Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TOS- Vol 3, Chapter 9

The Overlord Saga
Vol III. The Armageddon Prophecy

Chapter 9: Rodeo

The Insurgent Leader strode ahead a few steps, his hand clutching the hilt of his longsword.  A glance back and he gestured for the others to follow, silently handing a vial to Foreigner.  She stared at the vial, then muttered something to the Insurgent Leader, which could be picked up in traces.  In all reality, it sounded a bit like, “Nxuk te A te nakx kxaj?” but McCoy, who was also by the Insurgent Leader, figured that he had dozed off a bit during the conversation.  After all, no one really spoke in a language so bizarre and consonant-filled.  It was inconceivable. The Insurgent Leader quietly made a drinking motion to Foreigner, then added, “It’s to replenish your mana.”
“Mana,” Ginger shook her head, bangs sweeping into her eyes.
“Should’ve had a V8,” Owl remarked with an almost childish grin.  
“Kxudb eei,” Foreigner dipped her head out of respect to her leader, then took a drink, downing the entire liquid.  The Insurgent Leader quietly began distributing the drinks, though was careful to avoid giving one to Tinkerbell, merely stating that he “didn’t need his pervy-est soldier high off of caffeine”.
“Okay... So... Not like I’m racist or anything. ..” Owl began, but Ginger merely snorted in retort to this.  Owl merely continued, shooting her fellow underling a glare, “But that was definitely not English.”
“I thought it was just me...” McCoy fell back, sneaking alongside the two Underlings, “But I guess she really ISN’T speaking English.  That’s just strange, though...” He cast a glance at the Insurgent Leader and Foreigner, brow furrowed, “He speaks English to her and she understands...” He looked at the other two, confusion flooding his dark eyes, “... And she speaks... Whatever that is.  It sort of sounds like Yiddish to me, but... he... understands it?”
“Well, there’s always the possibility that the Insurgent Leader has the capability to speak Yiddish,” Fish suggested helpfully.
“The Insurgent Leader doesn’t seem like the bilingual type,” Owl admitted.
“Perhaps not,” McCoy frowned.
“We’re nearing the battle.  I can hear it,” the Insurgent Leader stopped and turned to face his men (and women- we have to state this in order to be politically correct). “Now... I’m not good at inspiring speeches.  And frankly, I don’t... really know... why we’re aiding these two, because they’re technically not MY allies... But, we’re going to do this.  And we’re going to do this using our best strategy-”
“Retreat?” Owl suggested, a peek at the raging battlefield causing her to frown.
“No, no, that’s the French,” Fish shook his head.
“We will use tactics involving guerilla warfare.  Okay... I want you all to listen very carefully to our game plan...” the Insurgent Leader began.  From Owl’s perspective, the plan sounded something similar to this: “We’re going to send our blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah until the blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. When they blahblahblahblahblah, then decide to blahblahblahblah as any strategically-savvy army WOULD do.  We shall blahblahblahblahblahblah...”
On the other hand, the Insurgent Leader’s gameplan sounded much like this to Tinkerbell: “We’re going to send in our heavy hitters (insert “That’s what she said” here) into the fray first to make a big impact (insert “That’s what she said” here), while our weaker ones wait for the right moment to insert themselves in the battle (insert “That’s what she said” here). With any luck, we can flip them over and have our way with them (insert “That’s what she said” here) as they would do to our friends (insert “That’s what she said” here).  They will eventually become flaccid (insert “That’s what she said” here) in their movements, then decide to pull out entirely (insert “That’s what she said” here) as any strategically-savvy army WOULD do.  We shall be firm and forceful (insert “That’s what she said” here) in our goal to satisfy the Overlord’s desires (insert “That’s what she said” here).”
On the contrary, everything sounded something like THIS to Ginger, who was prone to being distracted, “We’re going to send in our (Ginger side note: “I wonder how we’re going to fight an entire army with just a handful of soldiers, because, I mean... really?  Really?  Why are we even trying?  I guess the soldiers on the other side are wounded and all and we have super awesome fighters on our side, but this seems like a really bad idea... Oh, crap, I should probably be paying attention)..... insert themselves in the battle (Ginger side note: I feel like this entire speech could be very suggestive).... Flip them over and have our way (Ginger side note: Yep.  Oh well.  Hey... I wonder if South Park will be on when I’m home.  Actually... Screw South Park.  I kind of want to watch Bleach...)... will eventually become flaccid (Ginger side note: I wonder how they got through two whole volumes without another ginger coming in.  I mean, come on, this series is about a person who takes souls.  I mean, you’d think that there’d be more ginger jokes than just the ones in this volume.  Too many pop culture references, I guess...)... to satisfy the Overlord’s desires (Ginger side note: HOLY CRAP, IS MY CHARACTER A GIANT POP CULTURE REFERENCE!?).”
In conclusion, it should probably be noted that only one Insurgent listened intently to the Insurgent Leader’s plan, and that was Foreigner, who beamed and glowed in pride, her eyes alight with undying loyalty.  The Insurgent Leader lifted his sword gallantly, a dramatic wind picking up as he yelled his war cry, surging head-first into the onslaught just a veil of bushes away.  By this point, the Overlord (who had not bothered with a speech other than “don’t die”) had entered the fray, scythe stained a gruesome crimson.
“Have you found Jamie or the Twin?” the Insurgent Leader shouted over the melee, to which his sister merely shook her head.  He turned, catching one of the bandits on his oversized blade, then glanced down the hill, at where a partially broken ship could be seen beached, with smoke pillaring from its hull.  The Overlord wordlessly bounded down the grassy slope, scythe altering into its compact rod form.  The Insurgent Leader waved his hand, clearing a small path for the Overlord as she rushed the burning boat.
The Twin could be seen, her back pressed against the boat, a bow in hand.  A few golden-tipped shafts zipped out across the battlefield, zoning in on a pair of incoming bandits.  She turned and slammed the end of her bow into another enemy unit, then kicked him away, almost collapsing to the ground from exhaustion.  The Overlord dashed in suddenly, sinking Kagi’s blade up until the hilt into the back of a man with a bandana over his face.  He sank to the ground and she swiftly pulled the reddened sword from his body.  Glancing up at the Twin, the Overlord mustered a smirk, then offered a hand to help her friend up.
“Took your time!” the Twin panted, but took the Overlord’s hand regardless. Her eyes scanned the battlefield, but she stepped forward suddenly, the burning pirate ship behind her swaying and rocking suddenly.  The Overlord seized the Twin by the arm, then promptly swing her away as the boat began to tilt, its burning mass threatening to crash atop the two ladies.  The Overlord leapt after the Twin, her eyes wide in shock as the Saucy Whore, Jamie’s infamous ship, slammed to the ground, splintering into pieces.
“I don’t think we’ll be using that boat again,” the Twin frowned, her eyes sweeping across the rubble sadly. She looked at the Overlord, then asked, “Where’s Jamie?”
“I could very well ask you the same question,” the Overlord casually held out a hand as a bandit tried to attack them, grabbing his wrists and pulling him arm back as the Twin reached out with a dagger and stabbed him.  The Overlord quietly let the man drop to the ground. “I thought she was with you?”
“No.  She and the Witch ran for help.  Or so I was told...” the Twin glanced over as the Horselord (formerly referred to as Little Ifill in Volume I and the Centurion in Volume II) rode over to the two, her halberd painted the same gruesome color as the snowy ground.
“Hey, um... I know this is probably a bad time and all... But the enemy leader is here.  And he has Jamie,” the Horselord began uncertainly, “Oh, hi Overlord!” She waved happily, “I thought I saw the Soul-Keeper over there.  When did you guys get here?”
“Just now,” the Overlord frowned, then glanced at the Twin, “Jamie got herself caught by a man...”
“Again,” the Twin fought back a wry smirk.
“I told her.  Hanging out at pirate pubs is a great way to get yourself a few stalkers.  Ninjas don’t have as many stalkers,” the Overlord pointed out, “But that’s probably because we’re masters at hiding...”
“But you’re wearing red...” the Twin pointed at the Overlord’s elaborate red, golden, and black outfit.
“I....... Like red,” the Overlord said defensively.
“Well, it doesn’t matter what we like or not.  We gotta focus on getting Jamie back,” the Twin hobbled a few steps forward, looking down at her foot, “Oww...” The Overlord offered to help her, and the two began across the battlefield. 
A glance around confirmed several things- the first being that the bandits were not as well trained as the Fort Effort soldiers, the pirates, the Underlings, or the Insurgents. Across the field, the Overlord caught a glimpse of Sexist defending a fallen pirate from one of the bandits, deftly swinging his broadsword around and beheading his opponent.  The Overlord felt her stomach churn and she looked down, blinking a few times before looking up to see Kobaj and McCoy tag-teaming a group of bandits.  Kobaj had fired two violet colored spheres from his gun, causing the bandits to fall to the ground. McCoy leapt over them, firing his machine gun into the trapped enemies, a hand clutching onto his hat.  Mooka had changed forms and was raised on his back legs, snarling ferociously at a group of hounds that apparently were fighting alongside the bandits.  Ginger was shooting people with a blow gun, darting them as Owl protected her from a surge of enemies coming from behind.  The Overlord watched in amazement as Owl summoned a barrage of weapons from thin air- a canoe oar that was sent into someone’s face, a vacuum that sucked onto someone’s leg, a power cord that tied a few opponents together, a Christmas tree that landed on someone, and a little kid floatie toy that wrapped around someone’s neck trying to suffocate them.
“Where did the Horselord say that the enemy leader was?” the Overlord asked, glancing at the Twin.
“She didn’t...” the Twin frowned, then gently pushed the Overlord away, “I can stand on my own.  Go.  You should probably go find her before something bad happens.”
“Can I count on you to back me up if need be?” the Overlord asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course!” the Twin smiled at the Overlord, patting her on the head.
“Lieutenant, call for a cease fire until their boss decides to show their face!” the Overlord roared over the melee, glancing at the much more intimidating Lieutenant.  He obliged greatly, having taken the Captain’s vuvuzela while the Captain was away.  One call from the vuvuzela and the battlefield had gone silent, all eyes on the Lieutenant- though some were glaring out of pure rage. 
“Lieutenant, I guess this is something that we’re not going to mention to the Captain, right?” Karrot asked, adjusting the goggles on her head.
“Darn right,” the Lieutenant retorted, putting the vuvuzela on his belt.
“I wish to speak with the one who ordered the attack on the Saucy Whore!” the Overlord snarled, the smell of fire still fresh in her nose.  Moments later, a very tall, slender man pushed his way through, a cowboy hat atop his head and boots almost up to his knees thudding through the melting snow.  He removed his hat, placing it over his heart, then smiled at her, his expression full of sweetness and innocence.
“That would be me, Missy,” he replied, and immediately the Overlord dubbed him as ‘Cowboy’.
“I’d ask why you did this...” the Overlord began, then added venomously, “But I really don’t care.” She pulled out the rod and began to unfurl it, her eyes locked onto Cowboy as though she were a wolf and he were some innocent doe.  “So we’re going to settle this how we did back in Tamashii... Leader versus leader.”
“You’re the Overlord, aren’t you?” Cowboy mused. “I’ve heard things about you.  I hear you can shoot a gun pretty good.  That so happens to be my specialty, you know... Being a sharpshooter and all.  What do you say we have a bit of a... Gun slinging show for this fine audience here?”
“Are you kidding me?” the Overlord asked.
“Are you chicken?” Cowboy quirked an eyebrow.
A glance at Sexist, who was watching her expectantly, and the Overlord replaced the rod on her belt, “I didn’t bring my guns with me.  I hardly ever do,” the Overlord shrugged, “Looks like you’re out of luck.”
“You can borrow mine...” the Insurgent Leader suggested quietly, holding out two small handguns, “They’re a little heavier than yours.  They hold more rounds, though.  Pack a bigger punch.”  The Overlord glanced at her younger brother, then nodded her head, taking both guns.  She unstrapped Kagi from her belt and handed the Insurgent Leader her scythe, rolling her head and feeling her neck crack and pop.
“Alright.  Let’s do this...” the Overlord muttered, glancing over at the Apprentice, “Play me something... Conveniently ironic,” the Overlord smirked at the Apprentice, who began playing Shots by Lil Jon and LMFAO.  The Overlord faced Cowboy, holding up the two guns in a battle stance
“Everyone circle around.  And careful not to get hit,” Cowboy grinned from ear-to-ear, then instructed the Overlord, “We’ll turn our backs to each other as a sign of good faith, now, d’ya hear?  And then we’ll each take ten steps forward, counting aloud in unison... At ten, we turn.  We’ll start our duel then.”
One bullet to the face and he’d be gone.  You really wanna play his game?
We don’t have any choice... He’s got snipers in the trees.  And Jamie’s somewhere around here...
“If I win... Jamie comes with us,” Cowboy added, “And if not... She goes with you.”
“Fair enough,” the Overlord shrugged, and both combatants turned away from each other. The first step was taken, followed by the echo of both fighters shouting.  The second step came next, tedious and slow.  The third followed... And then the fourth... The Overlord felt a sudden rush within her, and she gripped the handle of the gun tighter, her knuckles turning a pasty white.  The fifth step sent out of a resonating shudder within her, her eyes alight with excitement. Can I please be in charge of this one?  You always get to have all the fun, the Theurgist muttered grumpily. My body.  My rules, came the snarky reply, which was then followed with a: If we hadn’t merged, you’d have died.
By now, they were on the eighth step.
Can I backseat drive?  At least?  After all, I wouldn’t want you to damage my looks.
We’ll split this... 50-50.  How about that?
Sounds like a deal, chinchilla-man.
“TEN!” the final step had been taken, and the Overlord leapt into the air, turning as she did so with both guns blazing out bullets at Cowboy.  His initial attack missed, sending off a spray of rounds that hit trees behind his foe.  She landed on the ground a ways back, turning and ducking behind a nearby tree trunk.
“This body is... A lot more swift than my old one,” the Overlord felt the Theurgist’s words speak through her.  She moved her bangs back for a moment, a gleam in her blue right eye as she smiled, rubbing her chin, then adding, “Darn... I keep forgetting you’re a woman.  You can’t have a nice goatee to stroke.” The Overlord fought to say something back but merely managed to say, “Quit dawdling.”
Cowboy whistled, calling out, “I didn’t know that Overlords hid from trouble.  I thought they stood their ground?  What happened to the person in the stories?  The one that felled the Uberlord with the flick of her wrist?  Who ripped the Nemesis to shreds?  Who outfoxed the Grim Reaper?” He fired a shot that tore through a nearby piece of the trunk.  The Overlord crouched, inhaling deeply and closing her eyes. “You’d be a coward in front of your enemy?” The insult caused her eyes to snap open, though they narrowed in anger. “You would be a coward in front of your troops!?”
He’s baiting you.  He has our location pinpointed.  Relax and let me handle this, the Theurgist muttered to her, and she allowed herself to suddenly leap up, putting one gun in her belt, then latching onto a nearby branch.  Pulling herself up, she positioned herself in the tree, trying to make as little noise as possible.  Aiming both guns at Cowboy, who paced below on the battlefield, she felt her trigger figure jerk suddenly, and a few shots were fired, one sinking into the enemy’s shoulder.  However, completely undaunted, he swung around, guns ablaze with sparks.  The Overlord leapt from the tree, attempting to land in the next one, but a stray bullet bit into her leg, knocking her off balance.  One of the Insurgent Leader’s guns fell from her hand and she grabbed pathetically onto the branch, a flare of anger surging through her.  As she pulled herself into cover, she panted, a glance down at her bloodied leg revealing the worse- the bullet was still lodged within.  She exhaled, leaning her head against the trunk and clutching the small cascade of blood with a hand. 
So what now?  the Overlord asked, frowning. He’s obviously more skilled at gunslinging than we are.  Agreeing to this was a mistake.  She felt the Theurgist agree with her, but suddenly she was jerked into action, zipping from one branch to another and firing at Cowboy with incredible speed.  She felt her leg weaken under her battle stance, but she merely bit onto her lip, then lunged from the tree, firing down at her opponent.  Feeling a bullet or two hit into her shoulder and hip, she fought back the urge to yell, and landed on the ground, weakened, but alive.
Cowboy stood there, little trails of red traced upon his skin and clothes.  He pulled the trigger still, though, his eyes the epitome of rage. The Overlord barely was able to dodge, her cape trailing behind her.  Running forward, she jumped up, wrapping an arm around Cowboy’s neck in an attempt to choke him.  The cold metal of the gun’s mouth rested on her leg, just a few seconds before she felt another bullet strike. Blood sprayed the ground, and she fell back, her back thudding against the ground. I’ve always hated guns... she thought as Cowboy turned, looming over her as some dark figure.  ... But I’m not done here yet... the Overlord flashed a knowing smirk, staring down the barrel of his handgun.  A deft kick with her uninjured leg sent his gun flying behind. She saw him lurch forward to follow it and merely swung her leg around again, sending him into the permafrost.
“Well, we’re both unarmed...” the Overlord remarked, standing up stiffly, “And, frankly, I don’t see either of us getting anywhere any time soon...” She caught Sexist’s pale glare, yet didn’t return it.  Merely, she looked down at the blood licking the side of her arm, allowing a few droplets to collide into the ground. Cowboy stood up slowly, not facing her.  She caught his odd movements from the corner of her eye and as she turned, she saw the flash of a hidden small gun in his hand, pointed directly at her.  As the shot fired, the sound of twelve more rounds being fired resounded in the Alaskan air.
The Overlord fell to the ground, but out of her own will, the bullet zipping overhead.  Cowboy fell, his eyes a picture of agony as they stared at the sky, tears of pain welling up.  The Captain stood between Karrot and the Lieutenant, his assault rifle still in hand.  “God, that guy hasn’t even been in one chapter yet, and I hate him!”
“I-interference...!” Cowboy rasped, pointing a crimson-painted hand to the Captain, “Cheat... No... Fair...”
“Well, bro, that’s life,” the Captain remarked, then helped the Overlord to her feet.   Glancing over at the Lieutenant, he said, “Someone should probably go find Jamie. And, well, you know... Take care of the rest of these guys.” He began to help the Overlord walk over to the Insurgent Leader to collect her weapons back, but her knees buckled.  Wordlessly, the Captain began to scoop her up, though the Overlord opened her mouth to protest.  Her bangs fell back suddenly, her right eye momentarily revealed.  Oh crap! she thought, a list of swear words flashing across her mind.  Grasping the right side of her face, she looked at the Captain, as if praying and pleading for him not to notice, or say anything.  Merely, the Captain narrowed his eyes, then nodded slowly.
Did he see it?
I don’t know... Maybe.
Will he tell anyone?
I don’t know...
She felt the waves of unconsciousness seeping in, but lifted her head in time to see the wavering form of a man standing near Owl and Ginger, his golden eyes locked onto her.  You can’t go to sleep now... a voice in her mind rang. They’ll see the marks.  They’ll see it all... They’ll know your secrets.  All of them.  She fought back the waves of exhaustion, forcing her eyes to stay open.  A few blinks later and the man was gone, not even a trail of footprints ever proving he had existed.
“I-I’ll be fine...” she insisted feebly, even as the Evocator began fussing over her bullet wounds. “This is nothing.”
“Uh, okay, you just got shot,” the Swordmaster retorted, “You ain’t Cloud Strife.  You can’t get hit twenty times by a gun and live.  That ain’t right.”
“No... See to the Twin,” the Overlord sat up, “Wrap the wounds, then see to the Twin.  Make sure Jamie is okay, also... Someone did go to get her, yes?”
“The Lieutenant is taking care of it,” Karrot informed her, then saluted dutifully.
“Good...” the Overlord nodded, not daring to glance over to the Captain to see if he was staring at her.  She felt a pair of eyes on her, however, and found herself looking over at Sexist, who was helping the Sorceress tend to the Twin.  “Where’d Cowboy go?” She asked, though her words were a soft murmur.
“Slipped away,” the Soul-Keeper informed her, “Sneaky little kumquat, that guy.”
“Kumquat... is a fruit, you do realize that, right?” the Animal Tamer asked the Soul-Keeper.
“Actually, it’s a Turkish insult,” the Soul-Keeper said in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice.
“I... Oh.  Okay,” the Animal Tamer nodded.
“What’s the next step?” the Insurgent Leader asked, having replaced his guns in his belt, “I have the Witch here.” He gestured to the Witch, who knelt next to the Overlord, wisps of green magic dancing about her fingertips.  As her hand pressed against her shoulder, the Overlord felt something akin to cool water spilling into her body, causing her to shudder and lean in closer to the Evocator and the Witch.  As it wrapped its scarcely visible self around the wound, it began to warm up.
“Oh, so it’s like a magical IcyHot,” the Corporal observed, leaning against his shotgun. “Oh, well, anyways, I might as well do something useful.  Like give you the battle results or something.”  He cleared his throat, pulled out a notepad, then began reading off, “Brainsucker has sustained a few injuries, mostly due to his own grenades.  Jamie has been recovered by the Lieutenant and is being treated immediately.  She is unconscious but alive.  The Sorceress hurt the Swordmaster’s feelings, but I think he’ll be okay...”
“You’re... Doing pretty good.  The Advisor better watch out or you might end up taking her job,” the Overlord remarked weakly, propping herself up.
“Overlord, do you want to hold onto Woofie for awhile until you feel better?” the Animal Tamer offered the bush baby to the Overlord, but she merely shook her head, trying not to laugh. The Animal Tamer shrugged, then kept a hold of the small marsupial, the large-eyed creature merely staring soullessly at the Corporal.
“Right, well...First things first.  Let’s get everyone back to the Fortress, healed up, and we can start filling in the other three,” the Overlord stood up, her legs wobbly.  She leaned against her scythe, then added, “And I want a milkshake.”
“Does it bring all the boys to the yard?” Owl asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My yard has a wall.  A tall wall.  To keep all the boys outta my yard,” the Overlord retorted, “Well... Boys like Jester.  Or Pharisee.  Or Se-I mean... Nevermind,” the Overlord smirked, then waved a portal open. “Let’s end this chapter, okay?  It’s been a tad too harsh to me.”
“Well, the author did decide to shoot you,” the Soul-Keeper frowned, “Like... Four times.  I guess that sort of sucks... But guess what?  I have a new battle scar, too!” He pulled up his sleeve to reveal a small, almost inch long cut over his less-than-impressive bicep.
“Oh, Soul-Keeper... I’m so proud of you.  Brings a tear to my eye,” the Overlord sighed, but smiled anyways.  The Witch and the Captain helped the Overlord into the portal, and the rest of the Allied Forces trailed after, leaving behind the carnage of the Saucy Whore behind them.  Ashes spilled into the air, floating and drifting on faint breezes, the aroma of fire and death haunting the Alaskan woods for many hours after.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TOS- Vol III, Chapter 8

The Overlord Saga
Vol III. The Armageddon Prophecy

Chapter 8: Mobilize

The Captain had recovered at a remarkable rate over the course of the past few days.  As he swung his fist at the Overlord, she ducked, a firm tap of her pointer and middle finger to the Captain’s wrist knocking his hand away, calling, “If it had been a dagger, you’d have been screwed!” a little bit of a mocking laugh in her voice.  The Captain roared in anger, pulling out a small handgun and firing at the Overlord, who moved out of the way, taunting him with a grin.  “Come on.  You’re so slow!”
“Shut up!  Stupid little-” the Captain began, firing again, “I don’t care if this is just practice!  You’re freaking-”
“Calm the eff down, would you?” the Overlord smirked, holding out her hand.  In a puff of flame and smoke, Kagi appeared blade glinting in the light of the training arena lamps.  “This is a spar.  You shouldn’t have even brought your gun.  Dumbass.”
“Then why do you have that?” the Captain pointed at the katana, eyebrow quirked.
“Just in case,” the Overlord smirked, “I actually have control on myself... Unlike certain tall people in the immediate area.”
“Trying to tick me off enough to where I go into it?” the Captain asked, jabbing a finger at the much shorter Overlord.   “This... Whatever Latin word you call it...”
“Saevio?” the Overlord raised an eyebrow, a finger to her lips as she watched the Captain, “Eh.  Maybe I’m trying to piss you off.  Maybe not.  I dunno.  If I was going to piss you off, wouldn’t I have made you drive constantly behind old people?”
“I hate old people!” the Captain yelled, firing at the Overlord, who back-flipped and summoned a platform out of the way.  “Always driving so SLOW!” His pupils began to shrink and contract, his breathing pace quickening suddenly.
“Finally...” the Overlord muttered, dropping down from the platform, “Bite back the anger!” She yelled, “Hey!  Focus!  Focus...” She tried, waving her hands in the air.  However, as the Captain charged forward, the Overlord realized that he was unable to even try fighting against the insane berserker rage.  He can’t contain himself... You’re going to have to make sure he doesn’t hurt someone! the Theurgist warned her, tendrils of his fear seeping into her chest.  The Overlord moved off to the side, her eyes wide as the Captain rushed at her, missing her by inches.
“Captain!” the Overlord screamed, her lungs drawing in quick, deep breaths and blood pulsing rapidly through her veins, “Get a hold of yourself!” He turned with such intense speed that she almost didn’t see it.  He was a blur, his eyes wide and pupilless, his irises expanded and his speech incoherent grunts and snarls. “Damn it!” She cursed under her breath, then leapt into the air, over the Captain as he ran forth again.
Reproba!” the Overlord yelled, a series of bars surrounding the Captain, imprisoning him.  As the Overlord landed on the far side, she grabbed her left arm, shuddering as she pulled back the sleeve in time to see a cut form down the side of her arm, zig-zagging in an odd pattern. She dropped to a knee, clutching her bleeding arm, then looking back at the contained Captain as he raged against the bars.  Covering up her arm, she stumbled towards the doors leading out of the arena, “Brainsucker!  T-Cue!  Do something about him.  Make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone...”
“Are you bleeding?” T-Cue’s eyes widened as blood dripped onto the floor. “Overlord!  Are you-”
“It doesn’t matter!” the Overlord snarled suddenly, “Make sure he stays there.” As she limped away, she took in a few deep breaths, the overwhelming disapproval of the Theurgist weighing down upon her heavily.  “I know...” She tried to tell him, “I know...” With her right shoulder pressed against the wall, she stood there, steadying herself.  As she closed her eyes, she saw the brief flickering image of the Nemesis standing in front of her, sword raised over his head. But when she opened her eyes, she saw that the Evocator was there instead, a concerned expression on her face. 
“Overlord...” the Evocator began, her hands tingling with the hint of a white spell. “Conjure!  Peace spirit!  Eirene!  Blanca!” Light danced around the Overlord, taking the form of a girl and a fawn, though it all seemed like blurs to her.  “How did this-”
“T-the Captain...” the Overlord lied swiftly, “He went into another one of his... spells.” She felt even further pressing disapproval from the Theurgist. “It’ll be fine... Right?  Just a scratch...”
“You’re bleeding profusely.  This isn’t just a scratch...” the Evocator muttered, “I need to get you to see the Sorceress.  She’s a better medic than I am.”  Taking the Overlord by her good arm, she began dragging her down the well-lit corridors, the portraits of great conquerers, warriors, and lords whizzing by.  She saw Lelouch vi Britannia, standing triumphantly in his Zero attire.  She saw Light Yagami- who she never really liked, but always admitted that he deserved credit for being as close to a god as a mortal would ever become.  She saw Kakashi Hatake reading Make Out Paradise.  She saw Albus Dumbledore and Gandalf the White.  She saw L Lawliet.  She saw Mufasa.  She saw the Uberlord, unmasked with a set of dagger blue eyes that bore into hers, his facial features so similar to her own, only masculine, and toned with unspeakable wrath.
Feeling light-headed, the Overlord was forced into a chair, a barrage of people surrounding her.  The Sorceress tried to keep them all at bay, but that task was ultimately given to the Swordmaster, who sent all but the Advisor, the Soul-Keeper, and the Evocator away.  The Corporal stood in the corner of the Sorceress’ room, leaning against the wall, his shoulder-length hair tied back.
“You... Look like Anders,” the Overlord said, pointing at the Corporal.  The Swordmaster snorted at this, not bothering to conceal his amusement at his friend’s expense. 
“Mateo Olito, will you hand me the salve on the shelf?” the Sorceress looked over her shoulder.
“Sure, I... What did you just call me?” the Swordmaster demanded, whirling around to face the Sorceress.  The Corporal’s distinctive, hearty laughter could be heard as the Swordmaster crossed his arms and glared the Sorceress over, “Repeat that!”
“Mateo Olito!” the Sorceress smiled sweetly, “It’s a cute name for you, I think.  Better than that self-righteous title you gave yourself.”  She holds out her hand and the salve flies to her open palm, “Who said you were a master of swords?  Who said you were a master of anything except making pizza?”
“Can we SKIP TO THE REPORT?” the Advisor asked impatiently, “I have some news for the Overlord’s ears!  And technically, hers only, but in this case, I’ll make an exception.”
“Oh, how very generous of you,” the Swordmaster rolled his eyes.
“The Sage has settled in nicely.  Maverick arrived shortly after she did. The Insurgents are here as well. However, we haven’t heard back from several of the others that Right 69 applies to.  For instance, Jester and Pharisee both have not been reported to have responded to their calls and it’s unlikely that they will honor the agreement made by all denizens of the Between.  The Order of Magic has promised us aid when we need it, wherever we need it and the Wises are on the move. No word from the Twin yet, but Fort Effort has been deserted,” the Advisor reported, looking over a neat list on her note pad, clicking her pen obsessively.  
“The Wises don’t like to typically do much.  Well, other than Elwell, Sensei, and Obstruckshun,” the Overlord shrugged, “I wouldn’t put money on them being very... useful.”
“Obviously most of the Elite reside with us or with the Twin.  Venice Vedette has written back from her travels to the City of Lost Souls and is rallying a force there,” the Advisor sighed, “Jamie’s not responded either.  We have, however, received a Level 5 distress signal from the Witch.”
“Ooh.  Level 5.  Out of what?  10?” the Corporal asked with a chuckle.
“No.  Out of 5,” the Advisor said shortly.
“Well then, did we deploy someone to help her?” the Overlord asked, raising an eyebrow at the Advisor, who fell silent, looking at the Soul-Keeper for help.  He responded with the shake of his head, and the Overlord couldn’t help but facepalm at the two of them.  “Then send aid!” the Overlord rose from the chair she’d been shoved into, the bandage around her arm already flecked with crimson.  “I’ll go myself if I have to!”
“You need to sit your butt back in that chair,” the Sorceress replied flatly, pointing at the chair sternly.
“The Witch saved my life when the Nemesis sent his minions after me.  It’s about time I returned the favor,” the Overlord said firmly, “This scratch won’t hamper me at all.” 
“Who will you take with you?” the Soul-Keeper asked, “Pick me!  Oh, oh, pick me!”
“Hm... I pick... you,” the Overlord pointed to the Soul-Keeper, a smirk on her face, “Evocator, rally a group of Allied Force soldiers.  We’ll leave some behind just in case we receive word from another faction regarding Right 69.”  As the Evocator bounded away, the Overlord looked at the Advisor, then said, “Ready the rest of the army to mobilize.  On the off-chance that we run into trouble and need the full army, I want you to be on stand by.”
“What about us?” the Corporal asked, shouldering his rifle lazily. “It’s been sort of dull around here...”
“Then come with us.  All three of you,” the Overlord nodded, “The Witch wouldn’t have called for help unless she was seriously outnumbered.”
“So what, you’re expecting something bad?  Did she run into one of the monsters, do you think?” the Swordmaster asked.
“I don’t know,” the Overlord admitted.
“So an old black wolf, a one-eyed cat, and a drunken coyox walk into a bar...” McCoy began, glancing over at Foreigner, who merely stared at him blankly.  “And they all wake up five hours later with concussions!” He laughed loudly, along with Fish, but Foreigner did not seem to share his merriment.  She merely glanced at the Insurgent Leader, muttering something into his ear.  The Insurgent Leader offered a pitiful shrug, then continued marching alongside the Overlord, stepping over a log.
“Alaska.  What was the Witch doing in Alaska?” the Insurgent Leader inquired to his older sister, Muramasa slung in its sheath on his back. 
“I don’t know.  Hadn’t talked to her much since the Nemesis was defeated,” the Overlord replied, glancing back at the group that the Evocator had pulled together.  Among them was the Lieutenant, the Sergeant Karrot, the Animal Tamer, the Soul-Keeper, Sexist, the Apprentice, Ginger, Owl, Fish, McCoy, Foreigner, the Insurgent Leader, an Insurgent that she had met earlier called Kobaj, the Swordmaster, the Corporal, the Evocator, the Sorceress, Skinny, Tinkerbell, and Canada.  She sighed, cracking her knuckles and wincing at her throbbing arm.
She doesn’t believe that you got that from the Captain, the Theurgist informed the Overlord, and she swung her head in the direction of the Evocator, who was watching her with a dark, glum set of eyes.  The Overlord offered an awkward chuckle-smile, waved slightly, gave a thumbs up, then kept walking.
“I feel like I’m at home... But... Not...” Canada remarked to himself, looking at the cold skies ahead, layered with clouds and threatening to spill a soft snow on the troop.  The Lieutenant was not worried about blending in and kept his bazooka out at all times.  Karrot was so much smaller than him, carrying an assault rifle in both hands and looking around the Alaskan forest as if waiting for an enemy to pop out and try to attack the group.  The Soul-Keeper was humming selections from Hairspray with the Apprentice trying to beatbox to make it sound a little more like dubstep. Owl and Ginger were giggling about something and the Animal Tamer was walking and sketching something at the same time.
“You couldn’t have picked a weirder group,” the Corporal remarked with a laugh.
“Well, Mateo is here...” the Sorceress said with a giggle, receiving the Swordmaster’s icy glare with a smile.
Sexist extended a hand, catching a snowflake.  As he looked up and met the Overlord’s eyes, she turned around abruptly, jaw clenched. Stupid son of a- she thought angrily. You’re mad because he looked at you, the Theurgist pointed out. That’s not healthy.  There’s certain types of hatred- healthy and unhealthy.  This one is unhealthy.  The Overlord snorted, her nostrils sending out little jets of steam into the frigid air. The Nemesis was no different than him.  They’re cut of the same cloth.
“Animal Tamer, send a scout ahead,” the Overlord glanced over her shoulder, and she frowned, “You didn’t bring Fluffy?”
“No, Overlord, I didn’t bring the T-Rex to Alaska,” the Animal Tamer remarked flatly, “But I did bring this!” She held up a ptarmigan, much to the Overlord’s amazement.
“Where did you get that?” the Overlord asked incredulously.
“I just picked it up about five minutes ago,” the Animal Tamer admitted.
“Oh well, it’ll have to do,” the Overlord sighed, rubbing her forehead as the Animal Tamer released the ptarmigan into the air.  The bird flew away, eager to be free from its captor. “It’ll be back... Right?” the Overlord asked, casting a glance back at the Animal Tamer.
“Yeah...... I think,” the Animal Tamer frowned.
“Well, on the off-chance that it doesn’t...” the Swordmaster spoke up, “Maybe we should take a break and-”
“No.  Keep marching.  No telling where the Witch is.  Or what’s going on,” the Overlord shook her head. “It’s strange.  If there was a battle, I’d hear it.  The Witch isn’t discreet in keeping magic and non-magical people away from each other.  She’s very... Blunt.  One time, a guy called her a skank.  And she filled the entire town with twitchy crickets.”
“Crickets?” McCoy asked, flabbergasted.
“Twitchy ones?” Fish echoed, blinking.
“Yes,” the Overlord said in a very confident, firm voice, “It was awful.  I’ve never really liked crickets since then.  ‘Cause, well, someone had to get rid of the mess she made.  Guess who had to do that?  Me.”
“So how did you get rid of the mess?” Ginger spoke up, hands on her hips.
“I burned them,” the Overlord answered with a nod.
“Burned them!?” Owl exclaimed.
“And the thing is... Crickets tend to jump.  Even if they’re... burning... Yeah.  That was a bad day for that town,” the Overlord bit her lip, “Okay, new story... Do you wanna hear about the time that the Sorceress replaced the Swordmaster’s katana with a nerf sword?”

There was an unanimous “YES!” resounding from the troops, and as the Overlord told the story to the traveling troop, she noticed a set of eyes watching from above. Maverick, the Theurgist informed her, and she inclined her head in acknowledgment to her comrade.  At the end of the tale, Maverick descended, landing a few feet in front of the Overlord.
“She’s been following us awhile,” Sexist remarked, and just hearing his voice, the Overlord bristled.  She kept walking, moving right past the Maverick and throwing over her shoulder:
“You’re welcome to come along if you want.”
“Firebrand, far is not the friend.  Ahead and over hills, like worn down mountains... Mountains... Maverick does love mountains... With lots of pine and lots of rock,” Maverick purred, “And Maverick does love riddles, yes? Firebrand does not share this love, Maverick thinks.”
“Maverick is correct,” the Overlord said flatly.
“You know, she’s a very strange one...” Kobaj remarked to McCoy, though kept his voice low. “I haven’t even been in this story for very long and I can already tell she’s one of those characters that’s really significant, but you kind of just want to strangle her for being so freaking vague all the time.”
“More or less,” McCoy agreed with a nod.
“Maverick is going to tell us a riddle whether we like it or not, am I right?” the Overlord added with a sly smirk, the hooded figure shadowing her.  The dark eyes from beneath the hood gleamed, and she laughed. The Overlord sighed, “Oh, what is it this time?  Am I going to die?”
“Not until the eleventh,” the Corporal spoke up.
“The eleventh?” the Overlord stopped, casting him a bizarre look.
“I’m the Grim Reaper,” the Corporal shrugged, “I just sort of know these things.”
“Oh really?” the Overlord raised an eyebrow. “I’ve met the Grim Reaper.  He has a Southern Georgia accent.” She turned on her heel and kept moving, listening to the occasional impression that the Corporal could make of a Southern Georgia accent. And yet, as they walked, the Overlord could hear... Singing.  A glance to the Apprentice and she realized that she was not playing music and the Soul-Keeper had stopped his humming.  Moments later, she realized that it was Maverick who sang, the words soft, but audible, like a breeze tickling her ears.
“Once ago, two wolves there were
Who ate the sun and moon.
And blood most red stained their fur
From dawn to eve to dusk to noon.
Elder as snow
Youth as shade
Blood will flow
And life shall fade.
Two wolves, two gods
For they were among men
Two wolves, two gods
Covered in wrath, drenched in sin.
Fang to claw
Fire and blood
Tooth to paw
Shadows, they flood.
Avenging, o disciples of warfare!
Wolves- they never give in.
Monsters, they reign in every nightmare
And burrow within your skin...”
“Enough,” the Overlord cut the Maverick off.  A ways ahead, a silhouette had appeared and the Insurgent Leader motioned for the company to halt.  It was a man, old and hobbling with his cane, clearly disturbed by the gleam in his eyes.  Maverick hissed under her breath, but said nothing, her robes wrapped tightly around her hunched over form. 
“Don’t go that way!” the man waved his free arm, “Don’t go... There’s a witch in those woods and turn you into a toad, she will!”
“Well, we’re in the right place,” the Evocator remarked, arms folded, “She must be just up ahead like Maverick said!”

“Outta my way, old man,” the Overlord snorted, pushing past him, “Else I’ll do something unspeakable to you.  Like... Make you listen to young people’s music.  Like rap.”
“You mustn’t go that way!” the old man tried pitifully, but the Lieutenant merely shoved him out of the way.  The Overlord said nothing to the man, but kept a grip on her wounded arm, which was beginning to burn.  She glanced at the Evocator from the corner of her eye and did note that the Evocator was not looking. Sneaking a peek at the strange gash on her forearm, the Overlord frowned, wondering why the salve wasn’t working.  The Sorceress had done all she could, but perhaps this was a job for some nice painkillers... Like Advil.  The Overlord smiled- Advil, man’s ACTUAL best friend.
The troop walked a few more minutes in silence, though the only thing that disturbed the quiet was the sound of Owl sneezing occasionally, then complaining about a cold.  Distant gunshots and the smell of fire flooded the Overlord’s nose, and she turned to look at the Soul-Keeper. “There’s something going on here... Insurgent Leader!” The blonde was already a step ahead.  He began forward, drawing Muramasa and scanning the trees with his keen eyes.
“There appears to be a woman getting chased...” the Insurgent Leader narrowed his eyes.
“Lieutenant.  Corporal.  Sergeant.  Take aim,” the Overlord said suddenly, “And don’t fire until I tell you.  Hit the woman and you die.  Target the men behind her.”
“There’s only three enemy units,” the Insurgent Leader added over his shoulder, “Why did we need such a large force for three grunts?”
“There might be more to the story,” the Overlord cast a worried look at the Insurgent Leader.
The Witch was hurtling towards them at quite the speed despite her high heels and flowing crimson dress.  Her hair had been crudely and swiftly tied into a bun, most likely during her flight from the bad guy, and she seemed relatively unharmed, but a few cuts and bruises decorated her darkened skin.  Her bright blue eyes were screaming almost as loud as her lungs. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE!” She yelled at the troop, flailing her arms about.
“This is sort of funny...” Ginger snorted.
“You have no soul.  You think everything’s funny,” Tinkerbell pointed out.
“Your mom’s got no soul,” Ginger folded her arms.
“That’s what she said,” Tinkerbell retorted.
“Really?” Ginger started.
“Yes...” Tinkerbell frowned.
“They’re almost in range........ Fire!” the Overlord yelled and a series of bullets whizzed by the Witch’s face, the resonating sound of gunshots flooding the air.  All three gunmen were taken out in an instant, blood splatter staining the pure, innocent ground.  The Witch collapsed in the Overlord’s arms, a sobbing mess, much to the Overlord’s surprise. 
“Oh dear...” the Sorceress frowned, moving to the Overlord’s side, “Is she hurt?”
“Not terribly badly from the looks of it,” the Evocator answered for her superior, then shrugged. “I don’t know, though.  She looks more mentally shaken up than anything.”
“You... YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED!  WHERE WERE YOU?  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WHEN WE NEEDED YOU!? WHY DID YOU LET THEM FIRE AT ME!?” the Witch screeched in the Overlord’s ears, glaring up at her with a pair of unforgiving cerulean eyes.  The Overlord took an uncertain step back, trying to tear away from the Witch’s grasp, “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?”
“Well, let’s put it this way... You didn’t get hit and they’re dead.  Problem solved!” the Overlord tried, forcing a smile. The Witch squeezed her in a tight hug, sniffling and crying still. “So, I’d hate to be a total douche but... Why did you call for us?” the Overlord asked, looking into the Witch’s tearful blue eyes, “What’s going on?”
“I was with the Twin and Jamie...” the Witch dried her eyes, “We were on Jamie’s boat... It hit an iceberg.  But it’s fine now... I saved it but we landed because we needed supplies... And then, they struck.  They’d been following us for some time.  He said he’d been watching... He’d been waiting... Him and his pet, that lowly little...” She began in a long string of curse words, her hands making clutching fists and then strangling gestures.
“Okay.  I’m going to say this once... English words.  Please.  That make sense,” the Overlord said calmly, putting a hand on the Witch’s shoulder.
“There’s a man.  He’s... A cowboy?  He has an entire freaking gun collection on him.  He has troops.  Bandits.  We thought they wanted the boat, but we were wrong.  They wanted something else instead...” the Witch stammered, “They wanted Jamie.”
“Jamie?  Did she steal something priceless again?  Did she finally bite off more than what she can chew?” the Overlord scoffed, though smiled in thought.
“No... No one from the government.  Just... Some creep... You gotta help her!  She and the Twin and the Horselord... They’re all still back there fighting!”  the Witch sank to the ground, “I’m exhausted... Just from saving the boat... I can’t...”
“I get it.  We brought a troop for a reason, Witch,” the Overlord shrugged, “Stay here if you want.  Insurgent Leader, take your people and Ginger, Owl, and Fish and take the left side.  The rest will come with me and we’ll take the right.  We’ll move in a pincer formation and hit from both sides.  Offer any aid to the pirates or Fort Effort soldiers if you can.”
“What if they’ve taken Jamie hostage?  What then?” the Lieutenant spoke up, looking more than a tad concerned.
“Animal Tamer... Have you gotten that bushbaby yet?” the Overlord glanced at the Animal Tamer expectantly.
“Y-yes...?” the Animal Tamer said uncertainly, holding up a bushbaby that she had adorned in a jacket to protect it from the cold.  The Overlord nodded, taking the bushbaby and putting it in her pocket. 
“We should be set to go,” the Overlord looked to the Insurgent Leader, nodded once, then began to move down a path to the right, drawing her scythe from its sheath and extending it to its full height.  The Insurgent Leader began down the opposite side, Muramasa glowing faintly in his hand, lusting for blood. 
“This is the weirdest story I’ve ever been in,” Kobaj remarked, drawing some strange looking gun, “Does it get any better?”
“I hope so,” McCoy shrugged. “I’m just here for the ride.”
“I think we all are,” Fish concluded.