Monday, August 23, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 3, Ch 29

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 29: Dynamic Duo

Traveling north had been no easy task. Due to the massive amount of dragons set as guards by DIB, the group had been forced to warp from the Insurgents’ Forest to the far side of the mountains, putting them dangerously close to the conflict between the ANF and DIB at Fort Effort. Though the Overlord knew she longed to fight the DIB forces stationed there, she had led the group as far away from the battle as she could muster, though she knew that they, too, wanted to see how their companions were faring. The craggy, red-stoned mountains provided an abundance of cover, but their food supply were rather lacking. Still, that didn’t mean that they were starving (though the Soul-Keeper probably thought otherwise). It helped to talk about something different... So, the group talked to fill the silence and their emptiness of their stomachs.

“So, how did you get him to switch sides?” Sexist asked as the Overlord pulled herself onto a particularly odd-shaped rock formation that blocked their trail. She glanced down at him, still unable to make eye-contact with the ex-DIB soldier.

“The usual,” she swung her other leg over, sitting comfortably on a flatter portion of the rock formation, “The deep talk about nothing. Y’know...” She slid down a ways, “Making metaphors and using big words to sound like I knew what I was saying,” She landed on the other side, offering a hand to help the Advisor down, “And bluffing. Can’t forget the bluffing. Lots of bluffing.”

“Bluffing? So you tricked him?” Sexist asked, landing next to the Overlord, who promptly began moving away from him, down the rusty path.

“Not quite. Just a lot of acting. That’s all there is to being evil, really. Acting like you know what you’re doing. Making plans that never really seem to work out. Tack on an evil laugh to it, and there you go,” the Overlord waved a hand, “Real evil geniuses don’t have time to be emotionally disturbed.” She tossed an elbow into the Theurgist’s ghost as he cleared his throat rather loudly.

“So where is this... Swordmaster?” the Grasshopper asked, “And why haven’t I met him before if he’s so important?”

“Because he’s her ex-boyfriend,” the Advisor remarked rather plainly.

“Ouch, okay... Not a good thing to be bringing up...” the Overlord looked over her shoulder at the Advisor. “Actually, I’ll be the only one doing the talking. Wouldn’t want certain people...,” Insert pointed look at the Soul-Keeper, “... To ruin our chances of recruiting one of the best katana-wielders in the history of... Well... everything.”

“So he’s good at fighting with a katana?” the Grasshopper asked.

“You could even call him awesome,” the Overlord inclined her head, then hopped up a few ledges, clearly performing some gravity manipulation as she pulled herself up onto a higher pathway. Glancing down at the others, she added, “I haven’t seen him in ages, though. But he should be around here somewhere.”

“Does your ex-boyfriend-,” the Soul-Keeper began, but was cut off.

“-The SWORDMASTER-,” the Overlord corrected rather pointedly.

“-have a bathroom?” the Soul-Keeper asked innocently.

There was silence that ensued for a moment. Sexist pulled himself up another ledge, panting heavily under the setting sun. The Grasshopper nimbly passed him, joining her mentor. “I’m sure he does,” the Overlord answered awkwardly, then began over the ridge of the mountain, careful not to slide down the slope. Grabbing ahold of a rock, she steadied herself, before hopping down to a lower path on the opposite side of the ridge from where they’d been traveling.

“What if he’s not even around here? We could be searching for days,” the Advisor complained.

“I’m the Overlord. No one eludes the Overlord,” the Overlord retorted, leaning against her staff thoughtfully. As the Soul-Keeper came sliding down the slope to join them, his robe got caught on a nearby tree and tore partially, revealing a pasty-white thigh. The Overlord grimaced, holding up a hand to shield her apprentice’s eyes. Sexist merely facepalmed.

The Grasshopper pulled away from her mentor, stubbornly giving a shrug and walking towards a large tree that stuck out oddly from the side of the mountain. As she reached the midway point from the rest of the group and the tree, she felt the ground beneath her weaken with a crack, then give way. Sucking in her breath in horror, the Grasshopper plummeted downward, unsure if she could even scream. Shouts rang in her ears, but she swore it was the Overlord’s. Landing with a thud onto the cold, hard surface of a cave, the Grasshopper’s vision dimmed temporarily, her head spinning as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Senses jarred, she could barely tell anything about the cave... Except that she wasn’t alone and could feel eyes watching her.

“Overl-” she began to cry out in fright as the tip of a curved sword touched the bottom of her chin lightly, lifting her face to meet the dark eyes of an armor-clad warrior, who vaguely resembled a ninja.

“Sh,” the warrior hissed in a short wisp of air. Eyes flicking up, the warrior made a half-step back as something came barreling downwards, colliding into him, then propelling away. The Overlord helped the Grasshopper to her feet with one hand, the free one clutching Kagi tightly. Sexist was the second one down the hole and into the cave, thudding next to the Overlord with his claymore drawn. The Soul-Keeper came next, then the Advisor, machine gun drawn.

“This lot looks a tad familiar,” a second voice chimed from the shadows, a red dot placed on the Overlord’s forehead- most likely from a sniper rifle. The Overlord’s breath was shallow, quick, yet quiet, her eyes darting around the cave. An orb of fire exploded in her hand, and she held it up to reveal the two strangers in the cave.

The armored warrior, who actually was not very much taller than the Overlord herself, was backed up by a man in some futuristic looking armor, dual belts crossing before his chest, and shoulder plates marking some odd uniform. He carried a rifle in one arm, but seemed to bear many firearms, a bazooka strapped to his back as well. While the sword-bearing warrior wore a helmet, his companion did not, letting his longer brown hair blow in the stale breeze.

“Swordmaster. Corporal,” the Overlord remarked rather lightly, “Good to see you.”

“Oh. Found them!” the Grasshopper said a little too late.

“This is the Swordmaster?” Sexist asked, gesturing at the helmed warrior. As the Swordmaster took his helmet off and stepped closer into the light, several blades strapped to his limbs and back could be seen- though he seemed to favor the katana out of all of the other swords.

“And who are you supposed to be?” the Swordmaster scoffed at Sexist, looking him over with his dark brown eyes. Glancing at the Overlord, he frowned, then commented, “Barging in unannounced... You haven’t changed much.”

“I could say the same to you,” the Overlord retorted, an immediate tension overwhelming the cave. She noted as her companions backed away to give her and the Swordmaster some room, though she turned her attention to the Corporal, flashing him a delighted smile, “Corporal Woodson, it’s good to see you again.”

The Corporal responded by shouldering his rifle, returning a large smile, “Overlord. You haven’t grown an inch!”

“Funny,” the Overlord couldn’t help but chuckle, sheathing her katana and folding her arms, “I suppose you boys know why I’m here...”

“I’ll say it probably has to do with why there’s a random group of soldiers running around and conquering everything,” the Swordmaster nodded, sword sheathed as he looked at where the Soul-Keeper was hopping around with his legs angled inward awkwardly. With a sigh, he pointed over his shoulder, “Bathroom is the first door on the left.”

“THANK YOU SO MUCH!” the Soul-Keeper exclaimed, then began running in the direction mentioned.

“The Dark Ice Brotherhood has massed an army stronger than any I have ever owned. And so I’m asking for aid. From friends. Friends that I know still care enough to lend a hand,” the Overlord watched the Swordmaster carefully.

“And who says we care enough?” the Swordmaster raised an eyebrow, clearly challenging the Overlord’s statement. The Corporal backed away, gnawing at the edge of his lip as he watched the Overlord and the Swordmaster take to the center of the dark room, both looking as stubborn as the other.

“I had hoped-” the Overlord began stiffly, but was cut off.

“Hoped. You’d hoped,” the Swordmaster echoed her sharply. The words stung like needles, but as the Overlord glanced back at her companions for help, she merely received the gentle nudge from the Theurgist. As she looked back at the Swordmaster, he continued, “I never served you. I always guided you. Maybe this is a battle that you need to guide yourself. I see nothing in it for me. Especially when I’m following YOU.”

“Come on. Prove to him that you’re worthy,” the Theurgist folded his arms sternly, “You know he thinks otherwise.”

The Overlord responded with a firm nod, drawing Kagi from its sheath and holding it out to the side in a semi-relaxed stance, “So you think I’m not good enough for your services? Don’t forget who defeated the Uberlord when you were inept, Matthew.” The comment seemed to sting the Swordmaster’s pride, a flare of anger rising in his eyes.

“You got lucky.”

“Then I’m damn lucky to be alive.”

“LANGUAGE!” the Advisor hissed from where she was standing off to the side.

The Swordmaster smirked, then challenged, “Fight me. Prove that you actually have what it takes. Because I’m not going to throw my life away for a worthless cause. Got it? Corporal!” The Corporal stepped up, loading a handgun with a round of bullets as he did so.


The Overlord glanced back at her friends, then called, “Soul-Keeper!” As the Soul-Keeper awkwardly stepped forward with a trail of toilet paper dangling from his left boot, he clasped his staff in both hands, the tip lit up so that he could see into the darkness of the cave. The Overlord shot two fireballs to either side of the room, the fire engraving lines to mark the edges of the makeshift battle arena. She took in a deep breath, then twirled her sword once, the light from the small fires that raged on either side reflected by her blade. “One dynamic duo versus the other,” the Overlord spoke moments before the Swordmaster lunged at her.

“I really don’t want to fight you...” the Soul-Keeper whined, dislodging the toilet paper from his shoe before firing a lightning spell at the Corporal. The Corporal ducked to the side, sending a spray of bullets at the Soul-Keeper. Lifting his staff into the air, the Soul-Keeper summoned a shield, wincing as the bullets cracked the white shield that engulfed him. With a spin of his staff, he sent the bullets straight back at the Corporal, who ducked behind a pillar of stone that supported the roof of the cave, and returned fire almost immediately.

“Pass the popcorn,” the Advisor, the Grasshopper, and Sexist were all sitting on the sideline, watching the fight as it proceeded. Sexist sat in the middle, a bowl of popcorn resting in his lap.

“HEY! Where’d you get that?” the Soul-Keeper called from the melee.

“Their pantry,” Sexist shrugged carelessly, then tossed a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

The Overlord and the Swordmaster had clashed blades and were going through some form of intricate set of battle moves. As the blades collided, the sparks that showered the ground almost seemed to add onto the deadly dance. The Overlord turned halfway, blocked the incoming sword with a quick block to her back, then continued turning, her other foot lashing out to catch the Swordmaster in the stomach. However, he hopped back, katana swishing down towards her unprotected foot. The Overlord’s leg moved in the nick of time, though she was off-balance. The Swordmaster pressed forward, stabbing and swiping at her unsteady feet. The Overlord backed towards the raging fire-wall, her breathing deep and yet out of its typical rhythm.

“Are you regretting this yet?” the Swordmaster asked cockily.

The Overlord responded with a careful flick of her wrist, sending his blade flying across the battle arena and nearly impaling the Soul-Keeper. “FINISH HIM!” the Grasshopper could be heard screaming over the roar of battle. As the Overlord made a move to strike, the Swordmaster brought out a second katana from its sheath near his hip, and blocked the move.

“Seriously?” the Overlord asked with a groan. Somewhere in the background, the Soul-Keeper had accidentally exploded a portion of the cave wall, much to the Corporal’s amusement. “This is ridiculous,” the Overlord added. “I don’t want to hurt you...” Her voice trailed off, fading into a small whisper, before adding in a more firm tone, “And I know you don’t want to hurt me.”

The Swordmaster’s eyes widened ever so slightly, his sword wavering in its stance. Watching him carefully, the Overlord allowed the tip of her katana to dip slightly, yielding. She waited- patient, but anxious as the Swordmaster’s dark eyes beared into hers. ‘Listen to reason,’ she begged silently, her breath contained within her tightly closed lips and halted within her. Her heart thumped, eyes choosing to ignore the melee in the background.

“Agreed...” the Swordmaster conceded rather reluctantly, “I’ll join your army. You’re a lot more persistent than I thought you’d be.”

“Of course I am,” the Overlord grinned, then backed away, lowering her sword. Waving a hand to the Soul-Keeper, she stopped him before he could electrocute the Corporal. “It’ll be good to have you two. God knows this army could use more... cynics.”

“Glad to oblige,” the Corporal called with a humored chuckle.


The interior of Fort Effort was not as deserted as the Twin had originally perceived. Ducking under the blade of an armored knight, the Twin sent a well-aimed kick to the back of the soldier’s leg, knocking him to the ground. Two chains shot forth from the walls, entangling the next soldier as Fish rounded the corner after the Twin.

“She runs so fast!” McCoy hollered over the clanging of blades. He held his machine gun in one hand, his other clasping his hat as he sprinted after Fish and the Twin. As the Twin skidded across the floor in an attempt to turn the corner, the entire building was thrashed with a tremor, sending a few of the lights crashing down. Fish grabbed a nearby DIB soldier corpse and hoist it over his head in time to block a light from slamming into him.

“That’ll be the outer wall,” Fish glanced at McCoy, “The Captain and the Lieutenant have really done it now!”

“Who says that was them?” a voice announced from behind both Fish and McCoy. Fish spun around, a clenched fist summoning a spiral of chains that shot forth at the white-garbed enemy. Pharisee’s staff knocked the chains away almost carelessly. His ringlets bounced as he laughed, his eyes lit with determination and amusement, “This is stupid. You’re all stupid. Don’t you even know what this fight is about?”

“Huh?” McCoy asked, glancing back to see if the Twin had returned. However, it appeared as though she’d moved on through the fort, most likely still looking for DIB’s generals. McCoy huffed a sigh, then turned to face Pharisee, machine gun at his side.

Pharisee’s brown eyes lined with crimson, his fingers gripping the handle of his staff to the point where his knuckles turned white. As the ends began to illuminate with magic, he answered, “Your stupid false lord? Do you wonder why she doesn’t show herself? She hides. She hides from us all because this war is over her soul. She fears DIB, as should you. Coward. Doesn’t even have the strength to face those who would vanquish her and purge her impurities from this universe.”

“You’re a poor, misguided soul...” Fish remarked, voice devoid of emotion.

“Heh. At least I have a soul, you mindless slave!” Pharisee’s jeer did little to affect the Underling. So, instead, he turned his gaze to McCoy. “And you. You traitorous little wretch. You’ll burn, too.”

“Fish. I’m rather sick of hearing this guy talk. Let’s shut him up,” McCoy loaded a round of bullets into his machine gun, a grin flickering on his features.


The Ninja-Lord had witnessed the explosion of the outer wall and could have only described it as ‘a sight to behold’. As the walls had begun crumbling, she had allowed Blondie to escape away from the falling chunks, if only out of mercy. A satisfied grin crossed her features as she lifted her katana into the air- a cry for victory sounding through the ANF army. Centurion Ifill had led the charge into the inner portions of the courtyard, her horse trampling over one of Blondie’s lieutenants. Seizing a pike from a fallen DIB soldier, she hurtled it at a fleeing footsoldier, screaming a war call.

“The battle is done, Blondie,” the Ninja-Lord turned and stared hard at where the wounded Blondie was grasping his shoulder and yet still clinging to his broadsword. A fleeting smile materialized upon her mouth, tiny but smug, “You’re done.”

“The Nemesis will kill me if I fall here...” Blondie panted, his bloodied shoulder hefting up his sword, “You’re not going to get a step past me.”

The Ninja-Lord’s expression darkened, “We’ll see.” A step, pivot, turn, and slash at the DIB general’s injured shoulder yielded a clumsy block. He was tiring, the former Insurgent giving in on his mediocre swordsmanship skills. ‘There was a reason I could always beat him,’ the Ninja-Lord thought triumphantly, twisting her torso around and catching him across his metal-plated back. Though her katana seemed to merely dent his armor, Blondie grunted, stumbled, and she snatched a single sai hidden in her belt. The fork-like weapon snagged Blondie’s cape as she impaled it straight into the earth, bouncing off from the momentum in time to dodge a heavy swing from Blondie’s sword. Though she was wounded from previous strikes against her, the Ninja-Lord found adrenaline was definitely on her side.

“You stupid bitch!” Blondie snarled in solid frustration, howling incoherently at the shadowy Ninja-Lord. Swinging and swiping at her with his sword, he didn’t even seem to care that he was missing her entirely. The Ninja-Lord danced around him nimbly, twirling her blade deftly. Ripping his cape, Blondie surged forward, his shoulder catching the Ninja-Lord’s collarbone. On instinct, she stabbed forward, the blade cutting into the area between his shoulder and chest plates, so deep that the tip of the sword protruded oddly out of his back.

“Die!” the Ninja-Lord hissed as she pulled her katana back and away from him, a shower of red droplets singeing the rusty turf. Blondie collapsed before the fallen gates of Fort Effort, his forehead dripping with sweat and silver armor painted crimson. The Ninja-Lord walked calmly past him, silent for the moment, before stopping and turning to look back at Blondie.

“Oh and... Blondie?”

As his weary head turned to look at her, vision fading in and out, the Ninja-Lord took one, victorious step past him.

“I passed you.”


“KVAAAATCH!” the Animal Tamer screamed at the top of her lungs, looking up at the darkened skies, “... I still think this is a bad idea, by the way.” Glancing at where the Witch was leisurely leaned back against the neck of her horse, the Animal Tamer frowned as the enchantress caught a nearby flying butterfly on fire. As the creature writhed in pain on the ground, the Witch cackled under her breath before sitting up.

“It’s about time. We’ve been going up this stupid hill for hours. I told you taking paths was overrated, but nooooo... Who listens to ME?” the Witch huffed in frustration.

“It just seems wrong plowing through everything,” the Evocator scratched the back of her neck apologetically. She frowned, eyes turned to the heavens, which pulsed with unnatural lightning and rumbled with demonic-sounding thunder. “And I think I agree with the Animal Tamer on this one. It just seems wrong to be here in general. The black clouds and red sky are just not doin’ it for me.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter either way. We’re here,” Jamie announced as the pathway leveled off to reveal...

... The ruins of a town, of which a large, gaping portal stood in front of, gleaming as an eye. Barricades were erect with trembling soldiers standing behind, swords drawn and gazes completely and utterly locked upon the portal. Jamie held her breath, unsure of what to say or do at the moment. As a small winged creature flew forth from the portal, a cry startled the soldiers into action. A bowstring was heartily drawn, an arrow fired, and a goblin-esque creature slain in one hit, the shaft hitting it through to where it resembled a shesh-ka-bob.

“... Well, this sucks,” the Witch commented dryly.

“So the town is overrun with monsters. Who’d have guessed it?” the Evocator shrugged, “So we find a NEW town to pilfer. Not too hard... There’s gotta be towns around, right? Other towns besides this one.”

“Well boo,” Jamie sighed, hanging her head. “Guess that means we gotta look elsewhere to get supplies...” Grabbing the reins to her horse, she began to descend back down the hill, looking rather downcast as she did. The Apprentice’s music altered to a more mello ‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams’ as Jamie passed her, setting the mood.

“Well... If I’m right, Skingrad isn’t too far from here,” the Scribe suggested, “Might we try there?”

“We’ll have to...” Jamie inclined her head with semi-enthusiasm. Thunder resounded through the wilderness, causing the stolen horses to stir uncomfortably. Jamie ran her hand down her stallion’s nose, calming him down with a small ‘shush’. “... Em’s counting on us.”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 3, Ch 28

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 28: The Conquest Begins

Night had begun to fall by the time that the Insurgent Leader had awoken, barely able to move his sore, stiff self. His armor had been stripped from him, leaving him in a light-weight shirt and light-colored pants. Laid delicately on a long blanket, he stared at the canopy of branches for a few moments before casting an inquisitive look to the campfire that had been started. Resting a hand on his stomach, he stifled a groan as he felt a jolt of pain run down his arm.

“He’s awake,” the Advisor observed from a ways away. She stood with her hip jutted out to the side, machine gun strapped to her side. “Overlord! He’s awake!” Though his vision was hazy, he saw the Advisor’s hand grab the handle to her gun. A ways off, he spied what he thought was Sexist- either peeing on a tree or doing some other awkward thing. The Overlord was a ways away, though had turned her attention to the Advisor. The Grasshopper was busy poking the flames with a stick, giggling as the stick caught fire.

As the Insurgent Leader sat up, a hand shoved him gently back down. Glancing up to see the Soul-Keeper grinning and waving at him, the Insurgent Leader’s gaze darkened. The Overlord was next to the Soul-Keeper a few blinks later, and leaned over her younger brother with a rather stern expression. Holding out a hand, she quirked an eyebrow, “Truce?”

“With you?” the Insurgent Leader asked, apprehensively staring at her hand.

“No, with the Easter Bunny,” the Overlord retorted, but felt a wave of relief as the Insurgent Leader shook her hand. She plopped down next to him, shooting a semi-wary glance at where Sexist was leaning against a tree, attempting to either look cool or brooding and failing. She sighed, giving the others a pointed look to leave them alone. As the Soul-Keeper trundled off, the Overlord muttered, “What are we doing, Thomas? We’re taking things way too far.”

“What are we doing? We’re fighting a war,” the Insurgent Leader replied, mistrust evident in his dark brown eyes, “The same war we’ve been fighting forever. The war for freedom.”

“So what. The perspectives have changed?” the Overlord’s voice was light and airy, “Or have they stayed the same all this time?” She twirled a blade of grass in her fingers without even looking, casting her gaze about the ruined Insurgents’ camp. When the Insurgent Leader said nothing, the Overlord glanced out of the corner of her eye at him, “You don’t belong with the Dark Ice Brotherhood. And you know it. Your regret is clear.”

“How?” the Insurgent Leader asked simply.

“Inconcessus ars,” the Overlord muttered, so that no one else could hear the words. Glancing at him knowingly, she shrugged her shoulders, rolling them a few times, then sighed, a tuft of dark brown hair blowing in the wind, “So you panicked? Is that it? You can claw your way out of this one, but it won’t be easy.”

“You want me to join the ANF,” the Insurgent Leader quirked an eyebrow, “Is that why you tried to find me?”

“I came to find my brother,” the Overlord said firmly, losing all daintiness in her voice, “And I did find him. A broken, half-crazed idiot, but my brother all the same. And I came here for his help. Will I get it?” She looked at him levelly, eyes unblinking as they bore into his. The Insurgent Leader noted something different about her, whether it was the blood flecked around her features despite washing off after the battle or the determination in her gaze.

“And I’m broken and half-crazed?” the Insurgent Leader painfully stood up, using a nearby tree to support himself. The Overlord, in pure silence, followed suit, though merely watched him expectantly. “The Nemesis is not what you think. He’s stronger. Slyer. Difficult to pinpoint,” the Insurgent Leader exhaled loudly. “I’m not quite sure what goes on in his head.”

“He wanted my soul. That’s all I know,” the Overlord retorted, “And to be honest? That’s all I care to know.”

“Really?” the Insurgent Leader asked quietly, watching her carefully, “Are you sure?”

“Really,” the Overlord said apathetically, “He’s an enemy. I’ll defeat him like any other. Doesn’t matter what else he wants with me. Just have to put him down,” the Overlord gazed at her brother, then at the surrounding woods. It was suddenly very quiet, all except for a sneeze that the Overlord predicted came from the Soul-Keeper.

“Let me return to him,” the Insurgent Leader suggested, breaking the silence. The Overlord’s pupils flicked in his direction, a spark of an idea glittering on her features. Lip curling, she could tell what her brother was about to suggest. Perhaps they were related after all... “I can work from within DIB’s ranks.”

“Excellent,” The Overlord’s hand clasped the Insurgent Leader’s shoulder. He stared at her, blinking a few times before coming to an almost impossible realization. Eyes snapping wide, the Insurgent Leader stopped breathing- just for that moment, as he lowered his head slightly- lowered it to look down upon the Overlord. A fleeting smile crossed his features, just moments before the big, toothy grin.

“I’m taller than you.”


“I’m taller than you!”

“Don’t be ridic-”

“No. I’m looking down at you!”

Staring at the Insurgent Leader with wide eyes, the Overlord’s dawning of realization came alongside a feeling of immense anger, coupled by a mere refusing to acknowledge the statement as being true. Eyes narrowing, the Overlord’s hand dropped from her brother’s shoulder, folding with her other arm as she turned her head away defiantly, declaring, “You’re lying. You’re a midget.”

“How tall are you?” the Insurgent Leader demanded.

“5’5. And three-quarters,” the Overlord answered nonchalantly.

“I’m 5’6!” the Insurgent Leader laughed triumphantly.

“... Proves nothing. You’re still shorter than me,” the Overlord turned on her heel and began to walk away, waving a hand as she went, “Weren’t you infiltrating the DIB forces?” Stopping on the edge of the clearing, the Overlord angled her head (mainly for dramatic effect) to where the Insurgent Leader was on the verge of her peripheral vision.

The Insurgent Leader grinned, clearly smug with himself, “I suppose so.”


And there Fort Effort stood, diligently watched by a platoon of armor-clad knights on horseback, though some trailed the walltops of the fort. The Ninja-Lord stood in the shadows of the crags and cliffs, silver hand concealed by long black gloves to prevent her from being spotted. “There’s seven on the walls,” she murmured, looking back at where the Lieutenant and the Captain were setting up a cannon hidden in the cliffs. As the two bickered, the Ninja-Lord huffed a sigh, drawing her katana and glancing off at where the ANF forces were hidden further back into the hills. “A battle we can win will require a lot of sneakiness.”

“Sneakiness? That’s our specialty,” the Lieutenant remarked in a rather sincere tone.

“Pfttttt, don’t lie,” the Captain retorted, “We’re not experts in demolition- the Sabotage Team is there for that. But they’re with Jamie right now. We’re really just experts in blowing crap up.”

“This is true,” the Lieutenant conceded with a shrug of his shoulders.

“For being zombie slayers, you sure haven’t been doing your job,” the Ninja-Lord remarked dryly.

“Hey now, just because the author doesn’t want zombies in her story at this present moment, doesn’t mean there won’t be zombies later,” the Lieutenant reminded her, looking through a sniper rifle at the armored soldiers pacing the walltops. “None of these people look like Insurgents.”

“The Nemesis must’ve withdrawn them after the last battle,” the Ninja-Lord replied, “They’re all Blondie’s henchmen. Stupid grunts and their clanky armor. They’re nothing against guns.”

“I see a few... Holy crap, I think my scope is jacked up,” the Captain frowned, looking through his own sniper rifle at the walls of Fort Effort. “I’m picking up random orbs of light. Different colors. Looks like energy?” He shot the Ninja-Lord a questioning look.

“Dang it! Pharisee must be here, too. Too bad the Evocator is with Jamie!” the Ninja-Lord gritted her teeth, “That’s the angle, isn’t it? I knew it’d be too easy if the Nemesis just had Blondie here. Jester and the Rebel Commander might be nearby, too. But that’d leave the Fortress defenseless.”

“Uhhh negatory, Ninja-Lord. I definitely saw a group of dragons flying about. Not the sort of defenseless I’m used to,” the Captain answered, setting his sniper rifle to the side. “The Twin must’ve started her approach by now. Hidden among the cliffs- good idea, eh?”

“It is... Until someone plunges to their death,” the Lieutenant retorted with a half of a laugh.

“And Centurion Ifill’s forces are coming to the front now!” the Ninja-Lord hissed, gazing at where the second-in-command stood on her horse before half of the ANF forces. Smiling to herself, the Ninja-Lord drew up her hood from her ninja uniform, thinking to herself, ‘A two-pronged attack. Pharisee and Blondie won’t see it coming.’ Glancing back at the Lieutenant and the Captain, the Ninja-Lord cocked an eyebrow, “And so you two will re-join our forces when...?”

“The gates are blown up,” the Captain gave the Ninja-Lord a thumbs up, grinning from ear-to-ear. “In which case, we’ll meet up with you and the Twin to kick some serious ass in this next battle.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” the Ninja-Lord nodded, then hopped down from the small cliff the two were situated upon. The sky was a dark crimson, the sun pulsing from behind the veil of gray clouds. She moved alongside the shadows, ducking behind boulders and sliding down slopes whilst making as little noise as possible. Katana in hand, she cast a glance at the cliffs once more, catching brief sight of Shinobi leading the other two ninjas alongside the Twin. Unfortunately, she had to run the outer gate battlefront. Sneaking into the base was all up to the Twin.

Stealthily slipping into the ANF ranks, the Ninja-Lord emerged alongside Centurion Ifill, standing next to the warhorse she rode. As the ANF forces halted quite a number of yards before the Fort Effort gates, the Ninja-Lord caught sight of one of the elemental summons brought to the field by Pharisee. Twirling her katana deftly, the Ninja-Lord proclaimed, “In the name of the Overlord... It’s time you surrendered this fort, DIB!”

“And who is to say otherwise?” a voice rang from the walltop. The Ninja-Lord didn’t have to look up to realize it was Blondie. From behind her mask and hood, the Ninja-Lord smiled, though not joyously. A bitter, stinging gleam took to her blue-green eyes and she dropped into a fighting position.

“Bring it.”

She was echoed with:

“Dark Ice Brotherhood forces! Attack!”


The Twin had made her way across the cliffs with relative ease- though found herself holding up the ninja team, who was accustomed to moving through such terrain quickly. Fish and McCoy were accompanying her as her main bodyguards, Fish equipped with a sword and his chains while McCoy merely carried his machine gun. The Twin led the way primarily, moving swiftly and silently along the small path that wove through the craggy hills. The trail led to a cliff that overlooked part of Fort Effort’s interior- the part she needed to enter in order to reclaim her position as its owner.

“I wonder if we’ll meet much resistance,” Fish brought up in his typical quiet voice.

“Blondie never struck me as one to keep a lot of guards around. And if he did, they’d all be at the front by now. Quite a show they’re putting on, eh?” McCoy remarked, glancing back over his shoulder. Holding his hat steady with a hand as the wind blew violently through the cliffs. Walls of rock surrounded the troops as they marched, eventually blocking their view of the front of Fort Effort.

“I’m not worried about Blondie,” the Twin said suddenly, holding up her hand to slow the troops. “Pharisee is more... conniving.”

“Ooh. Conniving,” McCoy chuckled, “We’re even more so conniving if you think about it. Using secret passages like this.” He petted Mooka atop his head very thoughtfully, then shrugged, “Y’know, the only flaw I could see with this plan is that the DIB forces realize you’re not even out there on the battlefield and suspect a sneak attack.”

The Twin glanced over her shoulder, frowning, but shrugging, “It’s possible,” she agreed, resting a hand on a rock and raising an eyebrow as she peered over the edge of an overhang before continuing down the path, “We’ll just have to hope.”

“Hope. That’s cute,” McCoy sighed, tipped his hat, then watched as the Twin slowed to a halt, bow strung with an arrow. Looping and knotting a piece of rope around the neck of the shaft, the Twin aimed at a wall facing the hidden path, crouched down so that she was not spotted by the guards.

“We break in now,” the Twin’s breath was quiet, yet firm, her fingers releasing the arrow with deadly precision. Embedding itself into the wall of the guard tower, the arrow protruded awkwardly from the stone, a few feet over an armored knight’s head. The Twin tied the loose end of the rope around a large boulder, grinning mischievously all the while.

“Am I going to even calculate the odds of the success of this sneak attack?” Fish remarked under his breath as the Twin flung a scarf over the taut rope and began to descend towards the walltop. Fish sighed, blew a tuft of hair from his eyes, then glanced at McCoy, “I think it’d be best if we just left the odds out.”

“Agreed,” McCoy fastened his hat atop his head, wincing as pulled his trenchcoat off. Flinging it over the rope, he winced as Mooka drove his nails into his shoulder, but didn’t say a word. “It doesn’t seem like this entire story is very likely to begin with.” He offered a shrug to Fish, then followed the Twin onto the walltop, ducking as she sent a guard flying overhead with a with-placed kick to the stomach.


“Well this sucks,” the Apprentice muttered from where she was crouched next to Jamie and the Evocator. Though shrouded by a thick veil of bushes, the lights from lanterns could be seen illuminating the pathway. The silhouettes of armored warriors, mounted upon horses, could be seen in the dim light, the canopy from the forest blotting out most of the light from the sky.

“These are just normal foot soldiers. We could take these guys out really quickly,” the Witch complained softly from where she was sitting back, leaned against a tree and halfway shrouded by shadows. Picking at her nails and watching the guards patrol dully in the night, she stifled a snort of disdain before quietly rising to her feet.

Jamie’s hand cut her off from speaking, or making a move for that matter, “Wait.” Her signal to stop changed to a point up ahead, “The map marks this path as the quickest to Kvatch-” there was giggling inserted here, “... And it’s on a hill...” Her finger pointed to a hill upon the horizon, “... Which means that THAT is Kvatch.” She frowned, eyeing the swirl of black clouds over the hill, and quirking an eyebrow.

“Looks like we’re in for a storm,” the Evocator pointed out, eyes narrowed as she stared at the churning gray clouds. “And a nasty one at that.”

“Uhm, so, I know I’m one of the youngest people here and all, but...” the Animal Tamer began uncertainly, “Those clouds... Aren’t moving from the hill. Actually, they’re surrounding the hill. They’re centered on the hill. And they’re not moving. Which is usually a bad sign. Just speaking in general... I mean... dark... ominous clouds have never been a good sign in the past...”

“Your point being?” the Witch quirked an eyebrow.

“Skingrad is starting to sound like a better option for our destination,” the Animal Tamer suggested meekly.

“Dark clouds, ominous-ness... Sounds like fun!” the Apprentice spoke a little too loudly. As the guards turned towards the bushes, the Witch sent out a blazing swirl of flames, leaping over the bushes as she did so. Jamie pulled her cutlass out from its sheath, dropping into a fighting position as she did so. As one guard jumped off his horse, she ran forward, the hilt of her sword colliding into his helmet. As the Apprentice yelled a semi-apologetical, “My bad!” (and promptly began playing a battle song- which so happened to be ‘Eye of the Tiger’), the Evocator sent a flash of lightning magic at one of the guards, shouting over the melee.

“Conjure! Vengeance spirit! Invidia!”

As a swirling mass of black shot from her fingertips and struck a third guard, it manifested into a snarling, salivating panther, its claws interlocked with the guard’s ribcage. The Animal Tamer had clashed blades with one guard, who was much larger than she was. As the guard pinned her against a tree, he pulled a knife from its holster around his upper leg, aiming to stab the Animal Tamer between the eyes. However, crack from the tree’s lower limbs sent him flying, and the Maverick emerged from behind the massive trunk.

“Maverick sensed that clangy guard needed a clangy on his head. One-Who-Tames-Large-Lizard... Are you well?” Maverick helped the Animal Tamer to her feet, leaning upon her gnarled staff heavily.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine!” the Animal Tamer bounced to her feet. “Whew... That was close.”

The Witch sent the last guard flying over the trees and into the distance with the flick of her wrist, sighing as she did so, “Too easy.” Glancing at where Jamie had gotten on one of the deceased guards’ horses, she quirked an eyebrow, asking, “Do we really need more of those?”

“Well, it beats walking to Kvatch,” Jamie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, “Everyone, grab a horse. We’re gonna be in Kvatch before dawn! And once we get there... I’m so renting us some rooms at an inn.” She glanced at the Apprentice, who was continuing to loop ‘Eye of the Tiger’ with her boombox, then frowned, “APPRENTICE!”

“Yes ma’am?” the Apprentice saluted Jamie.

“Find us some traveling music!” Jamie declared loudly, cutlass held high over her head.

“Traveling music, she says! The woman wants traveling music!” the Scribe piped up from somewhere in the back of the army. The Witch responded by dealing him a hefty whack upside the head. The Apprentice bowed her head, and obliged to Captain Jamie’s orders, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ replaced almost instantly by a cheerful ‘We’re Off to See the Wizard’.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 3, Ch 27

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Part III - The Elite

"Envelope order into chaos
An eternal midnight hence on
Vague memories of every life and loss-
Mere motivation to fight 'til dawn
The entire world balance upon a knife's edge
Between a winter heart and a firebrand
Annihilation teetering upon destiny's ledge
The sun shall see the world a wasteland."

Chapter 27: Sibling Rivalry

The Overlord was unsure what had lured her back to the Insurgent Leader’s campsite in the forests west of the Fortress, but she found herself standing among the ashes of what had once been their stronghold. Deserted, half-standing tents lay nestled among the trees, a tattered Insurgents’ flag draped on a branch nearby. The Grasshopper was rummaging through some of the supplies left behind, tossing a clump of moldy bread over her shoulder. The Theurgist was looking around, passing through tents and remaining silent as he explored the campsite. The Advisor sighed, arms folded, “It looks like people haven’t been here in years.”

“Cold ashes. No food. No sign of life. Yeah, why did we come here again?” the Soul-Keeper remarked, rolling his sleeves back, “They’re all in the Fortress, I bet. With air conditioning.”

“Don’t need air conditioning at the Fortress anymore. It’s half frozen over,” the Overlord retorted, standing up from where she’d been kneeling next to the fire. She sighed, glancing at where the Grasshopper had found a rusty dagger. ‘This is so unlike the Insurgents. Leaving all of this behind? I guess they really don’t need it anymore between Fort Effort and the Fortress being in their control now,’ the Overlord thought, brow furrowing. Nard stood a few feet away, sniffing the air with his ears perked.

“I wonder how the others are doing,” the Advisor sighed, “Hopefully they’re having better luck than we’re having.”

“Well, I was hoping we wouldn’t have to storm the Fortress. But I guess the Insurgent Leader leaves me no choice...” the Overlord mumbled, gesturing towards a path leading away from the tents, “That leads to the plains. From there, we can survey the situation and figure out our next plan. I-”

“I didn’t know you had a bright crimson pimple on your neck,” the Soul-Keeper reached over with a hand, pointing at a red dot that had appeared on the Overlord’s neck. As the Overlord turned to see what the Soul-Keeper was referring to, the Soul-Keeper noticed the red dot had traveled to the back of his hand as he had tried to touch her neck. “Huh?”

“Get down!” a voice yelled and the Overlord dropped to the ground as a bullet whizzed overhead. Dragging the Soul-Keeper with her, she heard something hit the ground, her heart thundering in her ears. The Overlord heard a second gunshot, but could not hear the bullet strike anything. Looking up from where she’d ducked behind a tent, she caught sight of a spike of ice, protruding oddly from the dirt. Incased near the tip was the bullet, preserved perfectly.

“DIB scouts?” the Advisor asked moving behind a tree and firing her machine gun at whoever was firing the sniper rifle.

“Not scouts,” Sexist answered from where he’d been standing behind a tree a few yards from the Overlord, “It’s the Rebel Commander.”

“Where the hell did you come from?” the Overlord snapped, glaring at the ex-Insurgent. Sexist merely shrugged it off, snapping his fingers to shatter the ice surrounding the bullet. The bullet fell to the ground, harmless. A few yards away, the Rebel Commander could be seen, tossing his sniper rifle away and grabbing a semi-automatic pistol from his belt.

“Do you really care that I’m here?” Sexist quirked an eyebrow, glancing rather smugly at the Overlord, “Because if you do, I could just leave and let him shoot you all full of holes.”

“So snarky,” the Overlord commented, “You’re here, you might as well be useful.”

“That’s what I thought,” Sexist retorted with a satisfied gleam in his blue eyes.

“It’s great that you two are actually on speaking terms, it really is, but we’re sort of getting SHOT AT!” the Soul-Keeper yelled, returning fire via releasing a bolt of lightning. The Overlord nodded to the Soul-Keeper, then held up a hand, a swirling orb of fire appearing in her palm. Sending it out at the Rebel Commander, she was surprised as it was countered by a black and violet forcefield, ricocheting towards her. Sexist dosed it immediately with a blast of water, gaze darkening.

“The Insurgent Leader,” the Theurgist whispered to the Overlord, “He must be here as well.”

“Good,” the Overlord nodded to the Theurgist, catching an odd look from Sexist. She closed her eyes, then ducked out from behind the tent she’d been hiding behind. Sending a blast of green fire at the forcefield, she ducked as the Rebel Commander began firing bullets at her. The Advisor returned fire, gritting her teeth as the bullets from her gun sprayed the forcefield. As their attacks began bouncing back, the Overlord ducked, glancing up into the trees. Moving as stealthily as possible, the Grasshopper had leapt into another tree, katana in hand and looking down at where the Rebel Commander was firing at the ANF forces.

The Soul-Keeper rushed forward suddenly, knocking a bullet in mid-air (most likely accidentally) with his staff and sending a sudden, vibrating wave through the air, an earsplitting clap of thunder shaking the very foundations of the trees surrounding the battlefield. The Grasshopper leapt down then, the heel of her boot colliding into the top of the Rebel Commander’s head. He fell back, but kept a good grasp of his gun. Swinging it to bluntly whack the Grasshopper in the head, he found that his strikes were too slow for the lithe apprentice. Jumping back, she flipped, then landed on both feet, sword still in hand.

It was at that moment that the Overlord charged, staff in hand. A small, semi-transparent platform appeared before her and she leapt onto it, using the momentum from her first jump to carry her over the barrier the Insurgent Leader had set up. As the Soul-Keeper, the Advisor, and Sexist followed suit, the Overlord began scouring the bushes and trees for the Insurgent Leader, who had yet to reveal himself. As the Rebel Commander kicked the Grasshopper off of him, he pulled out a second gun and began firing at the Advisor, who dropped down to the ground, gun in hand. Sexist held up a hand and summoned an ice shield, his eyes maintaining their slight glow.

“There’s too many of them!” the Rebel Commander yelled, looking around the woods. “Insurgent Leader! Insurgent Leader!? What the heck? Where did you-”

The first hound came flying through the trees, its skin rough and clinging to its bones. With gnarled fangs and crooked horns, the hellion made quite a gangly sight as it leapt through the woods, clasping the Soul-Keeper’s arm in its fury. The Insurgent Leader could be seen a few yards behind the Rebel Commander, irises changing to a sinister violet. The Rebel Commander was taken aback by the sudden reinforcements, but continued firing his gun. Sexist moved to the side, brandishing his claymore and charging the Rebel Commander. Taking a bullet to the shoulder, the ex-Insurgent’s assault was hindered, but gave the Grasshopper the time she needed to recover and retaliate.

“Insurgent Leader!” the Soul-Keeper pointed at the Insurgent Leader, but merely whacked a second and third hellion with his staff, both ends ablaze with lightning magic. The Overlord summoned two more platforms, exchanging her staff for her sword as she leapt over the incoming hellions, flipped, then landed behind the Insurgent Leader. As he turned to face her, he drew Muramasa, his eyes still unnatural. The Overlord turned simultaneously, Kagi’s red-silver blade clashing with the long katana.

“What have you done to yourself,” the Overlord whispered, glaring into his violet eyes. “Some ‘hero’ you are. You’re beginning to outshine me as a villain and I can’t have that.”

“So you finally came out of hiding. Long time no see...” the Insurgent Leader’s voice was devoid of emotion and dead, his eyes blank and face expressionless. He pushed her away, a surge of energy pulsing through his veins as he lunged at her. The Overlord blocked his strikes, eyes wide as the Insurgent Leader’s left hand released the hilt to his two-handed sword. Reaching out and grabbing her by the collar, the Insurgent Leader tossed her up into the air before swiping at her. Twisting her body in mid-air, the Overlord’s heels caught the blade of the sword and she flipped, her katana flying from her hand. The blade ricocheted from the Insurgent Leader’s well-timed shield, landing back into the Overlord’s hand.

“Stop this now. This is all stupid...” the Overlord cast a glance behind at where the Overlings and Sexist were still dueling the Rebel Commander and the hellions. More discreetly, the Overlord added, “You’re my brother. I need you to side with me for once.”

“I’m not stupid,” the Insurgent Leader remarked.

“On the contrary...” the Overlord muttered, then charged at her brother, feinting a blow to the right, then kicking him in the shin. The Insurgent Leader retaliated with a swipe across the Overlord’s torso, cutting through her Earth clothes easily. She felt a splash of blood from the wound in her stomach, but it did not deter her. “I won’t stop until I’ve knocked the bullcrap from your little midget brain!” She hissed while their blades clashed once more. The Overlord caught sight of Nard fending off a hellion as the Grasshopper tried to mend one of her wounds. ‘They can’t handle this forever...!’

It was a spark of an idea, at first. An idea that the Overlord knew would only bring trouble later on. As the Insurgent Leader gave her room and paced, the Overlord extended a hand, eyes ablaze in anger. “Inritus!” The Overlord yelled, a swirl of black mist and fire sprouting from the ground, knocking the Insurgent Leader into the air. With two platforms, the Overlord followed the Insurgent Leader into the air, knocking him higher into the sky. He curled his body, twisting it around to where he could attack.

“Die!” the Insurgent Leader snarled, a web of magic entangling the Overlord temporarily, but a quick slice of Kagi defeated it. She grabbed his collar, then sent a wave of fire magic through him. As the two began to descend, the Overlord summoned a third platform, breaking their fall before they struck the forest floor. The Insurgent Leader picked himself up fairly quickly, then dusted himself off with a shaky hand.

“You don’t know... the things I’ve seen... What I’ve done...” the Insurgent Leader stammered, sheathing his sword, “But you’ll know my power, Overlord. It surpasses yours.”

A few bullets whizzed by the standoff between the two siblings, but the Overlord remained steadfast, the resolve in her eyes. “Show me,” the Overlord challenged, “Hit me with whatever you have... Baby brother.” The Insurgent Leader smirked, a blue light shining from his chest. His hands cradled the light for a moment, shielding it from view. However, his back began to arch, then he threw his head back, shouting something incoherent as the light erupted and took to the sky. Body encasing itself into a crystal, the light spiraled upward, taking the form of a Chinese dragon. As it landed before the Overlord, she felt a shudder run down her spine.

The dragon’s crimson scales rippled as it arched its neck, a puff of fire whisping about his nostrils. Tail thumping against the ground, the dragon’s yellow eyes narrowed as it looked at the Overlord, claws tightening against the ground. His back, face, and elbow lined with yellow fur, the dragon appeared as some oriental mascot come to life from ancient scrolls. The Overlord recalled a story about such a dragon, a story that had been the favorite of her younger brother’s when they had been children.

“Ryuu...” the Overlord’s katana remained in hand, dripping with blood. As the dragon reared up, the Overlord made her move, rushing forward, the Overlord made a move to plunge Kagi into the dragon’s chest, but found herself in the massive creature’s grasp, lifting up the clawed hand to its face. Clutching the Overlord in his palm, Ryuu’s jaws parted, revealing rows of polished fangs. A shower of bullets from the Advisor’s gun distracted the dragon long enough for the Overlord to pull free, her katana falling in the process. She dropped to the ground, rolled, then looked up at the maddened dragon.

“Overlord!” the Soul-Keeper yelled, his robe torn from the hellhounds. It was then that the Overlord noted that the hellions had vanished. The Rebel Commander was cornered by the Advisor and Sexist out of ammunition with his hands up. The Grasshopper held Nard in her arms, staring at the dragon as its tail lashed out at the Overlord. Leaping over the tail, the Overlord grabbed her katana, then began to strike when the dragon’s arm knocked her sword away again. Pulling out her staff, the Overlord sent two shots of magic at Ryuu, watching as it bounced away harmlessly. Frustrated, the Overlord retreated back a few steps, panting heavily.

“He’s magic resistant?” the Advisor gasped, grabbing the Grasshopper and holding her back, “Get back!”

Sexist tossed his claymore at the Overlord with relative ease, unable to hide a smirk as the Overlord caught it heavily in her arms. She held it with the tip dragging the ground, her eyes wide as her fingers wrapped around its hilt. There was some odd, wintery feeling about the sword that she disliked, reminded of the Nemesis’ piercing stare as she held the blade. As Ryuu’s head snaked forward, the Overlord took the claymore and began slicing at everything she could. As a spray of blood flew through the air, Ryuu’s claws pierced through the Overlord’s chest in the mayhem, tearing through her and slamming her into a tree. The claymore fell and embedded itself into the ground. Sexist grabbed its hilt and hoisted it up, spitting at the Overlings, “Are you going to sit there, or help?”

“I’ve got this...” the Overlord groaned, pulling herself up via branches. The Soul-Keeper helped her to her feet, clutching her tightly.

“Quit trying to be the hero,” Sexist glanced at the Overlord.

“We’ll finish this together!” the Grasshopper nodded confidently, setting Nard on the ground. The Advisor responded by putting in another round in her machine gun, then firing at Ryuu as the dragon began to encircle the ANF forces in a ring of fire. The Overlord staggered forward, four distinct claw marks engraved in her body. Extending her hand, she caught Kagi by the hilt, pupils dilated as she stared up at Ryuu.

“Don’t hurt yourself!” the Soul-Keeper hissed to the Overlord, staff in hand.

The Overlord sprang up with newfound strength, Sexist following her. As she sent two slices into Ryuu’s skin, she dodged his jaws, teeth missing her by inches. Sexist jammed his claymore between the dragon’s jaws, keeping its mouth open. It reared back, bullets striking its scales and digging into its skin. Tail lashing, Ryuu almost knocked the Soul-Keeper flat to the ground, but the Grasshopper was quicker, running up the massive creature’s back and jabbing the tip of her katana into his skull.

A deafening shriek cut through the once-silent forest, sending chills down the Overlord’s spine. “Get out of there, Grasshopper!” the Overlord screamed at her apprentice as she leapt from the dragon’s head. Ryuu reached up and snapped at the Grasshopper, snagging her boot and knocking her off balance. The apprentice hit the earth, but was relatively unharmed. In a flash of light, the dragon reverted back into its spiritual, blue form before returning to the Insurgent Leader. As the Insurgent Leader’s body fell to the ground, the Overlord sank to her knees, panting heavily.

“That was scary,” the Rebel Commander commented.

“Oh, quiet!” the Advisor hissed, pointing her machine gun at the Rebel Commander.

“Are you okay?” the Soul-Keeper asked, kneeling down before the Overlord. “You look awful! A-are you going to be okay? Dear God, your nose is bleeding!”

“My... what?” the Overlord asked, touching her nose lightly with a finger and realizing it was, “Oh... It’s nothing. Is Thomas okay?” She pushed herself up with her staff, then began to hobble over to him.

“He’s breathing,” Sexist bent down and examined the Insurgent Leader, “And he’s relatively unharmed. He’ll be fine.” Glancing back at where the Overlord had sat back down next to a tree, he frowned, tilting his head to the side, “You don’t look so good...”

“I’m fine,” the Overlord shrugged it off, “Just need some water and rest. He’ll be awake in an hour or so. Wait until then to do anything huge.”

“Glad to see you care so much about my well-being,” the Grasshopper added, still wiping dirt from her face where she’d faceplanted the ground. The Overlord grinned at her apprentice.

“Some hard work will do you good.”


Jamie had landed on a world she was completely unfamiliar with. But rather than stopping to ask for directions, going to a different world, or anything sensible, Jamie had decided that this world would be an excellent place to stock up on supplies. Granted, Jamie was broke since the repairs on her ship had cost a near fortune (one she intended on collecting from DIB in the future), so there was one method she had decided to go about collecting the supplies- stealing. She didn’t have a boat anymore, so she realized that this involved a plethora of physical labor (AKA- running).

While the Trojan Army and the Smurfs had chosen to stay with Jamie, most of them had kept to their small campsite off the coast of a river in what was apparently the ‘Kvatch’ region. Personally, Jamie thought this was quite amusing- only because she’d spent the first two days convinced that they were located in the ‘crotch’ region. Others, such as the Animal Tamer, had not found this quite as entertaining as the pirate. However, the Witch had been making a plethora of inappropriate jokes- none of which shall be mentioned in order to maintain a PG-13 rating on this story.

You see, Kvatch was a rather nice region, despite Jamie’s nicknames for it. Kvatch was actually the name of a nearby city that domineered the region. Kvatch was also known for having guards. And these guards were not your average guards- they were quite persistent. Anyone could see where Jamie was running into a slight dilemma with the guards. They simply would not stop following her. Granted, it was hard for them to really pursue her as she had taken the majority of their horses. However, apparently, word of the ‘horse-thieving woman’ had gotten around Kvatch pretty quickly. Her accomplices, usually the Witch, the Apprentice, and the Evocator, had gotten quite the reputation for thieving from Prior Maborel- some monk that had (before met by the ANF forces) a horse and quite an assortment of weapons in his church.

But this left the ANF forces being pursued relentlessly by the guards- and Jamie was rather certain that their infamy had spread from beyond Kvatch (to which, the Witch replied that they were like ‘crabs’- and to which the Evocator promptly facepalmed). However, thankfully, the guards had been unable to find the ANF campsite, which was primarily being maintained by the Scribe.

“I’ve finally figured out our location,” the Scribe looked at Jamie urgently from where he sat next to the fire one afternoon. Holding up a map, he gestured with a capped pen, “Cyrodiil. It’s a very medieval world, full of a bunch of nasty creatures, magic, weird lizard-things... the usual.” He cracked his knuckles, then added, “There should be a bunch of weapons here, though. If we know where to get them. My map indicates a few castles...”

“Castles. That sounds like fun,” the Apprentice grinned excitedly.

“We’re going to completely disrupt the balance this world needs, especially if it has so much crap going on,” the Evocator remarked blandly from where she sat, still playing her DS.

“Better disrupt another cliche medieval world than lose against DIB,” Jamie pointed out, “Soooo... Castle Kvatch? I’m thinking that’s our next stop. And we’ve got enough horses to get half the army there by now.”

“And all of the roads are crawling with guards looking for us,” the Animal Tamer pointed out.

“Just makes things more fun,” the Witch giggled, “The Overlord told us to get supplies by ‘any means necessary’...”

“Well, there’s a place south of here called Skingrad. We can raid their land next,” the Scribe suggested, “And I hear there are caves and forts around here, too. All probably guarded by bandits or something. Small prey, easy treasure. And we all know Jamie likes treasure.”

“Soooo... What are we waiting for again?” the Apprentice clapped her hands together, “Screw being an Underling. I wanna be a pirate!”

“Ohhhh boy,” the Evocator sighed. “Just what we need.”

“Tomorrow, we make haste to Castle Kvatch. We take what we need. Annnnnd maybe a bit of gold, too,” Jamie announced, lifting her cutlass into the air. “We be pirates! Yarrrr!”

“YARRRRR!” the Apprentice yelled enthusiastically, flailing her arms into the air.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 2, Ch 26

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 26: Burning Resolve

The Insurgent Leader stared across the table, his dark eyes unblinking. The house he was inside was some small circular room, with a ceiling so low that he even had the issue of hitting his head. He was in a chair, nestled into its back with a woven blanket wrapped around him. As “Bob” continued his work in the kitchen, the Insurgent Leader shifted his gaze from the goat-man to the various items laying about. A flute of some sort, a few household things like candles and pillows, an umbrella- this guy really had a humble life. But that did not suppress the Insurgent Leader’s worry. Unsure of how he had even gotten to this home, the Insurgent Leader merely remembered collapsing in the snow, shivering with the thought of freezing to death wavering about his half-sane mind. This stranger had taken him in, though the Insurgent Leader was puzzled as to why he had.

Paranoia convincing him that this was some ANF trap, the Insurgent Leader had not said a word to “Bob”, keeping to himself for the most part. The goat-man had offered to feed him, and had given him a bowl of stew despite the Insurgent Leader’s vigorous head shakes. He feared there was poison in the broth. Or worse. Date rape. Anywho, the Insurgent Leader had several reasons why it was perfectly feasible that this man was an ANF spy:

The stranger had been stalking him.
The stranger did not seem to approve of him.
And the Insurgent Leader had awoken in a completely different set of clothes than the set of clothes he had been wearing previously, alluding to very, VERY bad things.

Clutching his arms in a pathetic self-hug, the Insurgent Leader rocked back and forth. Shaking, he eyed the odd stew before him, unsure of what the gunk comprised of. He found slightly more comfort from the fire pulsing in the hearth. “Bob” had it well-kept with a clump of logs and a rack of fire irons to the left, dangling harmlessly. And that’s when the Insurgent Leader had one of those very classic ‘lightbulb’ moments.

Perhaps he was their assassin. Perhaps he was there to kill him. To torture him. To get information out of him. The Insurgent Leader understood now why the goat-man had not killed him. Not yet, at least. ‘I must escape,’ the Insurgent Leader’s mind shifted gears- from self-pity to survival. It was time to leave.

Tentatively glancing at “Bob”, the Insurgent Leader reached an ungloved hand, the black swirl falling into view of the light. Biting back a shameful groan, the Insurgent Leader snatched a fire iron, silently moving it into the crimson flames. And he waited, keeping a watchful dark eye on the busied goat-man. As the iron began to glow red, the Insurgent Leader drew it away, smoke tinting the air. Creeping behind “Bob”, he reached out with his free hand, holding the fire iron with his marked hand at about eye level. Grabbing the goat-man by the shoulder, he turned him around suddenly, shouting something incoherent.

“Oh my!” the goat-man shrieked, the dishes in his hands dropping. The Insurgent Leader held the fire iron up, angrily gritting his teeth together.


“S-Son of Adam!”


“C-calm down!”

The Insurgent Leader threw “Bob” to the ground, shaking as he did so. Dropping the iron onto the floor, he made a sprint for the door, his heart thundering in his head. He burst through the door, staggering outside into the snow. Boots stomping deep holes into the perfectly smooth ground, the Insurgent Leader threw himself at the pathway, stagger-running towards the horizon. It wasn’t long down the road when he tripped and fell to the ground, twitching and cringing as he pushed himself back up.

Footsteps. He heard them everywhere. “Bob” was coming. He was coming for revenge! The Insurgent Leader grabbed the nearest rock, eyes stretched wide in madness as he reached back to send it hurtling at “Bob”. He saw shadows creeping around him once more, dancing behind the trees and slithering in the shade of the massive trunks. He held his breath, nothing but the footsteps and the sound of his own heart flooding his ears.

“I’ll kill you...” He broke his paranoid silence, “All of you. I’ll send you straight to-”

“Insurgent Leader?”

It was the Rebel Commander. He stared at the Insurgent Leader for a few moments, blinking as he took in the odd, crazed leader. “You look bad.” A pause. “Really bad.” The Insurgent Leader hadn’t needed the news update to know that. He let the rock fall to the ground, almost weak in the knees at the thought of company. “So this is where you’ve been?”

“Are you... an... an illusion?” the Insurgent Leader stammered in disbelief.

With a wry smile, the Rebel Commander shook his head, “Naw. Come on. Let’s get you back to DIB. You need a bath. I could smell you on the other side of the wardrobe.”


The meeting room was bleak. Shifting her weight in her lawn chair, the Overlord had let her eyes glaze over in boredom, her thoughts swirling about her head leisurely. The Theurgist was standing behind her, actually paying attention as Jamie gave her report on her ship’s repairs. The Overlord saw little purpose to clinging to the pirate ship- there were no rivers remotely by the Fortress. They were sitting here talking about useless information and she couldn’t take it any longer. “DIB has yet to strike us in some time,” the Twin was most likely going to propose taking back Fort Effort. The Overlord could feel it in the air- they needed a decisive victory.

“All we’ve been doing is sitting here, getting attacked, building forces...” the Advisor tapped her fingers on the small pool table they’d been using as a meeting table. “It’s time we did something.” ‘Of course,’ the Overlord thought moodily. Everyone wanted action, they wanted revenge for what had happened. People were just tired of running, and she couldn’t blame them. What held her back from the grand finale? She knew it in her heart, the chains that bound her to the ravine. The fear that made her even doubt her skill as a fighter.

“I agree!” the Animal Tamer waved her hands frantically over her head, “Fluffy wants to go kill DIB now!” The Overlord recoiled slightly at the Animal Tamer’s enthusiasm. She heard the spirit in the younger Overling’s voice, reminded very much of her own confidence- the confidence that had died the day the Nemesis had taken over the Fortress.

“What IS your plan, Overlord?” the Evocator inquired, glancing over her Nintendo DS and staring at the half-alert Overlord.

There were eyes bearing into hers, glaring her down, watching her as she stood up. The Theurgist quirked an eyebrow, messing with the rim of his fedora hat. The Overlord took a deep breath, the tension in the room rising as she did so. She avoided direct eye contact, instead, staring at the back of the room with the general powerful leader gaze. Breaking her silence, the Overlord proclaimed, “I need some fresh air,” then promptly departed from the tent, the Theurgist trailing behind. As the Overlord stepped toward the pool of water




Further silence.


“WHAT!?” the Overlord spun around, green eyes wide in frustration. And then, more calmly, “What?” She knew better than to lose her temper, but at the same time, it was just too easy. Especially here lately... She just couldn’t bear dealing with people. They all wanted something from her. Something she could never give. She wanted back in her Fortress, but at the same time, the fresh air seemed to call to her more than ever. Dare she said it, she was beginning to like the idea of abandonment- finding a new hobby other than reaping the souls of mortals. Her perspective almost even changed to ‘let the Nemesis win’... And then she caught herself, realizing how she was bastardizing her title. The Theurgist deserved better- he deserved vengeance. Gaze hardening on the swirl of the waters at her feet, the Overlord bit back a sigh. She didn't want to talk about 'how she felt'. She just wanted this to be done with already.

“What’s wrong?”



The Overlord bent down and touched the surface of the water lightly with her index and middle finger, testing its temperature. She tilted her head, then sighed, glancing at the Theurgist, “Death. It’s possible to go there while alive, right?” She was starting to form an idea that would be considered by most to be one of those ‘half-baked, awful plans’.

“Possible. But difficult,” the Theurgist considered for a moment, then sat down next to the Overlord, “What’s on your mind?”

“So inquisitive,” the Overlord stretched, stood up, then sighed, “I need to talk to Metatron.” When the Theurgist opened his mouth skeptically, the Overlord explained shortly, “One of the Archangels. Speaker of God. I need to ‘borrow’ a few souls. A group in particular.” The Theurgist’s mouth shut, but the quizzical look remained. The Overlord grinned sinisterly, holding up a hand.

“Ever heard of the Trojan War?”


The Overlord was unsure how she’d managed to get the Ninja-Lord and the Soul-Keeper in on the mission. But the two were more than willing to jump into the very pits of Death, which, was courage that the Overlord had to admire, but it was slowly becoming more evident that the two were not courageous at all. No, they were freaking nuts. The Soul-Keeper shuffled through the gray halls of the massive building. It looked like some deranged hospital met by an apartment complex- the Overlord just wasn’t sure if she’d accidentally warped them into a psych ward or if she’d actually managed to get them into the middle level of Death- supposedly called ‘Purgatory’.

Purgatory. It was a funny world. There was nothing to be purged here. It was a proverbial waiting line to be sorted. Think of the first-years from Harry Potter. They clumped them all together like sheep before putting them in their houses. Purgatory was the same- only there were two places you could go from there. Granted, there weren’t departed souls packed from wall-to-wall. No, they stayed in rooms, very much like a giant hotel. Except, the Overlord had yet to find the indoor swimming pool.
The Ninja-Lord bumped into a rather chubby looking old man, one that the Overlord suspected was either a pedophile, a rapist, or a Walmart greeter in his lifetime. The man shot the Ninja-Lord a glare as she passed through part of him, then promptly waddled away. “Keep your hands to yourself,” the Soul-Keeper giggled, then stopped, “Or... Is it... ‘Keep your hand to yourself’...?” The Ninja-Lord elbowed him in the stomach in a quick response.

The halls opened up to a main corridor, bleak and white as some hospital. There were chairs that lined the walls, each filled with an eager, or panicked deceased spirit. As they passed through towards a large office at the far end, the Soul-Keeper piped up, “You think the Theurgist is here somewhere?”

“Some spirits don’t pass through here. They have bonds in Life, so they stay. So you never know,” the Overlord said, almost absent-mindedly. The Ninja-Lord shot her an inquiring look, and the Overlord shrugged it off almost immediately, “Just speculation. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Evocator had given him reason enough not to move on.”

“Or revenge,” the Ninja-Lord remarked almost pointedly.

“Yeah, that too,” the Overlord nodded then promptly barged into the office labeled ‘Gabriel the Archangel’. However, what the Overlord found in the office was not Gabriel. Though he radiated with just as much light as the other Archangel, this angel was indeed different. With a scroll and feather pen in hand, he looked up, his muscles bulging. The Soul-Keeper visibly cringed at the sight of the massive angel, hunched in the chair with his golden-tipped wings folded around him. His hair bouncing in ringlets, the angel might’ve struck the three as calm and innocent had he not the brawn that could’ve snapped even the Captain in half.

“Oh boy,” the Ninja-Lord whispered under her breath.

“Metatron,” the Overlord’s voice was even, almost smooth- almost. She still had a distaste for the angels- they were too nice. Too needy. Too perfect. It drove her freaking insane. He rose from the chair, his silk robe draped around him lightly, edged with gold and silver. “Good to see you.” She understood that he understood that she was lying through her teeth.

“Well if it isn’t the brat girl from Tamashii,” the comment stung, but she shrugged it off as the muscular angel continued, “I ought to have you thrown out of here for what you did to Gabriel.”

“Touch her and you’ll regret it,” the Ninja-Lord warned, hand resting on the hilt of her katana. The Overlord wasn’t sure why the Ninja-Lord thought that she could get away with threatening the most powerful angel in Heaven, but it didn’t seem to overly irk the Archangel.

“Let’s skip the formalities, I guess,” the Overlord remarked, “You know what’s going on in the Between. I’m here to cash in a favor.”

“What FAVOR do we owe you?” Metatron hissed angrily, a vein beginning to pulse on his neck. The Soul-Keeper held tight to his staff, eyes narrowed from under his hood. The Ninja-Lord’s free hand strayed to a small dagger, her heart beginning to race as the Archangel took flight, then landed with a thud a few inches from the Overlord. “You corrupt little...!”

“Do you want to sit here and condemn souls all day or do you want Gabriel back?” the Overlord asked impatiently, glaring up at the angel with folded arms, “My demand is this- the Trojan Army.”

“Ha! A legion of Godless failures?!” Metatron roared with laughter, “I suppose it’s fitting... For you.”

“So you’ll give me them? Hector included?” the Overlord asked, eyes narrowed as she craned her neck back to stare intimidatingly at the Archangel. He grinned at her, his own arms weaving into a fold. A strong beat from his wings caused a small breeze to blow the Overlord’s dark hair back, though she stood still in the room. With a cunning smile, Metatron replied.


The Overlord sprang into action, left hand moving behind her cape and snagging the hilt of her concealed sword. Meanwhile, the Soul-Keeper barred the doors, the ends of his staff glowing as he turned to face the stunned Archangel. The Ninja-Lord leapt, sending the dagger flying and pinning Metatron’s sleeve to the desk. In a flip, she lunged over him, missing his outstretched hand by less than an inch, drawing her sword, then whirling around. The Overlord’s katana pressed against one side of Metatron’s neck, the other secured by the Ninja-Lord’s katana.

“You were saying?” the Overlord asked.

Reluctantly, the Archangel’s eyes locked with the Overlord’s, his anger and hatred for her evident in his cerulean eyes, “I will fetch them. Promptly.” At the Overlord’s signal, she and the Ninja-Lord lowered their blades, both heaving sighs. Metatron disappeared in a flash of gold light and the Overlord sat down on the edge of the desk, dangling her feet off the edge.

“That was easy,” the Soul-Keeper remarked. “Now, comes the interesting part...”

“Soul-Keeper, what do you know about the Trojans?” the Ninja-Lord asked, glancing over at where he was still guarding the door.

“It’s a condom brand?” the Soul-Keeper shrugged, warranting an immediate facepalm from the Overlord.


The three had returned with the Trojans that evening, who were partially resurrected. When I say this, I don’t mean that they were zombies, as that would not only royally freak the Captain and the Lieutenant out, but be downright cliche and disturbing. The Overlord had been given a warrant for the temporary revival of the Trojan Army, who was dead set on attacking DIB. Granted, it had taken some coercion to get them to pledge their new, short lives to the Overlord- they were actually convinced that they were fighting the Greek Army once more in revenge for the sacking of Troy. Hector was especially eager to find Achilles.

As the night rolled in, the Overlord’s thoughts had finally settled down to confirm a few things- the final battle had to come sooner than she’d ever want and that their present state in the ravine was bad. With the Trojans, they swarmed the forests and people would begin to notice their presence. The Overlord knew it was time to divide and conquer- there was enough of an army to begin an actual conquest. And if DIB hadn’t been attacking them, then they had been attacking elsewhere- perhaps innocent towns and villages.

Calling Jamie and the Twin away from the rest of camp had been a challenge, especially with everyone constantly watching the Overlord. However, she had managed to get them a half mile down the ravine before she felt as though no one had followed them. The night had settled in and it was fairly dark. The Twin had taken a few neon glowsticks to light their way. As the Overlord held a lime green one in her hand, she found that they were by a partially caved-in wall from some old building. Deciding it was best to stop here, the Overlord held up a hand, then sat down on a nearby log, careful where to put her feet.

“What’s up?” Jamie plopped down next to her, earrings dangling amidst her long brown hair.

“We can’t continue like this,” the Overlord remarked, “Not in our present state. I’m dividing our troops. Between the three of us. Twin, I know you want to take your fort back. And Jamie, we need more supplies. We don’t have the weaponry to win a battle.”

“Divide the tasks? Is that what you’re suggesting?” the Twin asked, sitting down across from the two, “I could take Fort Effort back, Jamie could get supplies, and...?” She stared at the Overlord questioningly.

“Back when the Uberlord was around, there was a collection of warriors. A guild. Twin, we were once affiliated with that guild. They were called the Elite. Remember... They helped us before. And I’m convinced they would help us again,” the Overlord announced, glancing between the Twin and Jamie, “I want to find them.”

“The Elite?” the Twin scoffed, then shook her head, “They disbanded a long time ago...”

“I know. But they’re still strong. I know I can find them. And you know, if we get them on our side, we’ll win no matter what,” the Overlord said firmly, “The Swordmaster, the Corporal, the Scholar, the Sorceress... Venice...” She sighed, “Have you heard from any of them? I lost contact years ago...”

“Well... The Scholar was at Fort Effort when it was overrun...” the Twin remarked flatly. The Overlord cocked her head then looked at the Twin urgently, eyes wide. The Twin patted the Overlord on the head, then added, “You’ve got your work cut out for you. They disbanded for a reason.”

“And if they know what’s best for them, they’ll regroup,” the Overlord remarked.

“So says little baby Fortenberry,” the Twin stood up, “Remember, you’re the Overlord of the Underlings. Not the Elite. You were young when they were around. Who says they’ll listen to you, huh?”

“It’s not a lost cause, I’m sure...” Jamie pointed out, “Well, in any case, there’s no point in not trying to talk to them.”

“Precisely,” the Overlord stood up, then looked at Jamie, “I need you to get the supplies and armor that we’re gonna need. I don’t care how you do it. You’re good at getting what you want. And Twin... You’re good at recruiting people, right? Once you have Fort Effort, you can continue building up the army while I’m looking for the Elite.”

“Yeah, that’s great and all, but who are you gonna take with you? Because if push comes to shove, you’re not gonna be fighting alone. I don’t allow that,” the Twin remarked, hands on her hips defiantly.

“I don’t need as many forces as you two do. Twin, take the Ninja-Lord with you back to Fort Effort. And the Captain and Lieutenant. Heck, McCoy and Fish will do you a service, too. Jamie, I want the Apprentice, the Witch, the Evocator, the Animal Tamer, and whoever else you can find to go with you. You’ll need all the help you can get. DIB won’t want us to be preparing for a full-out war. You’ll meet resistance,” the Overlord cracked her knuckles, “I’ll take the Soul-Keeper, Advisor, and the Grasshopper. That should suffice.”

“Everyone should be extra careful and should send word as much as they can,” Jamie pointed out, “Y’know, just in case someone is stupid and gets caught by DIB.”

“Excellent,” the Overlord smiled at her two friends, then held out a hand, eyes glittering with excitement. As the Twin giggled and fist-bumped the Overlord, Jamie began smirking sinisterly. ‘And so it’s settled. Jamie to get supplies. The Twin to take back her fort. And I... to find the Elite’, the Overlord thought, catching sight of the wavering spirit of the Theurgist. After receiving a look of approval, the Overlord inclined her head, smiling, then turning away to glance at the half moon above them.

“So... Which one of the Elite are you going after first?” the Twin asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I heard a rumor that there was something up north that I should take a look at,” the Overlord smiled thoughtfully, then looked to her two friends. “But first, I want to talk to Thomas. Just one last time before the big fight. Maybe I can sort this entire thing out before...” Her voice faltered, though she shrugged, “... He does something stupid.”