s arm, “This isn’t the time for rivalries and rash charges, Ninja-Lord. Centurion! We’re bouncin’ to Fort Effort.”

“Grasshopper! Captain! Find the Overlord!” the Advisor shouted, machine gun in hand, “The rest of us can defend the campsite!”

“Aye, aye!” the Captain threw a smart salute to the Advisor, grabbing his bazooka and slinging it over his shoulder. His free hand carried an assault rifle, loaded and ready for action. “Lieutenant! You’re in charge of the Faction while I’m gone!”

“Got it!” the Lieutenant saluted the Captain, prepping one of the bazookas for battle as quickly as possible. As the Captain and the Grasshopper vanished into the bushes behind the Soul-Keeper and the Ninja-Lord, the Soul-Keeper stepped up, his staff in hand. Jester took this as a signal to attack and waved his hand, sending a second dagger flying at the Soul-Keeper. Knocking the knife away with his staff easily, the Soul-Keeper sent a blast of lightning magic back at the DIB soldiers as they began pouring into the ravine.

“Wises, Ninjas, Fish, Ifills, Jamie, and Witch, go help Fort Effort. I’ve got everything under control here!” the Soul-Keeper shouted firmly, for once taking a serious note. “Smurfs, defensive positions, now! Lieutenant, back up the melee fighters with ranged weapons. Sabotage Team, don’t let them near the tents!”

“Are you sure you can take these guys?” Centurion Ifill asked, quirking an eyebrow at the Soul-Keeper.

“He’s got it covered, I think...” Elwell inclined her head, then opened a portal into Fort Effort. As she began sheltering the others into the portal, the Animal Tamer had climbed aboard Fluffy, and was issuing commands from there.

“FLUFFY! Let’s get some lunch!” the Animal Tamer pointed a rather dramatic and probably useless finger at the DIB soldiers (only useless because Fluffy had already classified the incoming enemies as his next meal).

The Evocator bounded forward, sending a bolt of blue lightning into the nearest DIB soldier. She spun around, aiming a well-placed high-kick into another enemy’s face. “Whoa...” she stumbled a bit, her hands glowing. As she lifted them to the air, she closed her eyes, the ground embedded with a black symbol, “Conjure, chaos spirit! Loki!” As the ebony wolf thudded to the ground before her, it howled- a screeching discord that shook the battlefield. Directing it at a cavalry unit thundering through the trees, the Evocator watched as the semi-transparent wolf tore a rider off of his mount, landing with a skid on the ground.

“Jester!” the Advisor lifted her hand, summoning a whoosh of wind. As it spiraled around her arm, it formulated into a small whirlwind, and she shot it at him. He sent a dagger through the spiral, cutting through it perfectly. She ducked, the knife sinking into a tree behind her, then fired a few bullets at him.

“INCOMING!” the Lieutenant yelled and launched a missile at the soldiers as they came down the ravine, sending a blast of dirt and leaves into the sky. As dust settled, the Evocator stood up, having been thrown down from the impact. Picking a stick delicately from her hair, she looked at where the Jester had been and found only a crater. But as she lifted her gaze, she saw him standing back on the ridge, completely dumbfounded as to how he’d gotten there. And then, it occurred to her that the writer must’ve only made Jester appear there for mysterious and awesome effect, and proceeded to direct Loki into the another DIB soldier, as if nothing bizarre had happened.


The Overlord ran down the road, undaunted by the missiles being fired directly at her. Dashing to the right, she heard a deafening explosion behind her, echoed with a blazing heat at her back. Did they endeavor to burn the whole forest to the ground? This was her homeland, and she would not let DIB have that. As she gained momentum, she fired a blast of green magic.

Ahead, the Rebel Commander was reloading his weapon, though, had accidentally misplaced his missiles (how he managed this is completely unknown- how hard is it to lose missiles?). Eric gestured for McCoy to stand back, moving out ahead of the rest of the army while drawing two blades from his back- the larger, blue-pommeled sword he had been using and a smaller, lighter blade. McCoy, knowing that Eric was prone to stealing the spotlight, loaded his machine gun for good measure, aware that he might have to face the Overlord alone. Eric lifted the two swords so that they glinted in the sunlight, displayed for the Overlord to see. Her mouth curled into a small smirk, and she jumped into the air, staff still in hand.

Behind her, the Theurgist had leapt from her shoulder, in his natural, wispy form despite being unable to be seen by anyone else. As she brought her staff down onto Eric’s dual swords, she saw the Theurgist’s image in one of the blades, watching her calmly and quietly. ‘I suppose there’s not much a dead guy can do in a living person’s battle,’ she thought grimly, then hopped back to give General Eric some room. The Overlord spun her staff around to catch him in the back of the head, but was blocked. Instead, Eric sent a wave of glossy, crystalline water into her chest, causing her to fly back a few steps. She was instantaneously on her feet, adrenaline pulsing through her bloodstream. As Eric send a second wave, she leapt over him, sending a blast of green magic into his back. The glint of McCoy’s gun caught her attention and she grabbed it as he tried to fire from behind, moving it enough to where the spray of bullets whizzed past her ear and over Eric’s head.

As McCoy reached back to sock the Overlord in the face, the flick of a katana knocked his hat down (which was strictly forbidden- you did not mess with McCoy or his hat as it was a prized possession). The Overlord cleared such close proximities with McCoy, ducking as the Rebel Commander had finally found his missiles and was back to firing once more. The Grasshopper had thrown the tail end of McCoy’s trenchcoat over his head, temporarily stunning him.

“Aha!” the Captain barreled into the Rebel Commander, forsaking his assault rifle and bazooka for a pistol. As the two fell to the ground, they began a series of hardcore punches, slamming into each other with tremendous force.

General Eric turned to face the Overlord, some deranged gleam in his light blue eyes. As the Overlord glared back at him, she felt a stinging familiarity in his gaze, her hands tightening around the handle of her staff. She twirled it once, then lunged forward, trying to fight the urge to continue to stare into his almost glowing eyes. Eric, almost nonchalantly, blew a twig of hair from his eyes, fired three spurts of water, which froze upon mid-flight at the Overlord. As they each sank into her shoulder and chest, the Overlord’s charge was halted, small trickles of crimson staining her shirt. She grimaced, staring at the ice embedded in her, and her footing faltered.

“How did he...?” she stammered, wandering moreso to herself than to the Theurgist’s spirit. The Overlord’s eyes moved to the General’s, narrowed in a mixture of loathing and confusion. There was something so peculiar about the way his eyes seemed to be ablaze in wrath- something beyond the rage of a normal human being. His eyes were on fire, despite their cold color. His pupils were dilated, the whites of his eyes bloodshot completely. It was horrifying... Horrifyingly fascinating... Horrifyingly familiar. A brief mental image of the Nemesis popped up- the very same piercing eyes and maddened gaze sending a shudder down her spine.

“Nemesis!” She shouted, grasping one of the icicles with a hand.

“Overlord, he’s been Cursed. His eyes! Look at them!” the Theurgist whispered frantically, drifting somewhere behind her. As the Overlord inclined her head slowly, she pried out the other two icicles, throwing them to the ground seemingly devoid of emotion. “The Nemesis must’ve laid a Curse on him. He looks awful...”

“Naw, maybe he’s just a naturally awful-looking person,” the Overlord muttered under her breath.

“He might be doing this against his will. You never know,” the Theurgist added.

“Might be. Doubt it, but okay,” the Overlord retorted, “I assume he’s been Cursed to bring me to the Nemesis?”

“More or less... What do you have in mind? Unless he’s killed, the Curse won’t go away,” the Theurgist warned her.

“No good. We need information out of him...” the Overlord grabbed her shoulder wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Eric paced back and forth, watching her with maddened eyes. “I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it’ll work,” she added quietly.

“Are you...?” the Theurgist began, but the Overlord ran forward suddenly, staff in hand.

Eric waited for her, patiently standing with the blades in hand. As she came closer, he tried to swipe at her, edge coming dangerously closed. In a pincer-like move, he made an attempt to strike, but the Overlord was faster. Jumping up, she kicked out with both legs, hitting him square in the chest. The impact sent both Eric and the Overlord tumbling into the trees on the side of the road, the Overlord losing grip of her staff and falling down the slope that lead into the woods.

When she had ceased rolling, the Overlord pushed herself up, glancing at where Eric, too, was rising but with no swords. As he pulled out his two flails, he cackled under his breath, “I must capture you, False One. It’s time to end the game of cat and mouse.”

“Yes. Yes, I agree,” the Overlord replied, closing her eyes and retrieving the staff with the snap of her fingers. “And this time, I’ll be the cat. Better start running, mouse.”

“You think so?” Eric’s voice was light and whispery, as if controlled, yet distant. The Overlord pointed her staff at him, smirking in satisfaction.

“I do think so.”


The Nemesis sat on his throne, eyes closed in reflection. Still frozen amidst the pillars was the Theurgist’s body, preserved perfectly. Pale blue eyes opening, the Nemesis cast his gaze at the deceased Underling, a smile playing about his lips. “Do you see my creation?” the Nemesis’ voice was smooth and calm as he rose from his throne. “A world built upon ice. So fitting for this wretched existence.” As the Theurgist did not respond, the Nemesis only felt more compelled to continue. Armored boots thudding against the stone floor, the usurper’s eyes lifted to look at the frozen corpse.

“This world is cold. You’ve discovered this, no?”

There was a small cackle that followed- he was quite amused with himself. With a sigh, the Nemesis departed the room, cape swirling ominously after him. A gander down the hall and he caught glimpses of paintings, halfway surprised to see a portrait of the Uberlord still hanging on a wall. The founder of the Fortress, the Uberlord stood with pride beaming in his eyes. And in his hand, the Uberlord carried Muramasa- the blade that the Nemesis recognized as the Insurgent Leader’s.

“They do look alike...” the Nemesis murmured under his breath, “Albeit vaguely.”

A few more steps down the hall and the Nemesis caught a glance of the Overlord’s portrait, partially frozen over by the ice that had overrun the Fortress. She carried her scythe in one hand, her other hand clasped in a fist that rested above her heart. The Nemesis’ lip curled, disgust evident in his eyes. She looked so pompous- arrogant and ignorant. Her eyes gleamed with their usual life, vigorous and passionate about her job. ‘So egotistical...’ the Nemesis thought coolly, a hand resting on the hilt of one of his machetes.

Still, a small portion of the Nemesis smiled- a blissful memory flashing before his eyes. He remembered the trees, the carefree days. Before this entire mess had begun, he, too, had been a normal person. But that time seemed as though it had happened forever ago. Removing his glove, he stared down at the dark emblem that branded the back of his hand, the mark of demon on Earth. Replacing the glove, the Nemesis whispered out a sigh, his pale eyes returning to the portrait of the Overlord.

“I wonder, Overlord... Do you remember...?”

“Do you enjoy talking to yourself?”

The voice was snarky, full of arrogance. It disgusted him. Fighting back a gag, the Nemesis peered over his own armored shoulder, catching sight of the robed man. “Pharisee. Not off to play with your little comrades in the Overlord’s Sanctum?” the Nemesis asked, but was secretly thinking, ‘Why the hell aren’t you where you’re supposed to be?’

“I was wondering why you weren’t off smashing them as well,” Pharisee remarked, hands resting on his hips. The Nemesis turned, glancing at the white-garbed magician, then beckoned him in silence. Stealing down the hall quietly, the Nemesis trusted that Pharisee would follow him. He flung the door opened to the stairs leading to the Overlord’s old office, not slowing down for his minion.

“You think I’ve been here twiddling my thumbs, do you?” the Nemesis barked over his shoulder, “You’re a disobedient little wretch, Pharisee.”

“You sure as hell aren’t doing anything useful,” Pharisee sneered back, venturing into warmer waters with his superior. The Nemesis ignored the comment and continued down the hall, reaching back to snatch Pharisee by the front of his robe. Pulling him up the stairs and into the office, the Nemesis literally tossed the much smaller DIB warrior towards the windows.

“Take a gander outside and you’ll see why I’ve not joined the battlefront,” the Nemesis’ voice dropped to a much quieter level. As Pharisee sulked over to the window, he looked outside... Then down.

Legions upon legions of soldiers stood in the courtyard, practicing their battle moves and tactics. Pharisee blinked a few times, unable to grasp how many warriors that the Nemesis had gathered in such a short time span. “What... are they?” Pharisee whispered, ducking down as a group of large birds swooped by the window. Glancing up at the winged fiends, he noticed their humanoid faces, matched with long, raven-black hair.

“Harpies. Armored soldiers. I’ve even been keeping a few dragons in the Dungeon. That stupid opera singer won’t stop screaming,” the Nemesis retorted, “And this isn’t all of them, Pharisee...” His voice trailed off momentarily as he looked out the window behind Pharisee, “And so... I ask what you are doing so far from the rest of the DIB council? Or have you not been contributing to our faction?”

“I-I...” Pharisee was at a loss for words.

“That’s what I thought,” the Nemesis purred softly, “Get out of my sight. You disgust me.” The words were so quietly spoken that Pharisee was unable to hear them very well. The Nemesis then added a more stern, “Now.” As Pharisee scrambled away from the Overlord’s office, the Nemesis stepped out onto the balcony, undaunted as a flock of harpies soared past him. Instead, his eyes searched for something in the sky. Head tilted back, he caught a glimpse of some bestial silhouette outlined by the sun.

Dropping in altitude, the mighty winged beast tilted its wings, veering towards the balcony that the Nemesis was standing on. He allowed himself a smile as he watched its sleek form, its serpentine neck stretched out in full length. Its malevolent, pupil-less eyes shone in the sunlight as it landed, muscles rippling under its scaly skin as it crouched on the railing of the balcony, talons gripping the bars cautiously. As the reptilian creature reached out with its fearsome, round head, the Nemesis reached up and stroked its forehead gently, almost lovingly. Its jawline bore the fringe of something that resembled a fin and a beard, odd antennae protruding from its forehead, next to a set of horns. Its leathery wings wrapped around the Nemesis in a strange hug, crooning softly.

“It’s time for dinner, my faithful little Jabberwocky.”

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 18

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 18: Ending Nightmares

The Overlord stood in her office, back to the door as she stared into the churning flames. She closed her eyes, feeling the heat of the fire against her face. “Who was he?” she heard his voice from behind, deep and rumbling. A faint smile on her lips was replaced by a troubled, distraught expression on her features- but she tried to hide it with a simple shrug.

“He was like the brother I never had,” the Overlord said simply, her green eyes casting their gaze onto the picture above the fire. She swept her gaze quickly to the final person in the portrait- the one she hadn’t seen in years.

“What happened to him?”

“He just left one day...” the Overlord found her voice quivering. “Gone...” She turned and looked at the Theurgist, her green eyes fighting to keep their usual calmness. As the Theurgist opened his mouth to talk, he was cut off by the door swinging open.

“What’s this?” the Overlord yelled, wide-eyed as the Nemesis stepped into the room. With each step closer, the Overlord’s vision swayed, until she blinked and the Nemesis wasn’t standing there at all. No, the heavy armor was replaced with a bright silver armor and cape, a claymore at the knight’s side. But the eyes were still the same- the cold blue. In a mixture of confusion and panic, the Overlord demanded, “Sexist?!”

“False One...” Sexist murmured, drawing his claymore. Silently running the Theurgist through, he didn’t even break his stride as the Theurgist fell before him. He merely stepped over the body, not bothering to avoid the large pool of blood forming around the corpse.

“NO!” the Overlord screamed, her heart thundering in her ears.

As she tried to move away, she found herself paralyzed- unable to even breathe as his blue eyes stared directly into hers- it was as if he was observing her every move, trying to find fear. He didn’t have to look very hard. The Overlord shuddered, but still remained unbudging as Sexist grabbed her by the neck. Lifting her into the air, Sexist looked up, continuing to gaze into her eyes. The Overlord tried to gasp for air, but there was none. Her arms felt heavy as she clasped Sexist’s wrist, attempting to force him to release her. She kicked, she felt her lungs burn, but nothing could break his iron grip.

In fear, the Overlord opened her mouth, but not even a scream could escape her. She sputtered a weak, pathetic, “You traitor!”

“Revenge is sweet, isn’t it?” Sexist asked with a maniacal laugh. The claymore had fallen to the ground, clanging against the stone floor. He reached up and began to pet the side of the Overlord’s head. As she blinked, she saw the faint form of the Nemesis outlining her ex-Underling- but just for a moment. In a low, whisper, the Nemesis’ voice could be heard, “I’m coming for you.”

The Overlord bolted upright, finding herself bundled up in a blanket near the fire. She shuddered, tucking the blanket closer to her and staring at the fire, feeling the warmth against her skin. Realizing that she was shaking, she tucked her knees up to her chin and took a deep breath. Glancing down at the ground, she saw that the hawk had returned to her side, gazing up at her with dark eyes. With a flap of its wings, it changed shapes, transforming into the wispy spirit of the Theurgist.

“Sleep good?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Well, I didn’t wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy,” the Overlord retorted sourly.

“The nightmares aren’t going to stop until you resolve what they’re about,” the Theurgist said knowingly, “They’ll keep coming... What was this one about? Or was it the same as usual?”
“I’d rather not talk about it,” the Overlord responded coolly, standing up with much difficulty. She balanced herself, then glanced out where the Lieutenant had returned from his recruitment with a large number of people in armor. “Theurgist, I have a request for you. You can change shapes, right?”

“Yes...” the Theurgist frowned, clearly not liking where this was going.

“I always wanted a chinchilla spirit guide.”

“.... What.”




“...... Fine.”

As the Theurgist changed into a little chinchilla, the Overlord couldn’t help but giggle. He scurried up her leg and onto her shoulder, still invisible to the other Underlings. The Overlord glanced down at him, grinned, then began toward the new recruits. “Lieutenant, what have you got here?” She asked, exchanging nods with the now healed Captain. She looked at the red armored group of soldiers and then to the blue armored soldiers.

“This is the Red Team, and this is the Blue Team,” the Lieutenant explained, “I made them cease a civil war in order to help us. How epic is that?”

“Pretty epic,” the Captain agreed, then pointed to a rather slender figure in orange body armor, “Overlord, this is Samus. She is a bounty hunter we hired to help us with DIB.”

“A pleasure...” the Overlord frowned, looking the armored soldiers over, “Well, I guess it’s a start... Keep the recruitment up, boys!” She stopped and glanced down at where something had attached itself to her leg. The thing looked to be a human- small with a white cap on. Its skin was blue, a bright as a blueberry, and it was only wearing white pants. “Errrr... Captain? Is this yours?”

As more of the little blue humans began to flock around the Overlord, she began to reach back and pull out her staff. However, the Apprentice and Belarus ran over, waving their arms frantically, “No! No, no, bad smurfs! Bad smurfs!” the Apprentice scolded them, “We mustn’t crowd the Overlord. She’s busy with Overlord-y things...”

“Smurfs?” Jamie piped up, looking at the little blue humans, “Ahhh! They’re BLUE!”

“Duh,” the Witch remarked, “Of course they are.”

“I just... Watchmen... After Watchmen... I can’t look at blue people the same way...” Jamie looked away, shielding her eyes.

“We got the smurfs to help us!” Belarus nodded, “They can help as spies. They’re small and cute like that.”

“Well, at least the army is getting bigger...” the Overlord was fighting to see the positive side of having little blue men running rampant in her camp. For some reason, the thought of midgets only reminded her of the Insurgent Leader. ‘Perhaps our mother was a smurf. Would explain his shortness, at least, but I think all of them are male... How do they reproduce? ... Maybe they’re like mushrooms...’ She frowned, sitting back down near the fire and petting Nard. His head perked up and his ears went back.

“What is it?” the Overlord muttered, grabbing her staff. As Nard leapt up and began barking into the woods, the camp fell silent (except for Willma, who sneezed rather loudly). The Advisor grabbed her machine gun and held it at the ready. The Animal Tamer’s staff altered into a sword, and she clutched it tightly. The Captain and the Lieutenant motioned for the Red Team and the Blue Team to get ready for battle, both holding pistols positioned to fire.

... And then Elwell walked into camp. Holding her hands up, she glanced at the bewildered Underling Army, stifling a laugh, “Hey guys.” She said rather casually. Obstruckshun and Sensei were behind her, each looking as amused as Elwell was.

“The Wises?” the Soul-Keeper asked, “What are they doing here?”

“We came to offer our help against DIB,” Sensei spoke up, “We’ve sat there for too long and have done nothing to help you. We three decided it would be best to depart from the Room of the Wises, especially when the world needed us.”

“We’re here to join your army, Overlord,” Obstruckshun explained shortly, looking up at the Overlord, “Because you need us.”

The Theurgist’s voice whispered into the Overlord’s ear, “If the Wises have left their sanctuary to fight, then this really must be an important fight ahead of us, Overlord. You should heed their warnings and accept their help.” The Overlord nodded, then extended a hand to Elwell, who shook it rather firmly.

“Of course. The ANF would be happy to have you, Obstruckshun, Elwell... Sensei,” She rested her eyes on Sensei for a moment, a brief image of the picture in her office flashing through her mind. But the Overlord forced a smile, attempting to forget how her nightmares always started off by looking at the picture of her and Sensei.

“Animal Tamer, was it?” Elwell addressed the Animal Tamer rather formally, “I have a gift from you that I picked up before I left the Room of the Wises. Gandalf err... Was not too sad to see me leave after I picked this up.” She whistled and a couple of large, strong looking men came walking out of the woods, carrying what appeared to be chains. The Overlord shielded her eyes, staring into the woods. Somewhere, there was a distant roar, matched with thunderous footsteps. As the ground shook, the Animal Tamer’s eyes widened, clutching her sword once more and staring up as a large, scaly head broke through the trees.

“Is that... A T-rex?” the Advisor’s face paled, “Ohhhh no! She does NOT need that!”

“I thought it’d be beneficial to the ANF,” Elwell shrugged, “Do what you like with it, Animal Tamer. You can even name him, if you want.”

“Elwell...... I think I love you,” the Animal Tamer gasped, finally able to breathe. She reached up and petted the T-rex on the nose. “I’ll name him... FLUFFY!” She beamed and hugged Fluffy’s leg.

“But... He’s not... fluffy...” the Evocator frowned, “Oh, whatever.”

“I think I might pee myself,” the Soul-Keeper whispered to the Overlord, “That... That better sleep away from my tent!”

“Wait... I thought you said that you would get a T-rex...” the Advisor pointed at the Overlord, then pointed at Elwell, “How did she...?”

“Great minds think alike,” Elwell said mysteriously.


The rest of the day had been uneventful apart from the T-rex taking a dump on the Soul-Keeper’s tent (though, no one felt bad for him). The Overlord had taken the Animal Tamer and the Advisor out of the campsite to scour the lands for more potential campsite locations. Though the Overlord had been initially unnerved by all of the birds chirping, she gradually grew accustomed to the various noises of the woods. She almost had forgotten how the woods by Tamashii was- peaceful and quiet. Glancing down at some ruffled leaves, the Advisor knelt down and touched them gently.

“This must be where Jester’s men were staying. Not so far from our camp,” the Advisor looked at the Animal Tamer.

“They’re not here anymore...” the Overlord frowned, “Wonder why that could be.”

“Who cares?” the Animal Tamer scowled, “He was a jerk anyways.”

“The trees thin out ahead,” the Advisor commented, “I think there’s a road up here.” She took the lead, using a few trees to hoist herself up the slope and onto a dirt road. The Overlord followed her, digging her staff into the dirt and pulling herself up. As she glanced at the clear blue sky, she inhaled deeply, stretching all the while.

“Well, this is nice,” the Animal Tamer remarked, then looked down the road. Frowning, she rested her hand on her sword’s hilt, squinting her eyes at a mass of people walking down the street in the distance. “Hey... Hey guys...”
“We’re south of the Sanctum this way,” the Overlord ignored the Animal Tamer, “Tamashii is up this road. We’re about a mile from the academy. I think we should probably turn around and head back to the camp. Just in case the Ninja-Lord reports back in...”

“Guys...” the Animal Tamer tried.

“I kinda want to take a look around first,” the Advisor protested, clearly sick of being stuck in camp. “It’s a nice day out, and you could use the exercise.”

“Are you calling me fat?” the Overlord’s eyes narrowed.

“GUYS!” the Animal Tamer yelled, then pointed at the platoon of DIB soldiers that were marching down the road towards them. An arrow whizzed by the Animal Tamer’s head, thudding into the ground next to the Overlord’s foot.

“Huh?” the Advisor asked, glancing over her shoulder. The sunlight reflecting off of General Eric’s armor blinded her temporarily and she had to veil her eyes with a hand. The Overlord grabbed the Animal Tamer and shoved her back suddenly, drawing her staff.

“How many do you see?” the Overlord asked in a low voice.

“The Rebel Commander. Eric. A lot of soldiers,” the Advisor whispered back, eyes wide. “Jester didn’t pull away from the forests. He alerted THEM! They’re going to do a two-pronged attack on the camp.”

“And someone needs to warn the camp,” the Overlord turned and ducked as a missile hit the trees behind them. “You two! Go back to camp immediately. You have to warn the army to be ready for battle!”

“What about you?” the Advisor demanded, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m...” the Overlord felt her heart pound in her ears. Her left hand clasped the staff firmly and she finished as adamantly as possible, “I’m going to end my nightmares. Now go! That’s an order!” She closed her eyes and hit both ends of the staff against the ground, causing a green flame to appear at each end. Listening to the footsteps of both the Advisor and the Animal Tamer as they fled into the forest, the Overlord drew in a deep breath, sensing the Theurgist next to her.

“This is one battle you can’t afford to lose,” the Theurgist whispered.

“I know...” the Overlord smirked, “It’s the one I’ll be sure not to lose.”

“Hell hath no fury...” the Theurgist began.

“... Like the Overlord,” the Overlord finished.


The Ninja-Lord appeared in the middle of the campsite, rather bewildered by the small smurfs running around her feet. In irritation, she punted one of them, completely careless toward the crying smurf. “I need to see the Overlord! IMMEDIATELY!” She declared loudly. “And I will not tolerate any shenanigans. WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”

“Whoa, whoa... What?” the Captain asked, “What’s going on?”

“Where’s the Overlord?” the Ninja-Lord demanded.

“Went with the Advisor and the Animal Tamer out to scout for land...” the Lieutenant answered slowly, “She’ll be back soon...?”

“Fort Effort is under attack!” the Ninja-Lord yelled, “We don’t have time!”

“WAIT! WHAT!?” the Twin bolted upright, “Who’s attacking my WHAT!?”

And, as if on cue, the Advisor and the Animal Tamer came tearing through the trees. Though the Advisor tripped over herself and fell onto the ground, the Animal Tamer was able to avoid falling on top of her older sister. “The Overlord.... Fighting DIB..... General Eric... Rebel Commander...” the Animal Tamer panted, “That way.” She pointed over her shoulder.

“Whaaaat?” the Soul-Keeper asked, his hand stuck in a jar of cherries. He had given up getting it out of the jar and was simply wearing the jar on his hand. “What’s going on?”

“Fort Effort is under attack!” the Twin exclaimed, “Centurion Ifill! WE HAVE TO GO LIKE NOW!”

“The Overlord is being attacked...” the Advisor added, “And there’s going to be a two-pronged attack-”

A knife thudded into the tree next to the Soul-Keeper. His eyes widened and he turned around, looking up at where Jester was standing on the ridge. Glancing back at the Advisor, the Soul-Keeper commented, “Sometimes, I hate my life.”

TOS- Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 17

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 17: The Hunt Continues

The Rebel Commander looked at a burn mark on the wall of the warehouse, and ran his finger over it. "Still warm," he glanced back at where General Eric was looking down at a blood smear on the ground. "And I can taste magic residue in the air. We must've missed them by minutes." He adjusted the strap to his bazooka, which hung limply on his back. Gesturing for a few of his gunmen to search the rooftop, the Rebel Commander removed his helmet and took a deep breath.

"Where'd that Pharisee guy scurry off to?" Steve McCoy asked, removing his hat to scratch on top of his head. "Did he drown on that boat?"

"It'd do the world a service," Eric remarked, slamming his claymore into the ground moodily, "Gone. Right before we got here. What do you think she wanted?" He asked, glaring around the abandoned warehouse.

"There was a fight here," McCoy replied, "My guess is that she found a soul here that she liked enough to take."

"Are we going to call it in?" the Rebel Commander asked, frowning as he glanced down at the blood stain on the ground, "Geez, someone got it, didn't they?"

General Eric shook his head, "No. It's not important. Just gather your soldiers and we'll search elsewhere." As the Rebel Commander turned to leave, Eric leaned against the railing, biting back a stinging pain in his chest. Turning away from the others, he bent over, grabbing at his chest with a free hand. The Nemesis' words rang in his ears, haunting him and echoing in his mind.

"Bring me the Overlord- alive."

The urge to capture her was getting unbearable- clawing at his mind relentlessly. He dug his nails into the palms of his hands, gritting his teeth. He needed to find her. It would make the pain go away, the longing and the uncontrollable desire would fade away. It was no longer a small wish, no longer an order... It was a fixation. He was hellbent.

"General...?" McCoy asked, "You look ill."

"I'm fine, McCoy. Let's get out of this place. It smells like something died in here," Eric turned and with the whoosh of his cape, departed from the warehouse.


The Ninja-Lord led the ninjas through the shadows of the plateau, keeping a firm hand on the hilt of her katana. She crept in the shadows, the wild, chilling wind not permitting her to grow tired. She felt more alive than ever, her heart racing and her blood pumping. Shinobi began to branch away from the others, selecting a pair of shuriken. He held them silently in his hand, not making his move yet. Kunoichi and Llama both had their katanas at the ready, eager to start a fight.

With the slightest movement, the Ninja-Lord gestured for Shinobi to initiate the attack. He sent the two ninja stars into the back of one unsuspecting Insurgent, drawing a knife and lunging at where Insurgent Agent was standing. Whipping around, Agent clashed blades with Shinobi, crying out in shock. Norris drew his sword as well, stunned as Kunoichi came leaping from the shadows. Llama came flying towards the Insurgents next, though with an uncertain look in her eyes. She sent a few smoke bombs into the crowd, stunning them.

"Ninjas!" Insurgent Batman yelled out a rather late sounding warning, "They're the Overlord's!"

"We're under attack!" the Insurgent Leader gritted his teeth, drawing Muramasa. He turned as the Ninja-Lord came into view, appearing with a puff of smoke. His sword sent sparks flying as it met with her blade. "Ninja-Lord..." he glared at her and pushed her backwards. The Ninja-Lord did a somersault, then landed on her feet, katana still in hand.

The Ninja-Lord tossed her blade at the Insurgent Leader, then charged forward, watching as the Insurgent Leader batted her sword away. She kicked out and hit him in the knee, not surprised as he retaliated with trying to stab at her. She ducked under the blade, then sent a rather deft karate chop to his cheek. His free hand snapped out, grabbed her by the arm, then lifted her hand into the air. She jumped up and kicked him in the face. The Insurgent Leader's sword dug into the Ninja-Lord's back, drawing the first blood. She rolled, painfully staggered, then grabbed her sword. As the Insurgent Leader leapt forward, she ducked to the side, aiming to trip him. However, as her foot tried to make contact with his knee, she hit some form of black barrier. The Ninja-Lord bounced away a few paces, a confused look on her face. The Insurgent Leader ran forward, swinging his sword at her torso. She blocked, then countered with a swift strike to his forearm... But found it blocked once more with a magic barrier.

"Cheater," the Ninja-Lord's eyes narrowed.

"I'm stronger than you are. You're just going to have to accept that," the Insurgent Leader lifted a hand, a swarm of black smog gathering to his hand. He slammed the ground with a clenched fist, a large earthquake rippling forth. The Ninja-Lord was flung into the air by the vibrations, spinning and landing on a nearby boulder. As she leapt back down into the battlefield once more, the Insurgent Leader began charging up another attack. He extended his hand and a swirling tendril of magic began spiraling toward the Ninja-Lord. She reached back, then swung her sword in an upper cut, slicing the spell into two. She turned, attempted to strike, but found the Insurgent Leader waiting for her with his sword. The blades clanged once more, sending a spray of sparks.

"How are you doing that?" the Ninja-Lord demanded, glaring at the Insurgent Leader. The Insurgent Leader merely smiled, then spun around, the tip of his sword impaling the Ninja-Lord's side. She gasped, then staggered forward, still clutching her katana.

"There's too many of them!" Kunoichi shouted over the melee, taking on both Norris and Batman. She ducked under Norris' blade, then kicked back at Batman, desperately trying to get out from between the two Insurgents.

"No... We have to keep trying," the Ninja-Lord said adamantly, one hand on her bleeding side. She glared at the Insurgent Leader, lifting her katana and pointing it at him. Lashing out again, she found each blow was blocked, as if he was reading her every move. The Insurgent Leader's blade found her knee, then her shoulder, blood droplets staining the cracked soil.

The Ninja-Lord scowled, dropping to one knee. As the Insurgent Leader began to step forward and grab her by the neck, she pulled a dagger from her sleeve. As fast as lightning, the Ninja-Lord cut upwards, the blade breaking the magic barrier and sinking into the Insurgent Leader's chest. She kicked him back and stumbled backwards, blood covering her front. The Insurgent Leader grabbed the knife and pulled it out, painfully sucking in a breath. He grabbed the bleeding wounds, magic formulating around his hands. As it began to seep into the wound, the Ninja-Lord watched it horror as the skin began to grow back, leaving a nasty scar. As the Insurgent Leader looked up at her, she drew back, the black magic dying away to reveal the pale, new skin.

"You... You're not even human," the Ninja-Lord replied.

The Insurgent Leader gritted his teeth together, grabbed Muramasa and lunged at the Ninja-Lord. Out of pure reaction, she seized a smoke bomb, then threw it into the ground, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Llama, Kunoichi, and Shinobi followed suit, leaving the Insurgent army to lick their wounds.


The Advisor sat with a book in her hands, resting quietly by the fire. To her right, the Captain was sitting with his legs crossed, watching the flames as they churned in the evening air. The Animal Tamer had Nard in her lap and was petting him quietly, her sword resting a few yards away. She sighed, looking at her older sister, "When did the Overlord say she'd be back?"

"Soon," the Advisor mumbled distractedly.

"Can it be 'soon' already?" the Animal Tamer frowned, throwing a stick into the fire.

"Soon," the Advisor repeated.

The Grasshopper plopped down next to the Animal Tamer, katana strapped to her back. She sighed and stretched, falling backwards and staring at the night sky beyond the canopy of trees. Marveling at the stars that seemed a lot closer here than the Fortress, she smiled to herself, listening to the crackling flames. But as she listened to the fire, she realized that other things should've been making noises in the night- crickets, owls, wolves- they were all gone. It was silent beyond their camp, and the Overlord's lessons had taught her that a silent forest was never a positive sign.

"Guys..." the Grasshopper began, "It's quiet."

"Too quiet," the Captain agreed, brow furrowing.

"Be careful, it's a trap!" the Animal Tamer pointed frantically at a group of shadows descending upon the campsite. "We're under attack!"

The Advisor grabbed her machine gun after carefully marking her place in her book, and pointed it at the shadows moving toward the campsite. An arrow thudded into the tree next to her and she began firing madly, "Willma! Fabio! Pet! To arms!" She glanced at the Captain, "Can you fight?"

"Yeah," the Captain nodded, grabbing a pistol from his pack, "I can fight."

"Good!" the Advisor inclined her head politely, then said, "Gun them all down. It's DIB! They've found our campsite!"

Jester's not so intimidating appearance (he was rather skinny, with tight pants and a form-fitting shirt) could be seen on the far side of the firelight, away from the Animal Tamer. She grabbed her sword, Nard jumping out of her lap and growling at the incoming attackers. The Animal Tamer kicked some of the embers at Jester as he threw a dagger at her. He shielded his eyes, lowering his guard temporarily. The Animal Tamer attacked with her sword, striking him in the side once and in the shoulder twice. Jester grabbed a dagger and swiped the Animal Tamer in the stomach with it, carefully tossing her aside.

She rolled over, grabbing her stomach with one hand and holding her sword with the other, "Oh no you don't! Otto!" She whistled and a massive dog began tearing through the campsite, knocking over a few tents. Slamming into Jester, the large dog bore down upon him with his fangs, angrily ripping at his vest containing all of his knives. A swift kick to the nose and the dog was sent whimpering away, Jester laying on his back with a nasty bite wound to his side.

The Advisor grabbed Jester by the collar and slammed him into a tree, though was stunned by her own strength. Attempting to muster up her courage, she glared at Jester, saying very firmly, "No one touches my sister." As Jester kicked her away, the Advisor fired a bullet into his chest. He fell backwards, clasping his chest in pain. "Go away. We don't want you here. Take your men with you!"

Jester began to crawl away, cowering on the ground as he did so. However, discreetly, he selected a knife from his belt and held it firmly in his hands. As the Captain tossed two of Jester's men back up the slope, Jester crept forward, his eyes on where the Advisor had her back to him. Whipping around, he sent the dagger flying toward the Advisor. In a flash, the Grasshopper appeared, dropping from the sky and beating the knife aside with her katana. In horror, the Advisor turned, lifting her machine gun to fire. However, the Grasshopper lunged forward, beating her to him. Grasping Jester by the collar, she slammed him into a tree, glaring into his eyes menacingly, "I am the Overlord's apprentice. You will respect my wishes. Give Nemesis a message... Tell him that if he knows what's best for him, he'll respectfully give the Overlord back her Fortress."

"You think he'll believe that? DIB has weapons you couldn't even imagine, you stupid little girl," Jester laughed, pushing her away out of malice. The Grasshopper bristled, katana still in her hand. Jester turned and whistled for his men to depart, "That was our warning attack. We'll come... every night."

"And we'll beat you every night," the Advisor was helping her sister up, glaring at Jester.

"Have it your way," Jester sneered, then turned and ran into the darkness.

"What a wuss," the Captain snorted, "Stupid pansy. Running off like that. Animal Tamer, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine!" the Animal Tamer nodded.

"Whoa..." the Overlord stammered, looking around at the totaled campsite. Fish and the Soul-Keeper were carrying Jack Bauer between them, though both seemed more preoccupied with staring at the destroyed tents. "What happened here?" the Overlord asked, then froze, "Animal Tamer, you're bleeding!"

"I'm okay, Overlord! Awwww, you CARE ABOUT ME!" the Animal Tamer flung her arms around the Overlord suddenly. The Overlord frowned, but patted the Animal Tamer on the back, ignoring the fact that blood now stained her clothing.

"Yes... erm... Yes, I do," the Overlord nodded, "Oy! Fish, Soul-Keeper! Put Jack into my tent. I need to have a nice, lovely discussion with him about his... erm... future..."

"Oh... You got him?" the Advisor asked.

"Yeah, but it's not nearly enough to defeat the Nemesis," the Overlord responded, "Well, I'll take a quick nap for the evening, then I think it's best we head back to the Jurassic Era... I've a feeling we'll need a few T-rexs to get our point across to the Nemesis, what do you think?"

"Are... Are you being serious?" the Advisor asked, mouth agape in shock. The Overlord merely glanced back at the Advisor, rubbed her hands deviously, then smirked. She even threw in an evil Overlord laugh, though told herself it was merely for dramatic effect... And for old time's sake.