Friday, December 10, 2010

TOS - Vol 3, Pt 1, Ch 2

The Overlord Saga
Vol III. The Armageddon Prophecy

Chapter 2: The Rift

There was a lot of explaining to do. After the Overlord had managed to get the Captain back into the Fortress, she had requested that the cadet that found the wounded Lieutenant be brought to her office immediately. By noon, the cadet had yet to report to the office, though the Overlord didn’t particularly care at the moment. Her time was being wasted by a flurry of reports coming in from the Advisor.

It had been almost six months since the battle with the Nemesis had occurred, and since she had been bonded with the Theurgist. During this time, her methods of disguising her now blue eye had gotten more and more interesting- though, she’d ultimately settled on some very stereotypical bangs that concealed the right side of her face. Though her appearance was far more rugged than before, the Fortress had been repaired nicely, with additions such as the Sandwich Teleportation device (an invention made by Fish and the Scribe) that was frequently used to send people sandwiches (on the basis of ‘candy is sooooo last century’). The swimming pool had been lengthened to help fit Bill II the Kraken (oddly enough, after the Fortress had been taken by DIB, the original Bill had gone missing... though, the Overlord had found some nice sushi and calamari in her personal fridge.......). There was a new, improved training ground that was modeled after the training hollow in Tamashii (designed specifically for the Ninja Team). A library had also been added, along with a Librarian, who kept the Fortress’ lore and most of its knowledge.

More members had been added into the Underling Army, specifically a group of footsoldiers that tended to hang around with each other. They were young, slightly obnoxious, but the Overlord figured it was due to their newness and youthful attitude- everyone was stupid at some point in their life, right? Especially when they were young. Underling Germany had been added at some point, usually preferring the other ‘country Underlings’. The Grasshopper had picked up another female Underling that ended up going by the name of Balls (unfortunate indeed). Other additions included the flamboyant Ke$ha (who was male, mind you), Underling TCUE (his full name was too long for even the author to remember), Brainsucker, Sun-Child, and a very thin Underling that had been appropriately named Skinny. Though they were still amidst the trainees, the Overlord was quite proud of her collection thus far.

After the war against the Nemesis, the Corporal had decided to stay as one of the Captain’s Zombie Headhunters. Of course, this meant that the Sorceress and the Swordmaster stayed- the Sorceress helping the Evocator with magical defense and offense in the Fortress, while the Swordmaster was reluctantly let onto the Ninja Team by the Ninja-Lord (though, he seemed to work more independently than the others). Venice and the Scholar had departed for Fort Effort, along with the Twin and Centurion Ifill (who had been granted the new title of the Horsemaster by her older sister, and given official duties over Fort Effort’s cavalry). The Witch had gone with Jamie in order to go treasure hunting- and the last time the Overlord had heard, they were somewhere in the Caribbean. The Maverick had vanished almost immediately after the battle, leaving behind no trace (not that the Overlord was surprised). The Wises went back to their cave in the eastern mountains, where they belonged, and the DIB members had mostly disbanded. Blondie had ended up a footsoldier in the Insurgents again, much to his dismay and disgracing his name. The Rebel Commander had joined as the demolitions expert, rivaling the Lieutenant and the Captain as always. Pharisee had vanished into thin air, though a rumor had begun where they said he had been captured by someone else and was being held prisoner for an indefinite amount of time. Jester continued his raids every now and then, though the Overlord was certain to send her Ninja Team on him whenever he came within ten miles of the Fortress.

She knew the Insurgents had grown as well as her army had, though the tales all spoke of a new female Insurgent (which was enough to make heads turn) that went by the name of Foreigner. As the Overlord heard it, she was quite interested in challenging her for power.

Puzzling enough, the Insurgents had been quite belligerent the past few months, though McCoy had not been seen for a gap of time. Her sources had told her that McCoy had, first, been killed by some ravenous beast, though later reports stated he was only ill after a battle that had gone awry. Nothing about his condition had been released, though his appearance at the Roman battle made the Overlord scratch her chin. If anything, he seemed normal. Perhaps he had made a full recovery? She honestly felt bad for actually being relieved, but supposed that was the old ANF general in her talking. Now she was the Overlord- now she had to resume her evil duties.

The SVC had almost revoked her membership after her downfall at the Nemesis’ hands. It took many lawyers and a darn good case to stay in, but the Overlord had pulled it off... Along with a bit of blackmail that made some of the older members quite wary of the Overlord’s Army in the recent days. A new SVC building had begun construction in the Between, somewhere in the north along with the rest of civilization. Though the Overlord ruled the south, she was becoming increasingly aware of more denizens of the Between that had snuck past her sentries in the far north, particularly a rumored city of trapped souls and mortals called the City of Lost Souls. Due to their fears of being brought into the Overlord’s wars, they had, however, barred themselves and their buildings from magic or from being found easily. This presented a problem to the Overlord, who, say, actually thought that having an entire metropolis in her palm was a decent exploit.

More organizations had moved to the Between, specifically the Order of Magic, which had been monitoring the magic properties and usage for the past millennia. The Overlord was not overly fond of this, as it added more goodie-too-shoes into her life, but tolerated them. Their new-made prison, however, had caused a few heads to turn in their direction, in the good AND in the bad way. As it was rumored, the prison/psych ward was supposed to be the institution for powerful sorcerers who did not handle their magic with the care that was necessary. Though it was a prison of sorts, it went by the rather peaceful, and compliant name of Cypress Row. There were certain rumors that circulated about the psych ward’s inmates- rumors that the Overlord was not sure she truly wanted to know the truth behind.

“... Are you even paying attention?” the Advisor snapped the Overlord from her thoughts, arms folded and a nasty glare shot in her direction, “We have a list of people who have begged for an audience with you. Will you see them or not?”

“Send them in,” the Overlord responded, adjusting the way she was sitting in her chair and gazing at the first group as they entered. A boy with spiky brown hair entered, followed by some white duck in a blue mage’s outfit, and a floppy-eared, silly looking dog with a shield. The Overlord blinked, but remained silent- she’d seen weirder.

“Uhhh... hi,” the boy stared at her, blue eyes full of innocent confidence. The Overlord stifled a pitying snort. “Uhhh I was just wondering if you could let us look around. See... I’m kind of looking for this keyhole, and...”

“You want me to let you snoop around my castle?” the Overlord said incredulously. “I think not! Soul-Keeper, escort this trio out of my sight!” She snapped her fingers at the nearby, robed second-in-command, who grabbed the brown-haired boy’s arm and began to drag him out of the room. The Overlord glanced at the Advisor, huffing a sigh and folding her arms. “Next!”

A teenager with a shaved head (despite a large black ponytail of hair) and a nasty burn on his face entered next, a rather portly old man following him. “Prince Zuko, I don’t think this is a very good-” The elderly man was cut off by his partner’s brash statement.

“Have you seen the Avatar?” He held up a photo of some drawing, depicting a bald child with a giant arrow on his head. The Overlord’s eyes flicked from the prince to the picture and she merely collapsed back in her chair, facepalming all the while.

“It’s time for you to go,” the Advisor urged them out, the duo leaving even quicker than they had entered. Casting a glance back at the exasperated Overlord, the Advisor offered a meek smile, shrugging her shoulders. “Perhaps... the underling news?” The Overlord grumbled something incoherent, so the Advisor continued, standing before the Overlord’s desk firmly.

“Here’s a list of potential recruits. I had the Ninja-Lord do some scouting on her down time,” the Advisor slid a stack of papers on the Overlord’s desk, which warranted merely a glance before the Overlord shot her a frustrated look. The Advisor’s expression only turned cross at her temperamental leader.

The Overlord flipped through the papers, almost in disinterest, “We’ve had a decent enough soul haul. It’s been good that Gabriel waved the rent after we set him free from DIB’s prison.” She selected a particular biography of a Hispanic man, turning the page so that the Advisor could see it, “Is this a joke? Look at him. He’s in POVERTY! Why would I WANT him? He has no fighting experience whatsoever. And he’s not a genius. He has the IQ of a... Of a rock.”

“Actually... You have to take him,” the Advisor scratched the back of her neck.

“Oh?” the Overlord quirked an eyebrow, attempting to keep relatively calm.

“See, the public is getting upset that the majority of your Underlings are uhm... Caucasian from the middle to upper class...” the Advisor stammered uncertainly.

“So they’re dictating who is in MY army? What PUBLIC is this? I crush publics before afternoon tea,” the Overlord stood up from her chair, moving the papers away, “I don’t accept. Not in the slightest!”

“Overlord, you have to show your sensitivity to minors and their hard working-” the Advisor tried.

“This is stupid,” the Overlord concluded, plopping back down. “And I won’t listen to any more of it. Wrap up the reports, I’ve a bit more I need to do before dinner.”

“The Order of Magic has sent word that they are in need of investigating our Fortress for hidden traces of Inconcessus Ars. I told them it was unnecessary, but allowed them to send two representatives. They’ll arrive in the morning,” the Advisor informed her, “That is... Fine, right?”

The Overlord recoiled slightly, shifting her weight, and curling her fingers into a small, loose fist in thought. Traces? Hidden traces? No... No traces here. None that I haven’t gotten rid of... She responded with a nod, ignoring the Theurgist’s sinister chuckle within the depths of her mind. “It’s fine,” she stated calmly, crossing her ankles beneath the desk. So... You’re hoping they don’t inspect the Captain... Right? the Theurgist cackled. Could be problematic...

Could be. I won’t let it bother me. I gave my story to the others once I got here- I had to pull a knife on him or he’d have shot me.

And how many do you think actually believed that?

All of them. Because most of them don’t know what Inconcessus Ars is... other than it is bad.

So the Order is going to chain you up if they find out... Right?

Chains would be the least of my worries. You can break chains.

But what can’t you break?

The Overlord didn’t reply. Instead, she continued listening to the Advisor’s report, “The Sorceress is watching the Captain. She says he’ll be unconscious for a day or so longer. You must’ve really hit him hard, I guess. The Lieutenant is fine and awake. He’s in the sickbay, first floor. I’m sure you’d want to talk to him.” When she nodded her head, the Advisor smiled, then added, “Also... The Ninja-Lord said she found something while she was out scouting. She wouldn’t tell me what, but it seemed urgent. I would talk to her as soon as possible, Overlord.”

“Thank you. You’re dismissed,” the Overlord waved a hand, watching the Advisor exit quietly before shutting the door. She stretched, rising from her chair and striding over to the mirror, one of her hands brushing back her dark brown bangs to reveal the blue right eye, unfamiliar and alien to her, still.

So... Explain to me again why you began turning to dark magic?

For the past month... I keep having these dreams. They’re different than others. Sort of like when the Nemesis was around still... But different. I know I’m going to need to get stronger if I’m to survive what is to come.

And what IS to come?

You’re the psychic. You tell me.

These dreams... I experience them as well. I see fire burning the world... Coupled with seas of blood. Though... Are you sure it’s not just the excessive playing of Dragon Age causing this?

“I’m certain...” the Overlord responded with a cool chuckle. Nothing ever stays this quiet in the Between. Maybe it’s the Order that will provoke me next- I don’t know. But the peace never lasts- surely you know that. She brushed her bangs back into place, letting them fall in front of her blue eye. “All of this isn’t out of paranoia, though, don’t get me wrong. It’s out of caution.” She added firmly, turning and walking towards the door.

I’m sure Dragon Age doesn’t help though.

Hush. It’s a strangely addictive game.

Reaching the stairs down to the second level, the Overlord found herself lost among the Underlings and Overlings, trying to find her way down to the kitchens. When she reached the staircase to the lower level, she passed Sexist by, purposefully looking away from him. His arm bumped into hers softly- accidentally, she was certain, but she still winced at his touch, recoiling as she did so. Neither of them muttered a word to each other- maintaining their icy relationship as best as they could. No glares, no stares- she couldn’t even look at him without a sudden reminder of the Nemesis. It made her feel queasy. Eagerly reaching the bottom of the stairs, the Overlord clapped TCUE on the back, smiling at him before passing the Animal Tamer and Fish, both beaming at each other.

Aw. How cute, she thought, a small, sinister gleam in her eyes shining as she looked at them both. Next came the Evocator, talking with Prussia, Russia, China, Belarus, Germany, Fabio, and the Animal Tamer’s Pet. She received and smile and a wave before being greeted by the Scribe, who eagerly clasped the Overlord’s hand, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! I still haven’t finished my documentation of the War of Fire and Ice. I need your input and a few quotes to wrap it up!”

“Errr... Right... What about?” the Overlord asked uncertainly.

“Particularly... How you beat the Nemesis, as you made it quite unknown in your official statement to the SVC and the press,” the Scribe frowned, looking his notes over, “If you could come by my room at some point-”

“Will do,” the Overlord inclined her head, escaping in the crowd sneakily. Great... Need to come up with details? I can’t just explain... Ughhh. Alexi. This is all your fault!

My fault? How is this MY fault?

You heard him. He needs to know how I beat the Nemesis. People found me passed out in a pool of blood. HIS blood. They said that the body was so broken that his death seemed unnatural... they burned him though. Everything. Put his ashes in a cave not far from here....

So if you lied? Said you just went into Saevio and killed him in your rage? It explains everything. And what are they going to do? Piece his ashes together to see if your story’s accurate? They’ll never know...

So many lies...

But it’s all necessary.

The Overlord relented, a grimace crossing her features as she opened the door to enter the lounge, trying to pass through, unnoticed, to the kitchens. She tripped, however, grabbing a hold of the wall and glancing down at the ground to see what she’d tripped over. A small, purring snow leopard kitten stared up at her, tail flickering back and forth in anticipation. Confusion evident in the Overlord’s eyes, she chose merely not to ask, and continued about her way, almost making it to the kitchens when the Ninja-Lord appeared next to her in a puff of black smoke.

“There you are!” the Ninja-Lord exclaimed, grabbing a hold of her arm. The Overlord jerked back, startled. The Ninja-Lord’s metallic arm did not release her, however, “There’s something you need to see. I didn’t report it to the Advisor... But I must tell you now, there’s something going on in the Wasteland.”

“Explain...” the Overlord pried her arm away from the Ninja-Lord, maneuvering past to reach the kitchens. The Ninja-Lord stalked after her, lowering her voice to where it was somewhere between her normal voice a whisper.

“A giant... uh... rift... is dividing the Wasteland. Not a uhhh... Not a figurative one, either. An actual... Rift. It’s huge- over a mile wide and you can’t see the bottom, Overlord. It’s between our Fortress and the Insurgents’ camp.”

The news struck the Overlord as odd slightly irrelevant, but intriguing. Quirking an eyebrow at the Ninja-Lord, the Overlord allowed herself time to study her Overling’s face before coming to a conclusion. Thoughts swam in her head, until, finally, she began to break down several conclusions. The first was that, of course, the Insurgent Leader did it on purpose. Realizing it sounded very ‘older sisterly’ and childish, the Overlord dismissed it as the primary conclusion. She did understand that his intellect did not stretch so far as hers. The second conclusion was that she had accidentally done this, though she could not recall how accurate this was. She then assumed the Soul-Keeper had something to do with it, but then, considered that he had been merely out to New York recently to go watch the Phantom of the Opera. And then, she came to a final conclusion.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

“Do show me,” the Overlord rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “I’m curious.” The Ninja-Lord grabbed her arm once more and closed her eyes, throwing another smoke bomb onto the ground. The Overlord held her breath, eyes tightly shut as they warped out of the Fortress. As soon as she felt her boots hit solid ground, the Overlord opened her eyes, waving away smoke with her hand as she took a step forward. Black fog clearing away, the Overlord glanced immediately downward, drawing back at the sight of the soil merely vanishing from view at a certain point.

“We’re here,” the Ninja-Lord said with very fake enthusiasm. The Overlord tilted her head to the side, glancing the ravine from a sideways perspective before picking up a rock in her palm. Gazing across the rift, she noted that it was several miles long- much deeper than it was long. She dangled the rock out between two fingers, then dropped it suddenly, mentally counting the seconds as they went by. But no noise came. No thud. No landing. The Overlord frowned, staring down into the rift.

“It’s odd, isn’t it?” the Overlord observed, still frowning as she drew away from the edge. “I don’t suppose we can investigate it further?”

“Solid rock. Solid fall,” the Ninja-Lord responded, glancing at the Overlord from the corner of her eye, “I’d rather not risk it. Who knows what’s at the bottom of that thing? Could be something we don’t want to piss off.”

“I considered that,” the Overlord replied, “Though... It seems odd that it should appear so suddenly. If it grows... I’ll investigate it myself. I know a few who might be able to shed some light on this.”

“Hn,” the Ninja-Lord shrugged passively, turning to face the Overlord, “The Evocator wanted you to visit the Lieutenant when you returned. Said he was awake and asking for you.” The Overlord nodded silently, looking back at the distant Fortress. “I might stay awhile. Scout the area,” the Ninja-Lord added with a stern nod of her head.

“Be my guest,” the Overlord shrugged as well, then vanished.

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