Friday, December 17, 2010

TOS - Vol 3, Pt 1, Ch 3

The Overlord Saga
Vol III. The Armageddon Prophecy

Chapter 3: The Order of Magic

The Order of Magic (OoM) was the foundation that led the supernatural realm that technically existed along the side of normal Earth. Some people mistook them for the Ministry of Magic, much to the OoM’s annoyance, as they would often have to correct people via directing them to London, where the MINISTRY of Magic was located. The Order of Magic had been founded by Merlin, some said. Others said it was founded before even Merlin was around, by Circe or Hecate. Few rumors stated that a person named Gwydion was also a founding member. And them, a select few said the Oz made the Order. Either way, the Order had been around for centuries- long before the Overlord had even been born. No one was quite certain who ruled the Order, but there was a definite executive branch. Alongside that fact, the duties of the Order were also clearly defined, yet mysterious. They checked for signs of Inconcessus Ars- the Forbidden Arts- that much was known. They also regulated magic practicing, offering schools to those who wanted to harness magic power, but also having the ability to take it away from those who proved dangerous.

In other words, they were an unwanted party within the Second Realm, where everything was morally up in the air. Clear factions had been established in the Between, particularly the Underling Army, the Insurgents, the Lost Souls supposedly to the north, then the rogues that wandered the spans of the Second Realm. The Overlord knew in her heart that there was no room for the Order, especially with their pushy attitude. She assumed they had already checked the Insurgents for dark magic, though with the Insurgent Leader’s hero status, the Overlord severely doubted he had been busted. His affiliation to the darkness was strong, no doubt inherited from the Uberlord. However, the Overlord knew he was very skilled at hiding it- it held no physical grasp over him any longer.

She watched the two robed figures approach the Fortress, their staves stabbing the cracked red dirt. Briefly, she wondered if she should have phoned the Twin to see if the Order had pestered her yet. Rubbing her shoulder, the Overlord ignored the pain in her back, writing it off to be that she’d continuously been sleeping on it wrong. Brushing her bangs into her eyes, she glanced at the wooden doors, mentally preparing herself for anything the Order of Magic could throw at her. She had enough on her plate- she didn’t need a bunch of self-righteous mages nagging her.


The Order had sent the best of the best. Standing in front, the leading companion had her hood drawn, black decorated with golden trimming, weaving intricate designs on the robe. Low-cut, it was quite revealing, though only in the front. Her glasses were tortoiseshelled and thick, framing her eyes perfectly. Her thick, dark hair fell slightly past the shoulders, peering out from the shadows of her hood. The staff she clasped was metallic, a secondary bar extending from its side, weaving around to reveal a dragon-like pattern at the end, its claws clutching an orb at the staff’s head. She was of a high rank, as most could tell- a Siren among mortals and warlocks.

Behind her, her apprentice- robed in red with golden lining, though her robes not nearly as complicated in design. Her staff was wooden, though sturdy and firm. It was a reddish-brown in tone, smoothed over in absolute perfection with lighter tones wrapping around it, vinelike patterns evident on its shaft. Her hair, light brown, ruffled down to her shoulders as well, moving as elegantly as she could in her high heels. The Siren’s Acolyte, she was expected to observe and watch her mentor at work, eager to be within the Fortress on her first real job for the Order.

“STOP!” a loud, booming voice demanded from the walltop. The Siren and Acolyte did so, both staring up at the guard house atop the wall. “What... Is your name?”

“I am the Siren of the Order. I was scheduled to arrive here and inspect the Fortress for Inconcessus Ars, by the decree of the Order of Magic itself!” the Siren held up an official-looking document, signed with some ridiculous, illegible signature.

There was a crackle on the microphone, and suddenly, the booming voice did not respond to the Siren. “Prussia, I told you, you’re not in charge of guard duty! That’s my job!” another voice could be heard within the guard house, causing a brief exchange of looks between the Siren and the Acolyte.

“Russia! I thought you were on lunch break!?” the first voice sounded less intimidating than before.

“Stop playing with the voice changing device!” a third voice, “Crap... Prussia, you’re about to break it!”


“Russia, watch where you’re swinging your leadpipe around!”

“Uh... Hey...?” the Acolyte called tentatively, awkwardly looking at the guard house. A series of heads popped out- Prussia, China, and Russia consecutively. The Acolyte tried to hide her amusement and confusion at the three guards, rubbing her nose with a hand and glancing at the ground in an attempt to stifle a laugh.

“We’ll let you in!” China called, waving at them. All three Underlings disappeared, and the doors into the Fortress began to creak open. The Siren began to march forward, metallic staff in hand. The Acolyte followed, crimson robe swirling around her as she moved.

“Do you remember what to look for?” the Siren murmured to her apprentice without even the slightest turn of the head. Her gaze swept across the gardens, to the statues of dragons and gryphons that posed elegantly amidst the roses and flowers. A glance was given to a mermaid statue in the heart of a fountain.

“Yes,” the Acolyte responded with a nod of her head.

“Good,” the Siren nodded curtly and began up the steps, not even glancing at Brainsucker and TCUE as they stood, at the ready, on either side of the door, their black armor glinting in the red sunlight.


The Overlord rose as the two entered her office, scythe hanging on the mantle next to the fireplace. Her green and blue eye quickly analyzed the two OoM members, categorizing them as she deemed appropriate. The black-garbed one was clearly a high ranking member of the Order, the red-dressed one being her assistant. After a glance at their staves, the Overlord immediately knew several things- they were more than just decent at magic and the Order had equipped them for battle. So did they expect me to retaliate or resist? the Overlord wondered, the notion making her uneasy.

Act natural, the Theurgist remarked.

Should I really be taking advice from a dead guy? the Overlord snapped back, forcing a very fake, very unnecessary, yet polite smile. “Welcome to the Fortress. I hope you had no trouble getting here?” She cast a glance at where the Soul-Keeper let him in, discreetly gesturing for him to leave. There was a chance he could ruin her plans, though no one knew that she had cast dark magic before. The Soul-Keeper was a constantly liability, she reminded herself. She couldn’t afford to make enemies with the OoM.

“No, it was quite pleasant,” the Siren replied evenly. The Overlord had a feeling that she was very much into her business. Lowering her hood, the Siren stared at the Overlord, as if trying to look past the veil of dark brown bangs. The Overlord gestured for the two OoM members to sit down next to the fireplace, allowing Nard to sit in her armchair at her desk. He looked over the papers with a bright pink, yet dry tongue sticking out. The Siren sat down politely, the Acolyte next to her and the Overlord on the other side. As the Overlord began to pour iced tea, the Siren spoke, “As you are aware of I’m sure, the Order has moved to the Between in hopes of further mediating magic. We were hoping for your cooperation in inspecting every mage within your ranks. Is that plausible?”

“You’d be checking the majority of my soldiers, Madame Mage,” the Overlord said reasonably, “You see, most of them have learned a thing or two in the magic arts. It’d be fairly difficult and lengthy to-”

“The Order has reason to think that this is necessary,” the Siren responded flatly, “It’s not a matter of time or lengthy-ness at all. I need for you to assemble your magicians for an inspection. For too long, the denizens of the Between has gone unchecked with their usage of magic. I’ll decide whether or not I should approve of this Underling business based upon the quality of your mages.”

“Meaning...?” the Overlord asked, eyes narrowing.

“We could easily revoke your right to be here. To even operate here,” the Acolyte slid a series of papers in front of the Overlord, her legs crossed in a very ladylike fashion.

Teeth gritted, the Overlord glanced down at the papers, the dismay evident in her eyes. With a resentful, yet submitting expression, the Overlord placed two fingers on the papers, then slid them back, “I’ll line my magicians up for you.” Why are you complying when you could kill them? the Theurgist argued. In response, the Overlord jabbed back, None of my Underlings perform dark magic. They’ll be fine. I just wanted the Order out of my hair sooner than this. There’s no way they’ll know that I’ve done anything.

But still... Why comply?

The Order could destroy us if they wanted to. That’s why. I won’t throw my life away because I’m scared of something that won’t happen.

Eh. Your call. What about Sexist?

What ABOUT Sexist?

He still bears the eyes of the Cursed. Remember? They kind of... Glow.

Oh shit!

“I will assemble them if you will give me time to,” the Overlord inclined her head, rising to her feet. “We can do the assessments here, in my office. I’ll have the Soul-Keeper and Ninja-Lord gather them. I will go give them orders...” Without further comment, the Overlord vanished down the stairs, shutting the door to her office behind her. Glancing at the Soul-Keeper, she grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him in close, “Fetch every magic-using Underling we have and tell them to line up to my office. It’s imperative.”

“What does ‘imperative’ mean?” the Soul-Keeper asked in confusion.

“Really freaking important.”

“Got it!” With a jiggle of his hips, the Soul-Keeper disappeared with a ‘poof’, leaving behind traces of unidentifiable, uncertain white smoke. The Overlord distanced herself from it immediately, then began down the stairs, her eyes flitting about the corridors as she moved. Grabbing the Ninja-Lord by the arm as she attempted to bite into a bagel, the Overlord pulled her off to the side, dragging her down the hall.

“I was eating...” the Ninja-Lord pouted, shooting the Overlord a displeased expression.

“Gather the Overling Army- errr... the ones that do magic. Leave the Captain and the Lieutenant, obviously, they’re both rather preoccupied with recovering,” the Overlord ordered, her response a muffled “Why” from the Ninja-Lord. “Because the Order of Magic wants to inspect everyone doing magic. They’re looking for black mages, I guess.”

“That’s stupid,” the Ninja-Lord retorted after swallowing her first bite. She began to take a second when a spontaneous snow leopard kitten toddled by, warranting the stares of both the Ninja-Lord and the Overlord. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” the Overlord watched the kitten go, then looked back at her third-in-command, “Just do what I say. Okay?”

“It’s still stupid...” the Ninja-Lord grumbled, tossing a smoke bomb into the air, then vanishing. The Overlord was left, coughing uncontrollably. As she bent over the rail, she looked down at the Underlings passing by, eyes watering from the smoke.

I hate it when she does that, the Overlord thought moodily to the Theurgist.

She’s been acting odd.


Really odd. I think she’s hiding something from you. Keeps wanting to be alone. Or she’s been moody.

Maybe she’s on her period?

Her, too?!

... I.... I don’t even have any sort of come back for that.

The Theurgist was clearly pleased with himself, and the Overlord rolled her eyes, hopping over the railing and landing on the group, frantically looking up and down the crowds of Underlings. Pushing past Fabio and the Pet, the Overlord glanced over at the Lounge, wondering if Sexist was located in there. Slipping into the cafe setting, the Overlord tried to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at her. It was really hard to not feel uncomfortable, and she slowly began feeling her cheeks flush a deep red. But she kept moving, scouring the booths and tables for the blonde Underling. She found him at the bar, back turned from her with a cup of some dark soda in his hand. He was between the Apprentice and Kunoichi. Shinobi and Llama were also present, sharpening their knives on the bar. Fish glanced back at the Overlord, blowing a tuft of brown hair from his eyes.

“Sexist,” her voice cracked worse than a boy going through puberty. So she tried again, “Hey. YOU!” Much better. Intimidation and wrath lining her voice, the Overlord glared at Sexist as he turned, cocking a blonde eyebrow at her. There was equal resentment- his bright blue eyes hitting her only visible eye with as much curiosity as vengeance. He didn’t say anything- he just waited. The Overlord cast her glance away, shifting her hip in the ‘angry mom’ position, and thrusting her arms into a rather pissed off fold, “I need you to come with me. Apprentice, you should be heading upstairs, same with you, Fish. The Order of Magic needs to talk to you.”

“Pft. I’m the freaking Apprentice. I do what I-” the Apprentice began.

“Just go,” the Overlord’s patience was wearing thin, and Fish understood this. He beckoned the Apprentice to follow him, saluting the others in silence. The Overlord turned and looked back at Sexist, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

“Where?” Sexist inquired, voice devoid of any sort of emotion. The Overlord was trying to figure out what exactly his expression was- it was a tie between being pissed and calculating. Was he trying to figure her out? She evaded his glowing gaze tactfully.

“We’re going on a... field trip,” the Overlord responded evenly, trying to keep her voice like his- nulled of feeling. “We’ll be back soon.”

“Okay...” He rose from his chair, bangs falling in his eyes. The Overlord wasted no time, grabbing his arm, then vanishing from the Lounge in a beam of light. Blinded temporarily, she gripped Sexist’s arm tightly, allowing her nails to dig into his skin. As her sight began to filter back, he jerked his arm away, shooting her an annoyed look. Scoffing, the Overlord kicked at some leaves, glancing at the pool of water before her. Sexist recognized the setting as well, turning and looking down the gorge as he took in a deep breath. “Why here?”

“The Overlord’s Sanctum. You’ll be... Safe... here,” the Overlord didn’t sound very warm, though honestly didn’t want to lose the Underling to the Order. Though she hated to admit it, he was a very good fighter, and she knew she needed a water magician around. “Don’t come back until I come for you.” She began to warp again when she caught his glowing, smoldering gaze.

“Why did you bring me here?” Sexist asked, voice low and commanding.

“The Order of Magic is seeking out dark mages. To arrest, no doubt. You carry traces of dark magic. Could have you arrested. So, I pulled you from the inspection process. It’s for your own good,” the Overlord looked down in the waters, staring at the reflection that gazed back at her, pulling her bangs back with a finger to look at her blue eye. She made sure she had her back to Sexist, not wanting him to see.

“You’re doing something for my own good?” Sexist sounded surprised, though his voice was covered in sarcasm and cynicism.

“Not the first time I’ve ever done something good for you,” the Overlord remarked grudgingly. You two are so pleasant and kind to each other, the Theurgist laughed. She turned to face Sexist, bangs covering her right eye once more. “Though... YOU could never say the same in return.” Words icy and cold, the Overlord disappeared in a second beam of light, boots lightly thudding against the stone floor of the sickbay back at the Fortress. Her vision cleared up to reveal that she had landed in the same room as the Lieutenant, who was awake and talking with the Animal Tamer.

“So I heard you wanted a shoulder monkey...” the Animal Tamer was saying, extending her arms out as she held a capuchin in front of the Lieutenant, who was attempting to stifle laughter, “I don’t really know what kind of monkey you had in mind... But I thought I’d give you this one as a ‘get well’ gift!”

“Thank you,” the Lieutenant laughed, taking the monkey into his large hands and studying it. It stared at him, blinking a few times before it began to squirm, trying to run away. “I... Don’t quite know what to say, Animal Tamer...”

“You’re welcome!” the Animal Tamer beamed, “Hey, Overlord!”

“Just checking on my favorite Lieutenant!” the Overlord nodded to the Animal Tamer, then maneuvered around the side of the bed, gazing at the Lieutenant’s bandaged side. “How ya feelin’?”

“The Evocator said I’d be out tomorrow. She’s been healing me all afternoon,” the Lieutenant shrugged, then winced, “Might be tough hauling a bazooka, but I’ll manage. She said that the Captain went into some rage and is in the room down the hall...” His expression darkened, “Is it true he hasn’t woken up?”

“Don’t freak out...” the Overlord began slowly, but she knew the Lieutenant wouldn’t listen. As he struggled to get up, the Overlord poked him in the chest, prodding him back down into the bed, “Now listen! I’m going over there to check on him now and see what’s up. Corporal Woodson should be down in a second to give you some noms, gotcha?”

“I don’t care! I need to see him!” the Lieutenant began to stand up, but the Overlord pushed him back down roughly.

“As your Overlord, I’m telling you to sit down and rest. I’ll need you soon, so you can’t go getting yourself even more screwed up, mmkay?” the Overlord glared at the Lieutenant, “Don’t make me call the Twin in.” She added over her shoulder as she walked over to the door. “You know I will... Don’t forget who’s older!”

“If I wasn’t hurt right now... I could so pick you up and toss you to the other side of the mountains...” the Lieutenant grumbled, arms folded crossly and lip stuck out stubbornly. The Overlord merely flashed him a grin, waved, then slipped out into the hall, trotting down the corridor and into the Captain’s room. She was not surprised to find that he was still unconscious, though, knew he would have to awaken soon.

She glanced at the Captain, poking him with a finger before listening for a moan or groan. “You know...” The Overlord murmured, “You ought to wake up soon. Your Lieutenant is quite concerned about you...” She pulled back his shirt to reveal the wound she had inflicted, wincing as she did so. Putting the shirt back, the Overlord cast her gaze towards the door, voice dropping low, “As am I. Why didn’t you tell me you had Saevio all along?” Her tone transformed into one of bitter- regret stinging her words as she continued, “Come on. Wake up, Captain.” He groaned, and the Overlord’s head snapped towards him, hands grabbing either sides of the bed. “I SAID TO WAKE UP!”

“There’s no need to scream...” the Captain mumbled, eyes opening. He started as he stared at her, his sudden awakening causing the Overlord to draw back. The Captain took in a few breaths, muttering, “Why does my chest hurt?”

“Because you got hit. Hard,” the Overlord remarked, arms folded, “You’ve got some explaining to do...!”

“Not happy to see that I’m awake?” the Captain asked with a bit of a chuckle.

Hip jutted out to the side, the Overlord folded her arms, then remarked, “I sort of want to kill you for scaring me like that.” She tried to look as serious as she could, but couldn’t muster the scowl. Smiling at him, she shook her head, then sighed, “But really... You had me worried. I didn’t know you were inflicted with Saevio... And then you were going all ‘MERRRRR’ on people... And...” the Overlord took in a deep breath, “ IthoughtIwasgoingtohavetokillyou. But it’s okay. Because I didn’t. And you passed out before too long...”

“I’m glad you didn’t kill me,” the Captain stammered, “I’m... I’m sorry... I haven’t done that in a long time. I mean... I thought it left. And it wasn’t going to happen again...”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” the Overlord asked, glancing up at him with her arms still folded.

“Why would I? Most people don’t think that sort of thing is... Well... Morally good,” the Captain remarked awkwardly, “I didn’t even know that you knew about it, Overlord. Honestly... I didn’t.”

“I know more than you’d think!” the Overlord said huffily, though smirked behind her draped bangs, “I suppose I haven’t exactly been honest about my powers, either.” It’s funny because it’s kind of ironic? the Theurgist inquired. Hush! the Overlord scolded gently, then added, “I went into my first rage when I was around fourteen. That’s when I found out...”

“You, too?” the Captain asked, eyes lighting up in shock and curiosity. The Overlord’s head merely bobbed up and down, a grim expression on her face. Staring at her, the Captain tilted his head to the side, stroking his goattee with a hand, “... I can see it, I guess...”

“Have you learned to harness it?” the Overlord asked lightly, as though asking about the weather.

“Harness... it?” the Captain raised his eyebrows.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” the Overlord laughed, “I’ll teach you. Once you’re better. There’s ways to calm yourself down before you lose it. And there’s ways to incite it. It took me awhile. But once you get it down, it’s pretty much out of your life unless you want to use it.”

“I’d like that...” the Captain nodded, “Please.”

“As long as you don’t do what you did at the Great Wall of China. ‘Cause... Man, I thought you were going to kill me,” the Overlord laughed, clasping the metal bar at the end of the bed, “I’ll tell the Evocator that you’re up. She’ll want to check up on your wounds.” She bid the Captain farewell, then slipped out into the hall, departing from the sickbay in a few quick strides.

After she cleared the sickbay, the Overlord cast a glance to the left and the right before proceeding forward, moving towards the stairs and looking up at the long line of mages getting ready to be inspected by the Acolyte and Siren. There’s always something... She sighed, then ran a hand through her hair, careful not to expose her right eye. Once the Order members leave... Things will calm down. I’ll get a nice vacation. Hawaii sounds nice. Maybe Hawaii... she smirked, agreeing whole-heartedly with this concept of ‘vacation’ and sensing the Theurgist’s agreement as well. Hawaii it is.

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