Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 3, Ch 32

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 32: Impromptu

The Apprentice was having trouble sleeping. Though she couldn’t erase the events from the previous day from her mind, she found that her dreams actually didn’t involve the brutal slaying of the blacksmith. No, instead, they involved being watched. Everywhere she turned, there was a man in a black robe. And he was watching her. Always watching. She couldn’t shut her eyes without seeing him, his emotionless gaze locked on her. The second night since the murder, the Apprentice was resting easier, however, than she had the night before. Previously, she’d spent the majority of the night counting up the armor and weapons that had been stolen from Skingrad. There was quite the collection now, and she suspected that they would be bidding Cyrodiil farewell soon. And she was glad- perhaps she’d leave behind the dreams of the eerie robed man, too.

Sitting up in her bed, the Apprentice rubbed her eyes, glancing over at where Jamie was snoring softly in the bed next to hers. And beyond her was the Evocator, curled up with a book under her arm- the Theurgist’s journal. The Apprentice sighed, then looked over to her other side, at where the Animal Tamer was sleeping. However, her view was blocked... By a large, black form. Slowly craning her head back, the Apprentice found herself staring at a partially concealed face- the face of a man draped in black robes.

“You sleep soundly for a murderer,” the man whispered excitedly, eyes alight with emotion, but a kind that the Apprentice did not want to see. There was a scream. There was a bolt of lightning. And then, the Apprentice was looking down upon the robed man once more, her eyes wide in shock and her hands clinging onto the railing of the bed frame.

That night, Jamie decided it was best if they departed from Cyrodiil at once.


Fort Effort was bustling with activity the following morning. Fish and McCoy were still in poor shape, though the Sorceress had arrived and had begun seeing to the two injured ANF soldiers. The Twin had taken charge of the ANF alongside Jamie, and both had come to the agreement that they needed to begin equipping the soldiers, despite the Overlord’s absence. This caused a tremendous amount of chaos, as the waiting line to receive better armor grew as the hours went on. Rather annoyed with the mayhem in Fort Effort, the Ninja-Lord walked alongside the Twin and Jamie, listening to their concerns.

“No contact. In about a week now,” the Twin remarked, glancing at Jamie worriedly, “I’ve half a mind to send the Ninja Squadron after her. Ninja-Lord, would you protest?”

“Of course not,” the Ninja-Lord replied, “If she’d not answering her cellphone...”

“It’s not just that, it’s the Soul-Keeper’s, too. And the Advisor’s,” Jamie explained. “Then again, the Sorceress said that she’d talked to them yesterday at her lair. They have to be okay.”

“But they didn’t come back from the base. What if DIB has them right now?” the Twin sighed, “What if the Nemesis has her? I would... No. I would not allow that.”

“Maybe wait a day...?” the Ninja-Lord suggested with a simple shrug.

“OY!” a loud voice boomed down the hall. All three girls spun around to see the Lieutenant waving his arms about in the air. “The Overlord’s at the gates! Captain’s letting her in now! She says she hasn’t found the last Elite member yet!”

“Venice,” the Twin groaned, “Of course.”

“Who?” the Ninja-Lord inquired.

“She was a grand warrior a long time ago. Used to lead the Elite, but she vanished right after the Great War. She taught the Overlord a few special tactics with a sword. No one’s seen her in ages,” the Twin explained rapidly, “The Scholar mentioned that she’d last been seen on a world called Spira. But that was a long time ago.” Looking at the Lieutenant, the Twin nodded, “Tell her to meet me in the meeting room. We’ll go over our plan then. It’s high time we strike the Nemesis.”

“Will do!” the Lieutenant saluted her smartly, then vanished down the corridor.

“Well, she’s back now,” Jamie nodded, “That solves one crisis.”

“And opens a lot more problems. I hope she’s okay. You know she’s been acting odd ever since the Theurgist died,” the Twin remarked. “It’s like she’s distracted.”

“No. She’s not distracted, trust me,” the Ninja-Lord replied, “If anything? She’s focused. But she... Doesn’t want to face the Nemesis. Not yet. Why? I don’t know. I suspect she’s scared. Because something happened when the Nemesis attacked. Something she hasn’t told us.”

“She said she almost died,” Jamie said with a shrug, “That’s more than enough motivation to be scared.”

“Hm. But not for her,” the Ninja-Lord remarked, “That’s not the Overlord I know.”


The meeting hall was crowded, yet quiet. The Overlord sat at the head of the table with Jamie, the Twin, Elwell, and a few of the other ANF leaders. She rested her chin on a clutched fist, elbow pressing into the table. Down the sides of the table rested the Overling Council, each armed adequately and adorned with new armor. The Overlord eyed the fresh robes that the Soul-Keeper was sporting, the ANF insignia on his cape.

“I do approve of the new uniforms, by the way,” the Overlord remarked lightly, straightening up, then glancing down at where the Scholar sat. She and the Scholar had already discussed the Nemesis’ plans- though the Overlord couldn’t say she was surprised. It seemed cliche, almost to the point of flat-out ripping off from other criminals. The Overlord had told herself that she would not allow the Nemesis to win, and she knew she was going to stand by those words, even if it took years to take him down. Clearing her throat, the Overlord began, “You said you’ve heard from Venice?”

“She’s on Spira, so I’ve heard,” the Scholar replied, “She regularly attends concerts, specifically ones performed by the new pop sensation Yuna. There’s actually a concert that Venice has tickets for that’s in the next day.”

“So we find her at this concert?” the Overlord asked, leaning back in her chair, “Easy enough.”

“Not so fast, there’s a catch.”

“Of course.”

“Concert’s sold out. And there’s no way to get in unless you’re the songstress yourself,” the Scholar shuffled a few papers around in front of her. “Now, Spira is reliant on a type of technology called ‘Dresspheres’. Dresspheres are outfits that have been made from memories, right? I merely extracted a few memories from hardcore Yuna fans, and received a dressphere of my own. She always performs in the same dress.”

“I don’t think I like where this is going,” the Overlord’s voice dropped to monotone and dull, staring at the Scholar from across the table.

“Let’s face it. You look kinda like her. Granted, your hair needs to be cut and dyed a bit, but you could easily pass for her. In the right outfit, the right lighting- you’ll be a perfect Yuna,” the Scholar folded her hands rather politely, staring at the Overlord evenly.

“Uhhh there’s no way I’m doing this. I can’t even sing!” the Overlord exclaimed.

“I’ve made arrangements. The Captain and the Lieutenant will nab the real Yuna. The Apprentice has karaoke powers? She can cover the singing and the music will be live. We have an instructional video for choreography, so you can learn that today. All you have to do is look like you’re her,” the Scholar shrugged, “And then, you find a way to get Venice backstage with you, then explain the situation.”

The Overlord stared across the table at the Overling council members. ‘This might be fun’, she thought for a brief moment, rubbing her forehead, ‘But this is something that the Soul-Keeper will never let me live down’. She glanced at the Twin, “What do you think?”

“It’s the only way. Either we do it and get Venice, or we don’t and fight DIB without her,” the Twin shrugged.

Sighing, the Overlord stood up from the table, glancing sideways at the giggling Evocator, Soul-Keeper, and Animal Tamber. “... As long as no one films this and puts it on Youtube... Eh, why not?”

“That’s the spirit!” the Scholar threw an arm around the Overlord, “Now, we need to get your hair cut, a Garment Grid for the dressphere, and you need to start learning the Real Emotion dance! This’ll be fun!”

The Overlord immediately felt a pang of regret.


Spira proved to be an odd world indeed. Though the previous night had been spent at Fort Effort, the Overlord had been doing some hardcore research on Spira and its inhabitants, concluding that anyone in their right mind would steer clear of the place. Such thought made her fear for Venice’s sanity. What if her old friend and mentor had lost her mind completely? Walking the streets of Luca, some harbor city that seemed to be the hub of sports and entertainment, the Overlord found herself running her hands through her now significantly shorter hair. It had been weeks since she’d spiked it last, letting it fall straight and down. Her hair was now lighter as well, with a more burgundy tint to it, though it was hardly different than Yuna’s own hair color. A few blonde streaks ran through it, contrasting to the dark brown it had been.

“The fashion here isn’t the greatest,” the Ninja-Lord was in a disguise as well, though had shirked the more skankily clad Spira clothes. She wore a yellow suite of some sort, decorated with buckles and red plates of armor. A set of goggles sat atop her head, adding onto the oddness.

“What beggar did you take that get-up from?” the Overlord snorted, though, knew her own elegant robes were a little out-of-fashion.

“Funny. The Scholar told me to give you this,” the Ninja-Lord handed the Overlord a small circular device with a few gaping crevasses in its middle. “It’s a Garment Grid. Apparently, you put the dresspheres in them... There’s four in there now. I don’t know what the other three are, but this one...” she pointed at the one in the middle, “... Is the Songstress one.”

“Great...” the Overlord took the Garment Grid, then pocketed it, “Any word from the Captain and the Lieutenant?”

“They have, as they call it... ‘bagged a ho’,” the Ninja-Lord grinned, “Looks like we’re on for tonight.”

“Great,” the Overlord nodded, “I’ve about had enough of that song and the dance to last me awhile. Guess I’ll be ready for the big performance.” She sighed running her hand through her spiked hair one last time, “I haven’t had enough Monsters for this.”

“The Scholar wanted me to remind you that we’ll have extra body guards around the place. She’s stationed the Soul-Keeper and Sexist at one entrance, me and the Twin in another, and the Captain and the Lieutenant are guarding your dressing room. Jamie is running security on the second floor. The Apprentice will be out of sight somewhere near you. Your back-up dancers are the Witch and Kunoichi.”

“Fitting,” the Overlord nodded, “Let’s hope this works... Why so much security?”

“Just to be safe,” the Ninja-Lord shrugged, “Wouldn’t want you to get trampled by a thousand dedicated fans, now would we?”

“Oh, you’re so funny,” the Overlord scowled, “Why did I sign up for this?”


The day had flown by rather quickly for everyone. Patrolling the halls, Centurion Ifill walked in her guards’ outfit, pike in hand. She glanced around the corner, looking at where some of the fans were flooding into the concert hall. On her walkie-talkie, she discreetly said, “Centurion Ifill, in position. It’s about to be showtime. I have a lot of fans coming in from the north.” She stopped, taking note of Belarus and China on the far side of the crowd. “Security staff is present and prepared for anything. How’s the second floor?”

A few seconds later, there came a reply, “Quiet,” it was the Animal Tamer’s Pet, “Well, not quiet... but there’s no trouble. Just a lot of fans.”

“I hear ya.” It was Underling Willma who spoke next.

“Main entrance is clear.” Sexist, no doubt with the Soul-Keeper somewhere by the front. Centurion Ifill nodded to herself, glancing up at the fans as they entered. Something caught her eye, however, a particular uniform. Dark eyes narrowed, she began to follow the crowd in, stepping into the auditorium as a particularly slender man started down the stairs. Fighting back a gasp of surprise, Centurion Ifill turned, fought her way through some of the fans, grasping her walkie talkie.

“Code Red. I have a visual on Jester,” Centurion Ifill whispered. “Red hair, skinny as can be, jeans that cling onto his butt like a girl- it has to be him.”

“What floor?” the Twin asked, “Hold on... Ninja-Lord, those are DIB soldiers!”

“Ohhhhh boy,” Centurion Ifill remarked, “DIB soldiers are here? What for?”

“Probably know what’s up,” Jamie sighed from her end of the walkie talkie. “Sexist, Soul-Keeper, shut off the doors once the last fans are in. We’ll trap them in here. We have half the army in this concert hall, we can fight them off here.”

“There’s innocent people here!” the Evocator protested suddenly, “We can’t just...!”

“We can. And we will if we have to,” the Twin said firmly, “But only if we have to. Don’t go charging into a fight. And don’t tell the Overlord. She’s nervous enough already.”

“Don’t tell her? That sounds like a GREAT idea,” Sexist remarked sourly.

“The show must go on!” the Soul-Keeper said dramatically, “And WE have to make sure it does!”

“... Colby, you’re insane,” the Evocator stated flatly, and the conversation ended.


It was show time before she knew it. Glancing at the Garment Grid, the Overlord activated the central orb, causing her outfit to alter into a sleek purple and white dress. She glanced down at the outfit, noticing her mid-drift was showing. In the mirror, she looked at herself, feeling very unnatural in the dressing room. Turning to leave, she caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye. Spinning around, grabbing her sword, unsheathing it, and pointing it at the person, she yelled something, but it was incoherent.

“Relax,” the Theurgist sounded amused, “I just got here. I haven’t been watching you change, promise.”

“Not helping,” the Overlord retorted, but sheathed Kagi. “Where’ve you been anyways? I was looking for you.” She was suddenly reminded of the haunted mansion and shuddered, recalling the twisted version of the Theurgist she had seen at the end of her venture. “Off on some spirit thing?”

“You could say that,” the Theurgist stroked his facial hair thoughtfully, “We need to talk, but after you’re done with your...” He eyed the outfit skeptically, “... Thing.”

“My thing? That’s very eloquent,” the Overlord retorted.

“Well, for once, you’ve rendered my vocabulary useless. I have no idea what to call whatever it is you’re wearing,” the Theurgist retorted.

“Try ‘dress’, Alexi,” the Overlord responded with her usual cynicism.

“Okay. Dress,” the Theurgist chuckled, arms folded.

From outside, the Captain could be heard, “HEY! You talkin’ to yourself in there? It’s about time to go! Witch and Kunoichi are already on the stage!” The Overlord glanced from the door to the Theurgist, shrugging. The Theurgist grinned then waved at her.

“Break a leg.”

“Oh you know it.”

Opening the door and stepping out into the hall, the Overlord didn’t look at the Lieutenant and the Captain, “I feel like I’m about to go poledance,” she remarked, then continued down the hall with a rather sullen expression. When she reached the door to the stage, she cast a glance back over her shoulder at where the Theurgist was giving her a partially see-through ‘thumbs up’. She flashed him a very fake, very sour looking smile, then stepped onto the circular stage.

It was then that the Overlord realized that Spiran technology was more advanced than Earthian technology. The stage, a brightly-lit circle, ascended into the air, poised several feet above the first row. The Overlord wondered, briefly, if they could look up her skirt, and felt extremely self-conscious. ‘But it’s not me they’re looking at. It’s Yuna... So that makes it better... Right? Right?’ The more logical half of her answered, ‘Wrong.’

She knew the music was about to begin. Glancing at where the Witch and Kunoichi were both in their own disguises, she offered a half-smile, catching sight of Apprentice just below them. What happened next, the Overlord was unsure, but some glow in the Apprentice’s eyes caught her attention, transfixing her entirely.

“Overlord?” the Witch asked very quietly, but her voice was lost in the screams of the fans.

“It’s showtime!” the Overlord announced, and the roar of the crowd filled the auditorium.


Sexist and the Soul-Keeper had shut off the entrance to the stadium, and were standing in the doorway on the first floor. “What is she wearing?” the Soul-Keeper snorted with laughter, arms tucked into the sleeves of his guard outfit. Sexist, who was leaning passively against the doorway, shrugged carelessly, though watched in interest as the music began playing.

“There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around
It’s a hole in the wall
It’s a dirty free-for-all
When they, they, they...”

“That’s not the right song!” the Soul-Keeper’s eyes widened in horror. Sexist perked up and looked at the stage in confusion.

“What is she doing!?” Sexist muttered, brow furrowed.

“When the dark of the night
Comes around, that’s the time
That the animal comes alive
Looking for something wild.”

“N-now we lookin’ like pimps
In my gold Trans-AM
Got a water bottle full of whiskey in my hand bag
Got my drunk text on
I’ll regret it in the morning
But tonight, I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a-”

“There’s a place downtown
Where the freaks all come around
It’s a hole in the wall
It’s a dirty free-for-all
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off!”

“There’s a place I know
If you’re looking for a show
Where they go hardcore
And there’s glitter on the floor
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off.”

“Oh my God, what is she SINGING!?” Sexist added incredulously. He gazed across the crowd, but they all seemed to be enjoying it... Except... “The DIB soldiers...” Sexist grabbed the Soul-Keeper’s arm suddenly, pointing at where Jester was watching the Overlord perform in suspicion. As Jester’s eyes swept across the area, Sexist ducked, dragging the Soul-Keeper with him. “This isn’t good. They’re going to realize it’s the wrong singer.”

“She’s really rocking out up there...” the Soul-Keeper remarked.

“Will you focus!?” Sexist hissed angrily, grabbing the Soul-Keeper’s arm.

“Lose your mind
Lose it now
Lose your clothes in the crowd
We’re delirious
Tear it down
‘Til the sun comes back around.”

“Now we’re gettin’ so smashed
Knockin’ over trashcans
E’erybody breakin’ bottles
It’s a filthy hot mess and
Gonna get faded
I’m not the designated driver so
I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a-”

“There’s a place downtown
Where the freaks all come around
It’s a hole in the wall
It’s a dirty free-for-all
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off!”

“There’s a place I know
If you’re looking for a show
Where they go hardcore
And there’s glitter on the floor
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off.”

“Oh, oh, oh
Everybody take it off
Oh, oh, oh
Everybody take it off
Right now- Take it off
Right now- Take it off
Right now- Take it off

As that was repeating, Sexist caught a glimpse of the Twin on the far side of the concert, looking as confused as he was. He tried to catch her attention, but realized that Jester had seen her as well. As Jester grabbed a knife, Sexist launched an icicle at the DIB member, pushing over a Spiran as he did so. The Soul-Keeper pulled out his staff and began firing bolts of lightning at the DIB soldiers as they drew their weapons. The Twin drew her bowstring back and fired as Jester recovered from the blow. He knocked the arrow aside with a dagger, then launched a throwing knife at the Twin.

“ANF members! Attack!” Jamie yelled through the walkie talkie.

As the DIB members rallied, the ANF members began to take their battle positions. Jamie jumped from the second floor, grabbing onto a nearby railing with lights and slid down, drawing her pistol and firing at Jester as he rushed at the Twin. Sexist pinned a soldier to the ground with his claymore, then looked up as the Overlord finished off the song.

“There’s a place downtown
Where the freaks all come around
It’s a hole in the wall
It’s a dirty free-for-all
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off!”

“There’s a place I know
If you’re looking for a show
Where they go hardcore
And there’s glitter on the floor
And they turn me on
When they take it off
When they take it off
Everybody take it off.”

“You’ll never find her!” Jester sneered, drawing a sword from its sheath at his side. “She’s ours!” He turned to face Sexist, gnashing his teeth together angrily.

“You have Venice!?” the Twin aimed another arrow at his back.

“Took her as she entered the concert. Probably halfway to the bottom of the ocean by now,” Jester spat at her, moving to where he could see both Sexist and the Twin. “Stupid ANF... Can’t even set up a proper security system...”

“No. The Venice I know wouldn’t be caught by a scrawny-ass punk like you,” the Twin sneered back, releasing the arrow. Jester turned and sliced it in half, but was unprepared for Sexist’s charge. A gush of water struck him in the side, knocking him away into the crowd. By this time, the crowd had begun to panic in the midst of the battle. Gunshots were being fired, and mayhem was starting to ensue. The Overlord was partially collapsed on the stage, halfway dazed and watching the events from above in horror and fascination.

“The ‘Venice’ you know? She’s sorta standing right behind you,” a voice added. The Twin turned and looked at a slender figure as she stepped from the shadows, sword drawn in one hand and covered to the handle in crimson. Her medium brown hair was tied back into a ponytail, her armor smeared with sanguine as though it had been splatter-painted. “Sorry. Had to rough a few guys up in the alley,” She didn’t sound remotely apologetic.

“Damn it!” Jester swore, holding his sword so tightly that his knuckles were white. “Ugh... Why can’t I ever do anything right?”

“Hey emo bitch, go cry yourself to sleep,” the Captain had appeared, rocket launcher over his shoulder. As he fired, Jester vanished in a puff of smoke, warping out of the way. Venice and the Twin threw themselves to the side, Sexist moving behind a pillar to avoid the missile as it hit the side of the stadium.

“We should... Probably go now...” the Soul-Keeper stammered. “Someone grab the Overlord, she looks lost.” He gestured with his staff to where the Overlord was standing on stage still, a far-off glint in her eyes.

“W-what happened?” the Overlord stammered as Jamie began guiding her away from the stage gently. “Why don’t I remember...?”

“Shhh... It’s quiet time, Emmy,” Jamie patted the Overlord’s head gently with one hand, snatching the Apprentice’s hood with the other. Although attempting to give her a scolding look, Jamie couldn’t help but crack a smile. Hissing under her breath, Jamie remarked, “You could’ve at least picked a decent song.”

“Eh. What can I say?” the Apprentice retorted with an uncertain chuckle.

1 comment:

  1. I bet those DIB soldiers would've stopped fighting if you'd done as the song suggested. ;P

    I like this one. Spots of comic relief before the bombastic, dramatic endings are always nice. A:tLA proves that.
