Sunday, October 31, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Epilogue

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Epilogue: Aftermath

Her eyes opened, finding herself not staring at the gaping black sky as she had been expecting. Finding herself staring at a ceiling, the Overlord turned, her body stiff and sore. How long had she been asleep? She did not know. What she did know was that her wounds were healing, which meant that either the Evocator or the Witch had been in contact with her at some point. She was in her bed, her head propped up against a pillow and her body submerged in covers. She wasn’t sure how she’d gotten into the loose shirt and pants that she was in, but didn’t particularly care at the moment. She was alive, and that was all that mattered.

Forcing herself up and out of the bed, the Overlord stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. She grabbed a hold of a night stand for support, steadying herself before taking another step towards the bathroom, a weird sensation flowing through her. Looking over her shoulder at the rest of the room, she could have sworn someone was with her for a moment. She felt another presence in the room, but tried to ignore the feeling.

‘I suppose I’m just imagining things...’ she thought with an outwardly groan.

‘Or not.’ the Theurgist’s voice answered her. Startled, the Overlord looked over her shoulder again, though did not see his ghostly form behind her. Glancing to her left, she figured he was in the bathroom, though that added a few funny images. ‘No, silly... ghosts don’t use the bathroom.’ The Theurgist added with a ringing laugh in her ears.

“Where are you?” the Overlord asked, eyes flitting about the room suspiciously. “Why can’t I see you?”

‘I’m here.’

“Be more specific,” the Overlord retorted, walking into the bathroom. Her mind felt heavy for some reason- more burdened than normal. She still could see images shown to her from the Henosis spell, but some seemed more vivid than others. The Overlord realized that the nagging difference in the back of her mind was that she did not feel like herself. If anything, she felt as though she was someone different. Not enjoying the feeling, the Overlord turned on the faucet, rinsing her face gently before looking up in the mirror.

She thought she was going to scream.

Everything was normal, her hair the same, her facial features no different than before. The haunting words from the Nemesis rang in her ears as she look into her eyes, heart racing as she stood in her bathroom, unmoving. Her left eye was green, the same piercing color as before. However, her right eye was not the same color as her left, having altered to a blue tint, the pupil even barely ringed with an amber color. She startled, throwing herself back and away from the mirror. But as she looked again, she realized that it was truly there- truly permanent and nothing of her imagination.

“Holy crap,” the Overlord breathed, panic flooding her veins.

‘We’re in this together now...’ The Theurgist’s voice was not coming from somewhere else, the Overlord realized. It was coming from within her very mind. She turned, looking around wildly as if hoping to find him somewhere else. ‘... I didn’t know this would happen... But...’

“What... Why is this happening?” she asked, feeling like a very small, confused child.

‘Somehow... Our souls merged together. I’m within you. I don’t know how this happened except we never parted during Henosis. Emily... Calm down...’ he was trying to re-assure her. She didn’t think it was helping.

“Can we... un-merge?” the Overlord asked, looking in the mirror at her new blue eye. “Someone’s bound to notice this. And... I can’t really have you talking in my head. It’s weird.”

‘I... I don’t know how to fix this...’ the Theurgist admitted, ‘I’m sorry...’ She could feel that he was not lying and lowered her head. Frustrated, she slammed her fist into the counter, her bangs falling in front of her right eye.

“Damn it!”

“Overlord?” a voice called from the bedroom. The mutual thought of ‘Crap, someone’s coming’ ran through both the Theurgist and the Overlord and she continued to allow her bangs to fall over her eye. Walking calmly from the bathroom to the bedroom, the Overlord caught sight of the Ninja-Lord, standing there with her arms folded. “You’re awake!”

“Er... Hello...” the Overlord scratched the back of her neck. ‘This is really awkward timing...’ She sensed that the Theurgist agreed with her. “I just woke up. I... What’s happened?”

“You killed him,” the Ninja-Lord said flatly. “Do you remember that?” When the Overlord nodded, the Ninja-Lord continued, “The Insurgents are going to leave tomorrow morning. Thomas wanted to stay long enough for you to gather your strength, but the Insurgents and the Underlings haven’t been getting along...” Her voice trailed off momentarily before picking back up again, “We’ve begun working on the reconstruction. You’ve been asleep for three days. We had no idea when you’d come back to us.”

“Three days!?” the Overlord sputtered, “What?!”

“You needed your rest. When we found you, I thought you were dead,” the Ninja-Lord put a hand on the Overlord’s shoulder, “You looked awful. The Nemesis didn’t look any better, though. His body’s been taken care of. The rest of DIB either defected to our side or fled. Overall, the morale is high and everything seems to be in order... Why are you shaking?”

“I... I just... Really need some food...” the Overlord stammered. ‘Smooth.’ the Theurgist commented in amusement. ‘Shut up.’ came the rude reply. “I’ve been out of it for three days, right? Some pizza sounds... Really freaking good right about now. Think you could have that ordered for me?”

“Yeah, of course,” the Ninja-Lord nodded, “Now... About your scythe and your staff... Well, the scythe was demolished sometime during your rampage against the Nemesis. And the staff? Well... I think it exploded or something. Either way, the Swordmaster and Fish are looking at them... er.. what’s left of them... right now. They’re thinking about forging the two together to make you a new weapon. How does that sound?”

“As long as it’s not something lame. Like... I don’t know. A broadsword. Or a mace,” the Overlord chuckled. ‘Like you could LIFT a broadsword.’ the Theurgist added sarcastically. “I’ll be looking forward to what they have in planned. And I’ll be addressing the Underlings tonight during dinner. I might as well make my awakening known to the rest of my Fortress so we can begin getting our old routines underway. Although... I do think that some re-arranging of the Fortress is sorely needed.”

“What do you mean by that?” the Ninja-Lord asked, frowning.

“You’ll see...” the Overlord replied, a smile playing about her lips, “Let’s just say... Being in exile made me re-think a few things. And I’d like to see some change around here. Don’t get me wrong... First chance I get to go steal souls, I’m taking it. I think it’s time to expand our army, anyways.”

“You... Have a lot of plans for the next few months, don’t you?” the Ninja-Lord raised an eyebrow.

“You have no idea...” the Overlord replied smugly, “Anyways... So... About that pizza...”

“Got it, got it,” the Ninja-Lord smiled and slipped out of the room, shutting the door behind her quietly. The Overlord’s smirk faded completely and immediately as the Ninja-Lord left. She turned and promptly walked back into the bathroom, moving her bangs back to reveal the bright blue eye.

‘Colored contacts. They’re a life-saver,’ the Theurgist commented.

‘Alexi... I’ll find a way to revive you. I promise. Even if I have to claw my way through Earth and the rest of the worlds to find a way. I owe it to you to revive you,’ the Overlord closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

‘It’s not me anymore. And it’s not you either. It’s us. We’re one in the same. I am you. You are me. We have the same memories. We have the same mind. The same body...’ Alexi replied calmly.

‘What do you suggest? That I live my whole life with two voices in my head?’ the Overlord demanded quietly, glaring into the mirror. ‘I will not.’

She felt the Theurgist agree with her, ‘Then find a way. But keep in mind that it’d be best to keep this silent. To ourself... if you will... But until then we are the same person... We are one.’

‘We are each other.’

‘We are connected.’

‘We are the Overlord.’

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 4, Ch 38

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 38: Henosis!

The rooftop. She didn’t know why she was feeling so nostalgic. She realized she hadn’t been up on the roof since the day she had thwarted the Uberlord’s plans for the second time. Standing there with her staff in hand, the Overlord looked out across the rooftop, which was mostly covered in ice, and focused in on the lone figure looming near the edge. Why had she not been surprised? “You’re always full of melodrama, Warwick. If you had hoped to hide-” the Overlord announced her presence rather loudly, boots careful not to slip too far on the ice. She walked forward, calmly, the wind blowing through her light brown hair.

“If I had hoped to hide... I would be gone already,” the Nemesis turned to face her, scythe in hand. She noticed how he was wounded, but seemed perfectly able to fight, still. Though she fought to keep herself upright, she knew she was openly limping. How was it that he was able to continue fighting? She didn’t understand where he got his strength from, but assumed it was due to some malevolent spirit or spell. Or perhaps it was a forbidden magic, one that not even the Insurgent Leader had dared to look into.

“You are... Not surprised to see that I’m alive and well?” the Overlord asked, voice level.

“I expected nothing less,” the Nemesis’ lip curled in a sinister smile, “But I wonder... How long will your body last in this state? You look a tad worse for the wear.”

“How is it that you’re still alive?” the Overlord asked, voice matching his in emotionlessness, “The fact is, Warwick... You are not greater than I am. We’re equals. In every way possible.”

“So this war... this fight between us will never end?” the Nemesis asked, eyebrows raised. “An interesting concept. So... Which are you, Overlord? Famed SVC member... Phoenix General? Are you Superman or are you Lex Luthor? Because in this light, you’re no less cheesy than one of those virtuous, caped heroes you claim to hate so much.”

“I’m the protagonist. But I’m no hero,” the Overlord responded icily, taking a challenging step forward, “I’ll never be a hero.” Both ends of her staff were alight in flame now, melting the ice around her. The Nemesis smiled, albeit sadly at his spirited foe.

“You’re so powerful. It almost saddens me to kill you.”

“No. Nothing can stop me now.”

“So you claimed before...”

“But this time... I mean it.”

The Overlord charged forward suddenly, staff twirled in her hand. As the Nemesis pushed forward a few paces, the Overlord slammed the staff into the ice, the head of the weapon standing up a little past her head in a blazing green flame. Eyes narrowed in anger, the Overlord inhaled a deep breath, hands folding together, as if to pray. The Nemesis continued charging at her, foolishly rearing his arm back to throw the scythe at the Overlord. Her eyes closed, yet her voice rang out above even her enemy’s battle cry.


She opened her eyes, catching sight of the scythe as it flew at her. ‘I’m going to die!’ she thought despairingly for a moment, but felt something change within her, as if a stirring in her heart. Everything went into darkness for a moment, her vision blanking out entirely. She pushed everything into the words she had yelled, her energy forced into her hands as she folded them together. She felt as though she was falling back, about to slam the roof tiles with her back. Though everything had faded, she saw glimpses of images- a golden gate, a magnificent city, and the depiction of a great tree within a garden. She saw flashes of winged angels, radiating with halos and singing praises to God.

Floods of emotion swelled within her, shaking her entire form. Though she was absent to reality, she felt herself shudder at the image of the Nemesis, looming in the shadows, next to him, her own broken self. Was she seeing through the Theurgist’s eyes, into his memories? She saw, next, the Evocator, crying into her chest and hugging her tightly. She saw a white laboratory, with jars filled with liquid, a steel table with patches laying on the surface. She wondered where this place was, and why it was significant. The Overlord felt the Theurgist’s presence alongside something holy, something so powerful she could not describe it. The images before, she realized now, had been through God’s own eyes. Images of Heaven, of Eden- things that seemed so far away from the rooftop.

Within her mind, she saw the Theurgist for a moment, standing there with an outstretched hand. As she took it, she looked past him, blinded suddenly by a light. Shielding her eyes, she looked away, unable to stare into it. As the light began to overwhelm her and the Theurgist, she closed her eyes...

... And found herself on the rooftop once more, unscathed and standing before the Nemesis, a sudden rush of energy flowing through her. There was a searing pain in her back and she sank to her knees, bending over as something ripped through her shirt and armor, followed by another and another. As it happened again and again, she allowed herself a scream, hands clutching themselves in agony. Had she done something wrong? Would God not accept her as the Eve for Henosis?

She felt as though she had many arms suddenly, and cast a fleeting glance over her shoulder to meet a rather powerful white wing. Startled, the Overlord felt the pulsing beat of seven wings, lifting her up into the sky as she felt her vision fading in and out of view. It was as if something was taking control of her- something akin to Saevio, but stronger, and with the sensation of serenity and benevolence. Relenting, the Overlord allowed the force to take control of her, knowing that this was what she had been intending to do in the first place.

Her consciousness found itself in a daydreamed state. Images flashed before her eyes, but primarily, she was focused in on concepts and ideas. Memories consumed her thought process. She saw things that she had never seen before, assuming they were the memories of someone else. There was a burning bush and a house somewhere in the Second Realm. She saw Lucifer falling from Heaven, hurled into Hell. There was the image of an Overling Council meeting that followed.

Vaguely, she saw the Nemesis retaliate, as if receiving a blow from something. Magic was spilling forth from her hands, consuming him and torturing him. He screamed as though he was being burned to death by the light, the scythe lost somewhere amidst the haziness and his machetes doing nothing to stop her. More images flooded through her mind. Though she tried to shut out the knowledge and the memories being poured into her, she could not. Another few images of the Nemesis came into view, her hands grasping his neck and lifting him over the edge of the roof. She wanted to throw him. She wanted to watch him fall, but he counter-attacked, one of his machetes clipping on of the feathery wings.

An image of the world its creation soon followed, and the Overlord tried to snap herself out of it, fearfully clawing away from the emotions being forced into her. She gasped, physically, drawing back and away from the Nemesis. As he lunged at her, some greater power blocked the blow with magic, and sent him flying as though he were a ragdoll. The next series of images depicted a burning castle, and some skeletal, fiery spirit that roared atop its spires. Soon after, there was a massive bird atop a mountain, shrieking loudly. A swirling storm over her head, and a village, sacked and ruined beneath a cliff. She wondered where these fearful images came from, knowing in her heart that they were not things of the past. As the Overlord attempted to, for the second time, evade the memories and shut them out, she caught a glimpse of the Nemesis charging at her once more, blood smeared across his face. Both hands lurched forward, driving some slicing spell through his middle and impaling him.

The world went blindingly white then. For what seemed like a century, the Overlord was suspended in nothingness, the silence ringing in her ears. She felt nothing, saw nothing, and heard nothing. For the moment, the Overlord couldn’t even tell if she was sitting up or standing. She merely gazed at the nothingness, not able to move or blink. The only thing she knew she could do was breathe, and that was satisfying enough to know she was still alive.

And then it all came into view- the black sky, the towers on the roof, and everything seemed even more clear now than ever. She stirred, rolling over onto her side before standing up. The wings had faded. The light and the images were gone. Her energy was almost spent, and she found herself fighting to stay on her feet. The Overlord didn’t even know if she could speak- she just knew that her mind was her own again.

A hobbling step and she found the Nemesis, laying on his back with blood splattered entirely over his broken body. Eyes still open, he stared at her, alive and beginning to rise from the ground. The Nemesis choked on his own bloody saliva. He began to push himself up onto his knees, “W-wait...” He tried to beg, blood seeping from his mouth. The Overlord knew he was mortally wounded. “S-stop...”

The Overlord pushed herself forward, both feet numbed. Her balance was off, her eyes unable to focus properly. Everything seemed hazy, as though she were dreaming still. Kagi was in her hand- she wasn’t even sure how it had gotten there, but it glittered in the dim light that was cutting through the black clouds. She walked to the gravely injured Nemesis, eyes ablaze.

“Dear Lord...” the Nemesis rasped for air. The Overlord merely paused to hear what he had to say, “Y-your eyes...” She didn’t understand his babbling. And frankly, she did not care to understand.

“You...” her voice was very weak, faded, but still full of bitter anger, “You killed me inside.” Her last remaining ounce of strength was spent reaching back with Kagi, and plunging the blade directly into his chest, her weight throwing her forward, falling onto him. Both the Overlord and the Nemesis fell to the ground, covered in blood. The Overlord’s hands slipped from their grip on the sword’s hilt. Though she could barely see, the Overlord caught a glimpse of some black smog drifting from the Nemesis’ chest, fleeing his corpse. Vision leaving her entirely, she allowed herself a few panicked shallow breaths before falling unconscious.


The main hall was quiet, full of anticipation and tension. The Ninja-Lord had returned to the gathered Overlings as soon as she had secured the rest of the Fortress. Though the bodies of the DIB members had yet to be recovered (except the Insurgent Leader’s body, the Rebel Commander’s body, and Blondie’s), the DIB forces had been chased out of the Fortress by the ANF forces. The Captain and the Lieutenant had seen the rest off alongside the Ninja-Lord and we busy securing the remains of the outer wall along with the Sabotage Team.

In the main hall, the Witch was attempting to heal Sexist’s wounds, though he protested loudly. The Animal Tamer was looking for Nard, who had gone missing during the battle and was frantically making McCoy and Fish help her search. The Soul-Keeper had found Christine and had vanished, despite the imminent danger that the Nemesis posed. The Advisor had taken charge of the Overlings in his absence, and was standing guard at the end of the stairs with her machine gun.

“The Overlord said you had to leave!” the Insurgent Leader was attempting to get the Advisor to lead the ANF forces from the Fortress.

“We’re not budging until she returns!” the Advisor argued stubbornly, hands on her hips. “We’re not just going to leave her!”

“The clouds are dispelling. That’s always a good sign...” the Scholar observed out of a shattered stained glass window. “I’d say she’s done it! We need to find her immediately! She’ll be wounded... Or, Heaven forbid, worse!”

“I’ll go look for her,” the Ninja-Lord nodded to the Scholar, “Twin! Let’s go!” She waved at the Twin, hopping over the Advisor and running up the stairs nimbly. The Twin merely pushed past the disgruntled Advisor, bow still in hand.

“Still... Something doesn’t seem right...” the Swordmaster stroked his goattee, looking around the messy main hall. “I still sense that something... Dark... is here...”

Sweeping down the stairs and past both the Ninja-Lord and the Twin, a swirling black mass of darkness came spiraling down into the floor of the main hall. The Swordmaster grabbed a dagger and threw it immediately at the black entity, dismayed as the dagger merely soared through it, not harming it in the slightest. The Scholar pulled the Witch and Sexist back, eyes wide as she watched the large smog. “That thing... No! Someone, stop it!” she screamed, watching as the smog made a beeline for the pillar of ice incasing the Theurgist’s body.

There was a blur of motion and something shot out at the ice, smoldering it in flames. Rearing back as though it had been struck, the black smog released a screaming noise, the fire keeping it at bay. The flames melted through the ice, devouring the corpse that held it within and destroying the preserved Theurgist’s body. At the end of the hall, stood the Evocator, still dropped in a fighting stance as she glared at the black smog.

“You’ll never have him...” the Evocator whispered, her palms formulating another spell. A rush of light and the black smog was cut into, dissipating as though it was being devoured from within by the light. Final screams tore through the air- the screams of the Nemesis’ dark spirit. As it faded, finally, the Evocator stood firmly, dark eyes focused and calm.

“What... What was that thing?” the Witch asked, arms folded, “It seemed so... Unnatural...”

“The Nemesis’ spirit. Attempting to find a host to live in. No wonder he kept the Theurgist’s body here for so long. It was his back-up plan,” the Scholar looked at the Witch, “The Evocator eliminated it...” She gazed back at where the Evocator stood, silently watching the fire as the Theurgist’s body burned within it. Head lowered, she said nothing, but calmly watched the flames.

“Her last duty to him...” the Witch whispered.

“The Overlord will be on the rooftop,” the Scholar advised the Ninja-Lord and the Twin, “Bring her here. The war is over. We have won!” As the Ninja-Lord and the Twin ran off to find the Overlord, Jamie ran out to the gardens to announce the news. The Scholar cast a glance out of the window, watching at how the clouds seemed to disperse, giving way to the usual twilight sky of the Second Realm.

“Eric...” the Insurgent Leader bent down next to him, a hand on his shoulder, “You look ill... Are you okay?”

Sexist’s hand was over his chest, a grimace on his features, “Yeah... I’ll be fine...” He stood up, thanking the Witch for her efforts at healing him, “The war is over... I didn’t think it would turn out this way.”

“No one did,” the Swordmaster replied, “I’m a realist. I didn’t think any of this was possible.”

“We’ll begin rebuilding as soon as we can...” the Advisor looked at the ruined main hall, “It will take awhile, but we can do it... We can make everything the way it used to be. Look! The ice is melting away!” She pointed at the ice that clung to the ceiling, and that laced the staircase. The Animal Tamer laughed, scratching one of Otto’s ears.

“Everything’s going to be okay after all...” the Grasshopper breathed in a sigh of relief, “I knew it would be, I guess... With you guys... We always figure out how to make things okay.”

“You’re going to be a fine Overlord when you’re older,” the Advisor smiled at the Grasshopper, putting an arm around her.

“This is going to have to go into the records! I need to record this all in my files!” the Scribe exclaimed despairingly. “And we’ll need a title for this war! Oh... How about... The War of Fire and Ice? The tales of how the Phoenix General slew the malevolent Nemesis and his dragon horde?”

“Sounds good to me,” the Witch nodded confidently, “And eh, who knows? I might be sticking around more. You guys are a little more fun than staying by myself. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not!” the Animal Tamer exclaimed, hugging the Witch with such speed that it threw the Witch off-balance. “You can stay here as long as you like! ... Just so long as you don’t turn me into a toad.”

“I’ll do my best to refrain,” the Witch remarked dryly.

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 4, Ch 37

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 37: The Unexpected Factor

The Nemesis had won. Though the majority of the Fortress had been secured, the Nemesis had won. In his hand, swirling mystically and lighting the darkened office, was the Overlord’s soul. It was ordinary in appearance- I mean, as far as souls went. Though he’d expected something a tad more grand, it still gave him that sensation of triumph. He grinned, laughed a bit, back turned to the doorway. By now, he had presumed the rest of DIB as deceased, and this left him without the weights that had been holding him down. He was free from the Dark Ice Brotherhood, left to stand as the new Overlord. Except, perhaps he’d come up with a better title than she had. Something more fitting.

But that was where the Nemesis had gone wrong in his plans. True enough, the Overlord lay, unconscious, without her soul and willpower to fight against him. His presumptions, though, created error, and from that error birthed the revival of hope. The climax of the story was not over. Turning at the sound of footsteps, the Nemesis continued to hold the Overlord’s soul in one hand, her body motionless, though still alive. The darkened hallway revealed a silhouette, thin, but strong. Brief light from the Overlord’s soul showed a sparkle, a glint- a sword.

“Who...?” the Nemesis questioned, pale ice narrowed in confusion.

“Warwick,” the Insurgent Leader stated, stepping into the office with as much of a warrior’s swagger as he could manage. His muscles were tensed, Muramasa in hand, and his eyes were locked upon the Nemesis. “Put her soul back.”

The Nemesis was taken aback. Shuffling a step back, he watched the small blonde take a few more steps forward, bristling at the armored warrior. “What is this?” the Nemesis inquired, eyebrows quirked, “A challenge? A betrayal? Did you think you could double-cross me, Thomas?”

“I did think I could. And it looks like I managed it just fine,” the Insurgent Leader’s tongue was a sharp as a whip. The Nemesis was almost reminded of the Overlord- almost. Muramasa was held at a battle stance now, the Uberlord’s old blade radiating off the golden light. The Nemesis set the golden sphere onto the desk, its light the only thing in the room.

“You’re a lot of talk for a munchkin,” the Nemesis sneered, “Dare you bite the hand that feeds you?”

The Insurgent Leader responded by swiping at the Nemesis, both hands fastened upon Muramasa’s hilt. A wave of darkness spew from the blade, knocking the Nemesis back. Charging forward, the Insurgent Leader slammed the Nemesis into the rail, almost knocking the lanky warrior over the edge. The Nemesis retaliated, slamming a fistful of ice into the Insurgent Leader’s face. Staggering back, the Insurgent Leader was blinded for a moment, enough time for the Nemesis to grab his scythe and make a strike. A flailing arm knocked the head of the scythe away, the Insurgent Leader able to gather enough footing to still himself. With a free hand, he sent another wave of darkness at the Nemesis, gritting his teeth together in frustration. The Nemesis swiped his hand in a chopping motion, the waves drifting away.

Slicing through the air, the scythe met Muramasa in a resounding clang of metal. The Insurgent Leader threw his back into the blow, pushing against the Nemesis’ scythe with all of his strength. Though the Nemesis knocked him back, the Insurgent Leader twisted around, longsword striking the Nemesis’ shoulder and denting his armor. The Nemesis cringed before sending an icicle at the Insurgent Leader, shouting, “I liked it better when you were on my side!”

“I liked it better when you were gone!” the Insurgent Leader roared, slamming his sword into the floor. In an extravagant arm gesture, the Insurgent Leader released a spiraling, violet smog, the mouth transforming into a venomous snake’s silhouette. The Nemesis’ scythe sliced through it’s mouth, destroying it in one hit. But as he recovered, the Insurgent Leader sent another strike in, this time a slashing wave of dark magic. As the Nemesis’ cape was torn away from him, the Insurgent Leader pulled Muramasa from the floor and charged once more, clashing against the scythe.

The Nemesis spun around the Insurgent Leader this time, aiming for behind the kneecap. Leaping up into the air, the Insurgent Leader dealt a hefty kick to the Nemesis’ face, sending him back a ways. “You should’ve just stayed missing,” the Insurgent Leader rounded on the Nemesis as the armored warrior dropped back into a fighting stance. With a scoffing chuckle, the Insurgent Leader aimed Muramasa for a stab, “It’d have made things so much easier.”

“For whom? You? The worst hero in history?” the Nemesis taunted coldly.

“I’m her brother. No one messes with her except me,” the Insurgent Leader retorted, stabbing forward with his sword. The Nemesis leapt into the air, sending down a shower of icicles. In one upward swoop, the Insurgent Leader annihilated the icicles, his dark eyes narrowed in concentration. This fight was getting nowhere, he feared.

“We were all siblings at some point. Though maybe not by blood. I was lucky to break away from that,” the Nemesis sneered after he landed, turning to face the blonde.

“The teachings from Tamashii still live in today. In me. In her. In you, too, Warwick,” the Insurgent Leader held up Muramasa in one hand, “The stakes may have changed and the times may be different, but I know the old you is still in there... Past the armor and icy demeanor, but still in there. And she knows it’s there, too.”

“Are you counting on me to go through some sappy change of heart and forget this?” the Nemesis asked mockingly, “Because it won’t happen. Thomas, I’ve already won. I already have her. And you can be added to the collection, too. Either way, I’ve dominated the unbeatable Overlord. I’ve secured my throne. What more must I do to prove to you that your quarrel with me is futile?”

“Either you die or I die. Someone doesn’t leave this battlefield alive,” the Insurgent Leader retorted and charged forward, “And I refuse to die when my sister needs me!”

“Such loyalty to the one you hate... Why?” the Nemesis challenged, lifting his hand. As he did so, a spire of ice shot up from the ground, nearly impaling the Insurgent Leader. As the nimble warrior dodged the ice, he bounced off the wall and struck the Nemesis in the side, sending both ex-ninjas falling to the ground. The Nemesis kicked the Insurgent Leader off and over his head in a fluid motion, grabbing his scythe and smacking the Insurgent Leader in the head with its butt.

“Blood runs thicker than water,” the Insurgent Leader rolled over and jumped to his feet.

“You’ll see how thick blood runs when I’m through with you,” the Nemesis snorted.

“That didn’t sound right... At all,” the Insurgent Leader remarked, summoning seven black orbs that circled around him. One by one, the orbs flew at the Nemesis, who knocked them each in turn away. After the final orb was struck down, the Insurgent Leader struck, blade cutting through a portion of the Nemesis’ armor. As the Nemesis staggered back, the Insurgent Leader struck him in the helmet with the pommel of his sword.

‘FINISH HIM!’ something seemed to scream into the Insurgent Leader. Poising the sword to stab down into the Nemesis’ chest, the Insurgent Leader began to stab when the Nemesis grabbed Muramasa’s blade, the edge cutting his hands deeply. With a flick of his wrists, the Insurgent Leader flew overhead, landing on his back with a heavy thud. The world was dizzying for a moment, but the Insurgent Leader rolled over, rising to his feet slowly in time to see the Nemesis discard Muramasa, the longsword almost falling over the edge of the rail.

“Now where were we?” the Nemesis turned to face the Insurgent Leader, scythe in his hands.


The world was white. It was stereotypically white. Blindingly so, to the point that the Overlord turned over, her head throbbing painfully. She wasn’t sure why she even bothered to open her eyes- she knew she was dead. But when she found whiteness instead of the presumably dark pits of Hell, she was astounded... then a tad disappointed. She pushed herself up, looking around the emptiness and briefly wandering if she had ended up in some remote part of the Matrix. It was highly doubtful, however, that such had happened, and decided to rise to her feet. As she did this, a form passed by her, hard to see due to the lighting, but recognizable as a woman.

“Hey!” the Overlord held up a hand, looking at the woman as she walked away. She wasn’t unordinary looking. Her eyes were green, her hair blonde, though the Overlord could tell it was dyed. As the woman looked at her, the Overlord felt a sudden overwhelming sensation of recognition. “Do I know you?”

The woman didn’t respond. She merely looked at the Overlord, green eyes unblinking for a minute at least before she seemed to realize that she was staring. As she turned away, the Overlord asked, “Am I dead?”


‘So she does talk,’ the Overlord thought, but as she began to say something else, the woman vanished. As the Overlord blinked, she was gone. Simply gone. There was no trace, and as the Overlord reached out to touch where the woman had been standing feet away, she found emptiness. She found nothing. Turning away in dismay yielded catching sight of the Theurgist, who looked, for once, to not be transparent at all. He looked real- alive, if you will. This caused the Overlord to be taken aback- maybe the woman had been lying? “So I am dead...”

“No, you’re fine, actually,” the Theurgist remarked, “You’re just unconscious right now. But don’t worry. Everything will make sense later. You didn’t bother reading my letter to you, did you? I could’ve told you this was going to happen.”

“Thanks...” the Overlord said dryly, “Thanks for mentioning it to me to begin with. Like when we were getting troops. Or when you were telling me the Nemesis was Warwick. Could’ve mentioned it then. Why didn’t you?”

“I figured you knew.”

“That’s not good enough!”

“It’ll have to suffice. There’s nothing you can do about it now.”

“Then that’s it? He wins, I lose?”



The Theurgist chuckled, hands in his pockets as he looked down, “Oh Overlord, you’re too funny.” He chuckled again, stroked his goattee, then said, “The world comes to moments like these once per century. Do you know what these moments are? They’re called... A crisis. More or less. Critical moments in the universe. Where everything falls on one action. God created an action to be... well, for lack of a better word, acted so the universe wouldn’t collapse. And we all know the Nemesis will screw things up to the point that it does collapse, so the Nemesis is the crisis, here...”

“Why are you telling me this?” the Overlord asked, “What are you babbling about?”

“The answer to life. The universe. And everything,” the Theurgist retorted.

“42?” the Overlord quirked an eyebrow.

“Better. Henosis,” the Theurgist folded his arms, “When I was studying magic, I came across it many times. It’s a spell, as you know, that binds a mortal to God himself. Granting unlimited power. Now... I thought, in my naivity, that a single mortal could summon God himself to the battlefield. I realized after reading several texts in the Afterlife Library- great place, you should check it out once you die- and I realized that such a spell was actually given to Adam and Eve. Which means that magic has existed for a very, very, very long time...”

“Okay, you kinda lost me... but keep going. Cut to the chase,” the Overlord folded her arms as well. “Adam and Eve?”

“Henosis... Needs an Adam and an Eve. A man and a woman. It can only be completed by a man and a woman. Because that’s the way God intended it to be,” the Theurgist said seriously. “That is why I died, Overlord. Because I tried to do this by myself. And you know... You’re not alone. And you don’t have to do this by yourself.”

“Are you saying I need to find a guy and do a Henosis with him? ... That sounds dirty,” the Overlord frowned, “What guy? What are the requirements?”

“Uhhh, hi, nice to meet you, Overlord, I’m the Theurgist, I’m a boy,” the Theurgist held out his hand with a chuckle. The Overlord took it, smiling wryly to her deceased friend, “And I can still perform the spell. I know I can. I just need you to be the Eve.”

It was a lot of absorb. The Overlord’s memories flashed before her eyes- of the Theugist’s last moments before seeming to explode in white light. Was this the Henosis spell? Was it a sacrifice? She knew her soul was gone now. Captured, and she was useless at this point. Why was he telling her all of this? There had to be another who could accomplish this task- the Sorceress, the Witch, or even the Evocator. Someone with more knowledge in magic.

“... We don’t have to be naked, do we?” the Overlord inquired in all seriousness.

“... Yes,” the Theurgist nodded, then cracked a rather humored grin at the Overlord’s appalled expression, “No. I need... for you to wake up. And to be able to fight. Can you still muster enough strength to do that?”

“In the real world?” the Overlord asked, voice bitter with regret. Had he not already figured it out? She was useless to the ANF now. She was the Nemesis’ servant. More likely than not, she’d awaken to find herself chained in the Dungeons, the attack on the Fortress futile in the bitter end. The rest of the DIB council might’ve been eliminated, but the head of the army still remained. “He’s taken my soul, Alexi. I-I can’t do anything, now. The task falls to someone else... Someone who can succeed where I’ve failed.”

The Theurgist merely smiled at her, his blue eyes glittering knowingly. “Do not tell the psychic what is to happen or what has happened. Because he already knows.” In a flash, just as the woman had before, the Theurgist faded from view, leaving the Overlord alone in the blank world.


Muramasa and the scythe clashed once more. The Insurgent Leader pressed against the blow, dark brown eyes narrowed in rage. ‘I’ll kill him’, he thought, careful to not step on the Overlord’s body as she lay, dormant on the floor. ‘I’ll tear him apart.’ He felt anger within, driving him insane with each strike. A surge of darkness shot from his palm after ducking under the scythe’s blade. As the Nemesis slammed against the wall, the Insurgent Leader charged forward, aiming to stab the Nemesis in the chest. A careful roll to the side and the Nemesis tripped the Insurgent Leader. Landing on one foot and spinning around, the Insurgent Leader dealt a powerful blow to the Nemesis’ breastplate.

The Nemesis grabbed the Insurgent Leader by the collar, lifting him up into the air. With a throw, the Insurgent Leader slammed into the ceiling, missing the ceiling fan by inches, then began to plummet to the ground. The Nemesis swung upward with his scythe, the Insurgent Leader’s boots catching the handle. In a backflip, the Insurgent Leader landed, Muramasa sticking out of the floor, blade embedded in the once-beautiful redwood floor plates. One hand on the longsword’s hilt, the Insurgent Leader tried to pull the blade out of its wooden prison, but found that it was stuck.

“Ha!” the Nemesis laughed, swinging his scythe once more. The Insurgent Leader fell to the ground, grabbing his shoulder in pain as his enemy loomed above him, glaring down with merciless blue eyes. “I always was the strongest of us three. And look, how wonderful it is that we’re all together again...” He spoke lightly to the unconscious Overlord and wounded Insurgent Leader, voice laced with malice. “You and your pathetic war games...” He spoke now, directly to the Insurgent Leader, who took the moment of pause to catch his breath. “Fighting so trivially over this realm. You ought to have known that it was my destiny to lead it.”

“What will you do... Once you’ve taken the Between for yourself?” the Insurgent Leader gasped for air, clutching his wounded arm.

“The Uberlord controlled the flow between Life and Death and I will as well. The Three Realms will merge, with the power bestowed upon me. And there will be one Realm. My Realm,” the Nemesis whispered, “None of this arguing. No politics. Just existence. So that there can be peace and no death.”

“So you’ll shatter the very foundation that the Universe was based on...?” the Insurgent Leader scoffed, “You want to be God? Is that it?”

“I will be God,” the Nemesis replied coolly. The Insurgent Leader held himself up from the ground with one arm, glaring up at the tall armored figure. The Nemesis held the scythe in his hand, “I already am Death... And isn’t that just a step away from godhood, Thomas?”

“You’re crazy,” the Insurgent Leader concluded dryly.

“That may be...” the Nemesis nodded in consideration, then shrugged carelessly, “But I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal. Even if I die, I will rise beyond the grave to kill you, Thomas.” He swung the scythe once more. The Insurgent Leader moved like lightning, hand releasing a massive stream of energy and darkness. As it enveloped the Nemesis, the Insurgent Leader stood up, making a pushing motion with both hands. Lost amidst the black magic, the Nemesis went flying away, slamming through a wall and vanishing entirely from view. The Insurgent Leader sank down to a knee for a moment, panting heavily.

And then he rose, pulling Muramasa out of the floor with both hands. Sheathing the longsword on his back, the Insurgent Leader walked to the Overlord’s broken desk, looking at the golden sphere that glowed despite the shadows surrounding the office. Scooping the small sphere in both hands, the Insurgent Leader looked down at it, feeling the warmth in his palms. “Emily?” he asked quietly, watching how the orb’s glow intensified at his touch. He smiled, despite the crimson painted on his face and the wounds that racked his body with pain. Walking over to the discarded body on the ground, he knelt next to his sister, golden soul still in his hands. With one hand he held up his sister, her head leaning back. The other hand, grasping the soul loosely, was held up in the air, his dark eyes full of concentration.

‘This had better work...’ he thought uncertainly, then gently held the soul to the Overlord’s chest, watching as the sphere’s tendrils reached out and attached itself to the Overlord. The Insurgent Leader tilted his head to the side as the soul suspended itself in midair, though connected once more with its original self. With two fingers, he gently tapped the soul, watching as it glided in, and melded back into the unconscious body.

A few seconds later, and the Overlord awoke, twitching and spasming as she came back to reality. Hand reaching up and grabbing the Insurgent Leader’s unwounded shoulder, she sat there for a minute, her body still injured from the previous fight. There was a moment where the Insurgent Leader awkwardly didn’t let go of the Overlord, and she sat in silence, taking in a deep breath.

“Where is he?” the Overlord asked, looking about the office. Her eyes were still adjusting to the lack of light.

“I don’t know,” the Insurgent Leader answered uncertainly, “He went through the wall. He’ll be trying to flee, I would guess...”

“I need to find him before I lose him forever,” the Overlord pulled away from the Insurgent Leader, painfully rising to her feet. “I know... What I need to do now.” She helped the Insurgent Leader to his feet, still feeling weakened.

“You need to rest,” the Insurgent Leader tried, but knew that arguing with her was useless. He lowered his head at her piercing green glare, knowing that she would not listen to his pleas. “... I understand.” He mumbled, relenting and sighing at the same time.

The Overlord nodded, her eyes moving to the ground. Her hand grabbed her stomach, which had stopped bleeding but still ached terribly, “Thank you... Baby brother,” she whispered, “For... saving me...” She and the Insurgent Leader met eyes for a moment, the winds raging through the opened office wall dying down for the moment. The Overlord felt compelled to do something- hug him, cry into his shoulder and tell him how much she cared about him, or maybe even just clap him on the back in a friendly manner. Instead, she nodded again, tearing her gaze away from him and taking a step towards the hall to find her enemy.

“You don’t... Need my help, do you?” the Insurgent Leader asked quietly.

“Evacuate the building,” the Overlord turned and glanced at him from the corner of her eye, “Thomas... I don’t know what will happen.”

The Insurgent Leader was silent, but knowing. He swallowed, head bobbing up and down vigorously, “I.... I understand...” And then, he tried to smile at her, but it seemed more like a forced grimace, “Don’t... Get your soul... Taken away again... Please...”

The Overlord’s hand grabbed the doorframe for support, but she nodded, “I’ll take that advice into careful consideration... Thomas.” And she slipped away from the room.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 4, Ch 36

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 36: Yin and Yang

The battle went from slightly chaotic, to complete mayhem in a matter of seconds. When Belarus had lit the beacon atop the wall, the army had done two things. The first was that half of them had warped to various places, although some of them hadn’t thought too well about where they were warping and had, some of them, warped merely a foot away from their previous location. And the second was that the army had officially decided to forsake all plans that were previously made by the Scholar. As DIB and ANF soldiers clashed and intermingled, the battle had turned into a giant collision of fire and ice.

Centurion Ifill had begun holding the battered remains of the gates, ordering the Fort Effort troops from her steed. The Captain and the Lieutenant were each shooting at little winged goblins that were attempting to attack the Sabotage team, who was now stationed on the walltop. The Twin had begun working with how to break open the doors into the Fortress for those who did not have warping abilities. Jamie was clashing with a few little gremlin creatures that DIB had recruited, finding them more annoying that anything.

Some of the troops had broken into the Fortress already, though by means of warping. Sexist was one of those who had piggy-backed off of the Soul-Keeper (literally) a warp into the Fortress. Wandering the halls with his claymore, he found that the majority of the DIB soldiers were outside in the gardens, fighting off the ANF main force. He jogged into the northern portion of the second floor, mindful to keep away from where the Nemesis might be located (he wasn’t about to steal the Overlord’s glory or anything... though the look on her face might’ve been priceless when she found that he had killed the Nemesis before her).

“You!” He froze, turned, and glanced over his shoulder, claymore still in one hand. On the far end of the hall, he had expected to see the Nemesis, but found that Pharisee and Blondie had merely turned the corner in time to see him.

“Oh geez...” Sexist hung his head, turning to face the two DIB members.

“You damn traitor...” Pharisee snarled, “What do you think you’re doing here? Come to grovel to the Nemesis again? He freed you once, don’t think he’ll grant that favor again!”

“No...” Sexist replied, “I’m not here to beg. I’m not here to grovel. I’m here for one purpose and one only...”

“How easily you turn your back on the people that saved you,” Pharisee sneered.

“How easily you preach when you ought to be the one preached to,” Sexist sent a wave of water at Pharisee and Blondie before charging, swinging his claymore in time to clash with Blondie’s sword. The two blondes struggled against each other, but Sexist ultimately overpowered him. Knocking Blondie away, Sexist swung his sword at Pharisee next, catching the false prophet’s arm with his blade. Returning fire with a blow from his staff, Pharisee caused the ex-Insurgent General to stumble, in time for Blondie to lunge forward. Sexist was pinned against the railing, wrestling with Blondie. A careful kick to the stomach sent the DIB member back, and Sexist was able to duck under Pharisee’s fire spell.

Sexist sent a second wave of water at Pharisee, freezing the white-garbed magician’s feet to the floor. As he swung his sword, Pharisee broke through the ice, an explosion of magic wrapping through Sexist’s armor and sending him to his knees. Blondie swung his sword at Sexist’s head, but a careful throw of the arm made the blade sink into the ex-Insurgent General’s forearm. Sexist smashed Blondie against the wall with a fist, reaching down and grabbing his sword in time to stab Pharisee in the shoulder. Pharisee’s white robe was stained with crimson when he sank to his knees, attempting to heal himself.

“Weak,” Sexist snorted, “Both of you...”

As Blondie moved to retaliate from the insult, a katana blossomed from his chest, painted red. As it pulled out, the DIB member fell forward, presumably dead from the fatal blow. The Ninja-Lord stood there, still holding her katana with both hands.

“He’s so damn stupid,” the Ninja-Lord remarked, “I swear, it’s like he dies fifty times each battle.”

“I thought you had decided to sit this fight out?” Sexist asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I can never stay away from a good fight,” the Ninja-Lord smiled wryly before looking down at the bloodied Blondie, “I.... spoke out of turn. I owe it to the Overlord to be here for her when she needs me.” Without further explanation, she tossed a smoke bomb into the ground and vanished.

Pharisee gaped, staring at where Blondie had simply been run through with a sword. Sexist grabbed Pharisee by the neck in his shock, hauling him over the side of the rail. In desperation, Pharisee clung to Sexist’s arm, nails scraping the blonde’s arm plate. “Wait... Wait...” Pharisee breathed, “I’ll join you. I’ll fight with you. I can help you... I know magic...”

“You’re a coward,” Sexist sneered, releasing his grip on Pharisee’s collar. As the DIB member began to fall down towards the battle raging below, he sent a spell blasting into Sexist’s face, sending him flying backwards and slamming into the corridor wall. Pharisee landed in a heap on the ground, unconscious and laying amidst the combatants.


The Overlord arrived in the main corridor with a very classical kicking-down of the door. Having avoided all battle to save her strength for the Nemesis, she was surprised to find that the main hall was empty except for the members of the platoon she had sent earlier. “Swordmaster!” She called, moving quickly towards the huddled group. Stopping as soon as she realized that something was wrong, the Overlord tilted her head to the side, walking until she loomed over the Swordmaster and where he was crouched.

The Corporal was not faring well. Pale as a ghost and shaking, he lay on the ground, eyes still closed. The Sorceress was the only one attempting to heal him now, the Witch leaning back and shaking her head in dismay. “I-I’ve used up nearly all of my magic on him...” she whispered, looking at the Overlord in remorse. The Overlord removed her helmet, dropping to a knee next to the Sorceress.

“What’s wrong with him?” She asked, setting her helmet to the side.

“Poisoned...” the Sorceress was trying to concentrate her magic, but could not. She hung her head, taking in a deep breath before trying again. “He’s not getting better... I-I can’t...”

“He was always like a big brother to me...” the Overlord cast a glance at the Sorceress, perplexed a moment, then looking down at the pale Corporal’s face. She reached down suddenly, resting a hand on his chest, “I have... An idea...”

“What?” the Sorceress asked, watching her with tearful eyes, “What idea?”

“The Jabberwocky’s poison is unlike the poison of most creatures. It’s made of darkness, you see... I did my research on this, once,” the Overlord’s fingers traced the area above the Corporal’s heart, “It’s not regular poison. It attacks the soul, kills it from the inside after it infects. I could... extract the soul... At a price. He’d be an Underling for the rest of his life.”

“Do it... Please... Just save him!” the Sorceress begged suddenly, “Please...”

The Overlord cast a glance at the Swordmaster for approval. When he merely inclined his head, the Overlord grabbed the Corporal by both of his shoulders, sending forth a wave of magic through him. He spasmed, shaking even more. His eyes opened a moment before rolling back into his head, his limbs lashing out spontaneously. “Get back!” the Overlord yelled, sending forth another wave. “I have to get him to give up his soul first... And I don’t think he’s going to be very compliant!” A third wave.

“Is she... hurting him?” the Evocator asked, standing there in awe and shock.

“To get his soul vulnerable, yes...” the Swordmaster glanced at the Sorceress, putting an arm around her comfortingly.

A fourth wave and the golden wisps began to come into view. The Overlord moved like lightning, snatching the orb in both hands and pulling as hard as she could. As the soul ripped free from the Corporal’s chest, she felt it fall into her hands, glowing brightly. “Errr... Here...” She handed the pulsing, living orb to the Sorceress, “Put it someplace safe, okay? And stay with him until he wakes up.”

“Where are you going?” the Sorceress asked quietly.

“The Nemesis is still in here somewhere. I need to find him and end what he began...” the Overlord rose from the ground, placing her helmet atop her head once more. She paused to turn and glance at the ice that clotted the pillars. As her eyes rested upon the Theurgist’s body, she recoiled, looking down, then away from the corpse until her eyes traveled to the Evocator. “Are you...?”

“I’ll be fine...” the Evocator said firmly, despite the flood of tears in her eyes, “Go. Avenge him. For me and him.”

“He loves you,” the Overlord said at last, “And he always will.”

“And I love him, too,” the Evocator looked down at her hands, biting her lip and taking in a deep breath, “I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile now. Freedom from the burden.”

“The burden will still be there. He’ll still be gone even after I’ve killed the Nemesis,” the Overlord lowered her head, “But you can rest... Knowing that the Nemesis won’t do that to anyone else.” The Evocator threw her arms around the Overlord, squeezing her tightly in a hug. The Overlord embraced her as well, but released her quickly. “I have to go now...”

“We’ll be waiting for you...” the Evocator released the Overlord, nodding firmly.

“Good luck, Em,” the Witch added, “Knock ‘em dead!”

The Overlord laughed humorlessly, then began toward the staircase, a bit disgruntled that it had been demolished by the Jabberwocky’s heavy corpse. A leap and a bound, and the Overlord had climbed the dead beast’s neck, stepping lightly until she climbed its head. Hopping from its nose to the balcony of the second floor, she felt the sudden sense of solitude overwhelm her. It was as every final battle she faced- the ringing silence in her ears and the rush of blood in her veins. This was her mission, though, she was sure of it. This was fate. God might have sent her to purge the Second Realm of the Uberlord and his Dark Legion, but she knew that, without a doubt, her destiny lay at the end of the hall, in her old office.

It was time to say goodbye to the days of running from the Dark Ice Brotherhood. It was time to say goodbye to the old memories she had put away out of fear, out of shame. It was time to avenge her friend. It was the time she had been waiting for since she had been exiled. Since the Insurgent Leader had beaten her that day in the Wasteland. Ever since Warwick had nearly taken her soul the first time- it was the hour where she could put that all behind her... forever.

She smiled, briefly for a moment, before rounding the corner. The body of Blondie lay, smeared with blood and the scent of smoke clotting her lungs. Coughing the Overlord recognized the smell- the stench of a smoke bomb. ‘Ninja-Lord? Did you come here after all?’ She was thankful, but knew she had no time to seek her friend out. Glancing at where Sexist lay, the Overlord thought, momentarily, that he was dead. However, she bent over him, looking him over briefly before concluding he was alive. Reaching down, she tapped him on the shoulder, her gloved hand making scarcely a noise against his armor.

But it was enough to stir him. She was satisfied with a groan of disapproval, and watched as his blue eyes opened. “You’re alive,” she observed, arms folded, “What are you doing so far away from the rest of the pack?”

“Pharisee...” Sexist mumbled, looking around. Clasping his head, he moaned and wiped some drying blood from the side of his face, “... God, I hate him...”

“He’s no where around here,” the Overlord replied, her tone rather frosty, “Can you get up?”

“Yeah...” Sexist nodded, pulling himself up into a standing position.

“There’s people down the stairs in the next hall. You’re wounded. See to it that you don’t get your ass killed. I don’t want to lose any more minions than I have to,” the Overlord said rather gruffly. Sexist locked eyes with her momentarily, then nodded, wordlessly turning away. Green eyes narrowed at his retreating figure, the Overlord thought, ‘No... I still don’t forgive you. And I don’t think I ever will...’ She glanced down at where Blondie lay, stepped over him, then walked towards her office, as calmly as she could muster.

She felt images of her past fight with the Nemesis fly through her mind’s eye. As she neared the door to her room, she felt the heaviness of the past few months suddenly weigh down upon her. Removing her staff from its sheath, she grasped it tightly in her right hand, left hand reaching out to open the door into the office. As the door creaked open, she found that the lights were all turned off within- even the fireplace. The ice that overran the office seemed to have consumed everything in sight, glistening off the hall lights ominously.

The Overlord stepped in, surprised that she didn’t fall upon the ice at the first step. Her boots melted through and cracked the layers that sheeted the floor, making moving not as difficult as she had originally anticipated. Cracks of steps could be heard deafeningly in the silence, looking directly over at the leather chair she used to sit in. As it was turned away from her, she expected this was where the Nemesis was sitting. More likely than not, he would turn to face her; turn, say something witty, then begin the final battle.

As she reached the desk, the chair did not turn. It did not move. So, she reached out with a hand and turned the chair, jumping back despite the lack of a person there. “Empty?” she mused, but a stirring to her right made her turn away. He stood by the empty fireplace, no helmet and a glass of wine in his hand.

“I was wondering when you would get here. I’ve grown awfully bored.”

“Took me awhile to dismantle your shield,” the Overlord fought to keep her voice steady. “But I’m here now.”

He took a long drink from the wine glass, then sat it aside, incredibly fluid with his motions. “How long have you known?” He had noted that she was not surprised by his lack of helmet or his identity. The Overlord allowed herself to temporarily lower her guard.

“Two days. Three. I don’t remember. But I do remember everything else,” the Overlord replied, “What you did to me all those years ago. Yes, Warwick, I remember that. I remember why you left, originally. I remember all of it... Big brother.” Her voice was getting as cold as his was. Impulses and rage were clawing at her- she could feel the need to revert to Saevio inside her chest and it killed her that she could not.

The Nemesis chuckled, smiled, then turned around, his stinging blue eyes meeting hers. She recoiled slightly, but tried not to let it show. But she knew that he had noticed. “We’ve both changed,” he ran a hand through his light, short burgundy hair, “... Gotten older... But we’re still the same inside, aren’t we? We always were the same... You’re so much like me. Fighting tooth and nail to achieve what you want...”

“We’re nothing alike!” the Overlord argued suddenly, bristling as she glared at the Nemesis, head craned back slightly, “We’re like fire and ice, Warwick, we always were. And... I’m done having you haunt my dreams. I could go on for freaking hours about how you’ve screwed everything up in my life... But why waste my breath on you?”

“Why would I want to hear your little sob story anyways? We all know how this will end. I’ve beaten you twice before,” the Nemesis retorted frostily, “This is the tragic ending of everyone in your family, it seems. A reign put to rest by a heavenly-blessed warrior. It’s almost ironic.”

“You’re the reason all of this happened. I should thank you, though... For making me stronger,” the Overlord spat, “It was cruel and sadistic, Brother, but it was really kind of you.” She held her staff up with both hands, “I wonder... Did you think I’d curl up and die when you took everything away from me? Did you think I’d give up?”

“Which time?” the Nemesis taunted, pulling out the Overlord’s scythe. Her eyes widened as she looked at her old weapon, longing to hold it once more. “The time that I had your very essence in my hands... or the time I reaped your powers from you? I must admit, the only reason I never pursued you myself was because I knew you’d come back to me eventually. And here you are... Dinner on a silver platter, and you walked yourself right up into my room. You’re too kind.”

“Enough of the banter. I’ve... I’ve nothing more to say to you!” the Overlord screamed, both ends of the staff igniting with a green flame.

“Good. Because I’d rather just cut to the chase, too,” the Nemesis held the scythe with both hands, lunging forward as the Overlord did. Twisting her body around, the Overlord dodged the Nemesis’ blow, striking him in the head with one end of the staff. The Nemesis spun the scythe over his head, striking the air above the Overlord’s head. She ducked and kicked at the back of his knee. As he stumbled forward, he grabbed his glass of wine and tossed it at the Overlord. A lifted palm released a swirl of flame, incinerating the glass immediately.

The Overlord blocked a blow from the scythe with her staff using the momentum to move around the Nemesis and strike at his long legs again. He slammed his foot onto her shin, causing her to fall to the ground. As he lifted his scythe to slam down into her side, she smacked him in the face with the end of her staff. He fell back, though sent a blast of icicles at the Overlord. Melting them before they could make contact, the Overlord rose to her feet, staff still in hand. Jumping towards the Nemesis, she began a series of very complicated strikes, striking him several times in the chest with the fiery ends of the staff. He grunted, slammed against the wall and the scythe flying from his grasp. The Overlord grabbed his collar and sent a rather vivid blast of magic through him, causing the wall to crack. The Nemesis pushed her off of him, however, concocting an icicle and sending it down at her. As the icicle pierced through her leg, the Overlord realized that the Nemesis was gaining the advantage here.

The scythe was in his hand again as he charged, turning over the desk entirely. As the scythe’s blade came hurtling down, the Overlord rolled out of the way, grabbing her staff and sending a blast of fire into his chest. It dented and bent the armor, but did not seem to do much other than that. Dismayed, she melted the icicle in her leg and sent a swirl of fire through the wall, exposing the balcony entirely. She moved out into the brief rays of sun that were beginning to break through the clouds.

“Do you really think you can kill me with that?” the Nemesis remarked, pointing at the staff. He chuckled, then lunged, sending a wave of black magic at the Overlord. As she deflected it with her staff, he struck with the scythe, scratching her shoulder and knocking her back against the rail. He came hurtling at her once more, but the Overlord rolled out of the way at the last minute, watching as the Nemesis’ scythe was caught in the rail. He released the handle immediately, the scythe teetering on the ledge. As he turned, he received several strikes from the staff, nearly forcing him over the edge. He pulled the scythe from where it was caught, shattering some of the railing in the process. A few smoldering flames met his face momentarily, burning the left side of his face. As he cooled it with a spell, the Overlord kicked the scythe from his hands, making a move to grab it for herself.

The Nemesis grabbed her wrist instead, incasing her hand in a wrap of ice that attached her to his own arm. Trying to pull away, the Overlord dug her heels into the ground, but the Nemesis overpowered her. Flinging her over the rail, the ice shattered into a thousand pieces, falling over the edge as well. The Overlord summoned a platform almost immediately and rolled over. Jumping back onto the balcony, the Overlord noted that the Nemesis had his scythe once more.

“This is a very level fight...” the Overlord panted a moment, then remarked, “I guess that’s what happens when you put two Tamashii ninjas in the same battlefield...”

“No. I reject Tamashii. All they ever did was teach weakness when they could have been powerful,” the Nemesis snarled.

“So you reject honor?” the Overlord scoffed, “How very much like you...”

“You accept weakness. That’s fine... Accept defeat as well,” the Nemesis sent a spiral of ice magic at her, which was met with fire magic. As the Overlord recovered, the Nemesis sent a second wave of ice, though it attached her feet to the balcony. In a lightning-fast strike, the scythe’s blade was embedded into her stomach, sending a spray of blood as he pulled it out of her. The Overlord’s feet had melted through by now, but she fell forward, grasping where the scythe had cut clean through her armor. Her helmet had fallen off by now and lay discarded on the balcony, yards away.

“Do you see now? You will never win,” the Nemesis asked quietly, “So you might as well just accept defeat now...”

The Overlord wasn’t sure what forced her to her feet. She grabbed the scythe’s handle suddenly, the runes on its handle pulsating with a red glow. As she wrenched it from the Nemesis’ hands, she felt a surge of her old strength flow into her veins- momentarily. As the blade cleaved the Nemesis’ shoulder to the wall, she found herself face-to-face with her old friend, blood still cascading onto the ground. The Nemesis’ face was wrought with pain and he tried to move but found himself stuck. Hands grasping the handle next to the Overlord’s hands, he pulled the scythe out, grunting all the while.

The Nemesis and the Overlord began struggling immediately, the Overlord pushing against him and the Nemesis doing the same to her. As she pivoted a foot and turned, the Nemesis lost his balance, though remained clutching onto the scythe. The Overlord swung him around with all of her strength, her back facing the rail. Pressing the handle of the scythe against her collarbone, the Nemesis arched his back and forced the scythe down on the Overlord, smirking as she yelped in pain. He reached out with a hand and touched her stomach wound, flecks of ice formulating around it.

Sinking to the ground, the Overlord released the scythe, clutching the deep stomach wound with a hand. “You’re not fighting nearly at your old potential... Why?” the Nemesis sneered, “Because you’re scared, that’s why. Stupid little girl... Always scared of the things that could kill her.” The Overlord rose from the ground, shakily grabbing onto the rail. Her hand clasped Kagi’s hilt and she pulled it from its sheath.

“That little toy?” the Nemesis remarked, “... Ha. You’re pretty amusing when you’re desperate.”

The Overlord’s eyes darkened and she lashed out, her blow blocked entirely. Forcing herself to leap over the Nemesis’ head, she twisted out of the scythe’s way, hit the ground with both feet, then struck the Nemesis between the shoulder and chest plate. He grimaced as she pulled Kagi from his flesh, a smile playing about her lips. “Toy?” She asked, then struck again, raking the blade against his leg. He responded by slamming the handle of the scythe into her legs, knocking her to the ground. The blade came crashing down once more, though she rolled painfully out of the way.

Rising to her feet, the Overlord lunged at the Nemesis, stabbing at his chest with the fiery katana. The Nemesis avoided the blow entirely, darkness wrapping around his hand as he grasped the Overlord’s neck, suddenly lifting her from the ground. She felt the cold freeze into her lungs, piercing her skin. The Overlord kicked out, but to no avail. His fingers touched the back of her neck lightly, the scythe in the other hand as he held her throat triumphantly.

“I told you it would come to this,” the Nemesis said almost sadly. A pulse of magic coursed through her veins, seeming to freeze her system entirely. She could barely move, much less breathe at this point. “You tried so valiantly to avoid your fate... But this is how it’s supposed to be. The time has come. Your fate has been decided... And your fate is to be mine forever.”

She fell to the ground, the scythe re-entering her torso. A second pulse of magic rocked her body, her wrists held firmly down by ice. The Nemesis held the handle of the scythe with both hands, the blade pinning her down against the ground. As the magic coursed through her, the Overlord found herself trying to remember something. A note... A letter... There was something the Evocator had given her to read. It had been from the Theurgist- something to help her win the fight she knew she had lost long ago.

A suddenly realization and the Overlord could see the scrap of paper in her hand. ‘... before you leave to fight the Nemesis, you will...’ What had the last word been? She knew it now. She knew it with a heavy heart, a painful dawning, and she couldn’t believe it hadn’t hit her before. to remember what the Theurgist had said. ‘Lose.’ The last word had been ‘lose’.

‘And you need to know that, before you leave to fight the Nemesis, you will lose.’

The pulses of magic had stopped, and yet she could not feel the scythe anymore. It was still there, stabbing into her and killing her. The Overlord felt dizzy, her vision fading in and out of view. It was a familiar feeling, a sickening feeling that she knew too well. Gold crowned her chest, tendrils emerging from her heart and licking the sky. She tried to move her arm, but couldn’t, and fell still, her eyes half-lidded as the Nemesis bent down, a triumphant look in his eyes.

“It’s over,” the Nemesis’ voice was very soft, almost pleasant to hear. She felt his hands clasp the golden orb, a tug that sent chills down her spine. It felt like a dream- like one of those nightmares that had plagued her. “I’m sorry, Ems...” She felt a sudden rip, a surge of pain in her chest. She thought she heard someone scream, but she was convinced that this person was her. The world was spinning suddenly, the orb of gold in the Nemesis’ palm, wavering as if to tell her goodbye. She felt darkness and shadows ebb away at her. Was this death? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t... Her will to care, her will to fight it, had all gone away. She closed her eyes and felt herself fade away.

Friday, October 22, 2010

TOS - Vol 2, Pt 4, Ch 35

The Overlord Saga
Vol II. Versus

Chapter 35: Clash!

The Insurgent Leader was calmly, casually, even potentially serenely walking the halls of Fortress... When the dragon came careening through the window, shattering the stained glass and landing with a sickening thud at his feet. It was one of those incredibly awkward moments in which the Insurgent Leader merely stood, mouth halfway open, staring at the massive creature as it gave a few sick twitches and lay still.


“We’re under attack!” Agent yelled, pulling out his sword. As he turned around, he was greeted with another spray of stained glass shattering, a missile sending him flying backwards, hitting the tile floor. The Insurgent Leader drew his sword, staring through the gaping hole in the corridor, his dark eyes widening as he spied the ANF forces marching through the melting ice towards the gates.

“... So soon?” the Insurgent Leader breathed in horror, then grabbed Agent by the arm, pulling him up, “Alert the Rebel Commander. It’s time.”

“Got it,” Agent nodded and raced down the hall, a trail of blood running down the side of his head from the blast.


Pharisee wasn’t sure what led him to the Insurgent Leader’s room. Maybe it was a thought. Maybe it was an idea. Maybe it was just a hunch. But he had initially been looking for the short blonde warrior when he came across a rather peculiar sight located in the Insurgent Leader’s closet. Standing with the door ajar, Pharisee eyed the unconscious Blondie, tied rather awkwardly to the clothing rack. A tap from his staff and Blondie was released, albeit Pharisee questioned if the less-than-bright warrior was even alive. A nudge from his shoe and Blondie stirred, groaned, then opened his eyes.

“Dude. You were in a closet,” Pharisee’s lip curled in disgust.

“The Insurgent Leader...” Blondie groaned, pathetically rolling over and clutching his side. Pharisee wrinkled his nose, nudging the useless DIB member with his shoe again before pointing the head of his staff at the armored warrior. A flick of his wrist and a spiraling white light met Blondie’s wounds, concealing them entirely with a flashy sparkle.

“Get up,” Pharisee barked, having no patience for the whiny blonde.

“He’s a traitor,” Blondie panted, “He locked me in here... He’s sided with the ANF! All of the Insurgents are planning on betraying us! You have to kill him before he can kill us!”

“So that little blonde runt is a traitor? And he put you in the closet, did he?” Pharisee quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes!” Blondie’s head bobbed up and down vigorously, “He did it!”

That was when the missile had struck, shaking the foundations of the Fortress to its very core. Pharisee was forced forward, gripping the doorframe of the closet as he braced himself. “Damn it, that must be them,” he scowled, grabbing Blondie by his arm and forcing him up. “You’re coming with me, punk. We’re going to see to it that these bitches don’t get away with this... Alive. I’ll need you to make your statement to the Nemesis.”

“What about the ANF troops?” Blondie gasped.

“That moron Jester will hold them off... For now,” Pharisee retorted, “That brat’s always looking for a fight anyways. Let him be the first corpse on the battlefield.”


Pharisee wasn’t far-off in his prediction. At the gate, as the ANF forces made their way to the front, stood Jester, jaw jutting out stubbornly as he clutched one of his battle knives in a hand. He loomed over the gates, dark eyes narrowed as he spoke to the captain of the DIB archers. “Kill them. They must be idiots if they think they can actually win.” Jester held his hand up, waiting as the archers scrambled to load their bows. As the lead archer shot Jester a spiteful look, he notched an arrow, oblivious as the Twin loaded her own bow from below, arrow pointed at where Jester and the archers stood upon the gate.

A release of muscles and the captain of the archers was impaled through the skull, falling back and landing in the frozen gardens. Jester viewed this rather passively, scratching his nose with a finger before making the command to the archers to fire. “What about the wolf?” an archer could be heard as he loaded his bow again. Jester cast a half-hearted look at Fenrisulfr, who had attracted most of the dragons away from the troops and was dealing with them rather accordingly.

“Don’t mind that bitch,” Jester replied, “Any who fire at it will get pushed off the wall and into the ANF forces... By me. You aim for the blonde woman at the head of the ANF forces. The Twin. Bring her and her little sister down. That’s an order.”


“Oh great. Look who it is,” Centurion Ifill remarked, drawing her longsword as she glared up at where Jester was commanding the archers. “The Overlord’s got the dragons off our backs, but we still gotta deal with this guy.”

The army was within a mile of the Fortress gates, though had stopped their march as soon as the first line of arrows had thudded into the frozen dirt before their feet. The Twin held up her hand, keeping the ANF troops out of range of the archers. Fenrisulfr had torn apart the last dragon before the very doorstep of the Fortress, fangs embedded in the massive lizard’s throat. As the wolf thrashed its head about, it slammed into the gates, damaging them slightly. A few arrows had been shot at it (though this dismayed Jester very much), but the wolf was relatively unmarred except a few scratches to its flank. As the last dragon died, Fenrisulfr faded back into a golden entity, soaring back towards where the crystalline shield surrounding the Overlord was.

“Once the platoon gets the shield down, he’ll be a piece of cake,” the Twin looked at her sister, smirking and notching another arrow, “I’ve already shown him that he’s within my range. Wonder what the little freak will do now?”

“Ifill, you deal with Jester,” the Scholar looked at her, “I’ll work on getting the gates down. Ohhhhh boys...?” She looked to the Captain and the Lieutenant, “Have any more of those grenades on you? I think we might need to use those for... Something...” She craned her neck back as she looked at the massive gates standing before her. The Captain saluted her and began shuffling through his belt of miscellaneous weapons.

“How are we going to get to the archers if they’re all the freaking way up there?” Fish inquired in frustration.

“That’s why guns are better than chains, Fish,” McCoy tipped his hat to his comrade and aimed his machine gun at the archers as they reloaded their bows. “Advisor, let’s go!” He began firing, the Advisor bounding up beside him. As they ran out of bullets, they fell back out of range, frustrated as the archers fired back.

“Anyone know where the ninjas are?” the Grasshopper asked, katana drawn.

“Uhhh, duh, they’re ninjas, you can’t SEE them!” the Lieutenant remarked, loading his gun. The Captain handed the Scholar all of his grenades, cautioning her to be careful while holding them. The Lieutenant aimed a missile at the gates and fired, watching as part of the door fell away.

“Maybe we won’t need that platoon after all,” Fish glanced at the Scholar, head tilted to the side.

“Long-range fighters, pick at the archers,” the Scholar sighed, “We need to cause a distraction, not blast through. Though the grenades placed at the right location...” She gestured with her rod at the gates, “... And if they explode accordingly... Could result in a massive collapse in the walltop... Which means that Jester would be at our level on the playing field.”

“... So why are we talking and not exploding shit?” the Captain asked.

“LANGUAGE!” the Advisor shrieked loudly.

“You know, I hate to say it, but the Captain’s right. Bring on the explosions!” Venice chimed in, “Might as well do something while we’re waiting around! Lieutenant, Captain, explode the gates as best as you can. Then open fire on them until they collapse. It could give us a major upperhand here. All melee fighters, stay back with me until the gates are decimated.”

“I like the way you think!” the Captain grinned and took his grenades carefully from the Scholar. Whistling for the Lieutenant to follow, he dashed off towards the gates, ducking under a spray of arrows as he did. Cradling the grenades, he selected one delicately between two fingers, activated it, then threw it. As he repeated this process, the Lieutenant joined him, sending a flurry of grenades at the gates. A series of explosions shook the earth, terrorizing the Animal Tamer from where she sat atop Otto.

As the earth trembled, the Lieutenant and the Captain fell away from the gates suddenly, though both grabbed their missile launchers. The archers seemed too shaken up at this point to continue firing, leaving the perfect opportunity. Sending a missile each at the breaking gates, the Lieutenant and the Captain each made a daring, dramatic jump back as they pulled the trigger, watching the trail of smoke as the lethal projectiles went soaring. There was a deafening noise, a blinding light, and each of the ANF was convinced that the world had just ended.

Jamie was the first to open her eyes, heart racing as she saw the demolished gates. She didn’t even think to draw her cutlass- she merely stared at the rubble before the troops. Appalled? Not in the slightest. Amazed? In every way possible. Dust was beginning to clear, enough for the pirate to be able to see through to the frozen gardens. Just yards away, it seemed, rested the doorway into the Fortress.

“... That worked,” the Lieutenant breathed.

“We still got trouble,” Venice warned them, drawing her sword and striking a battle position as a wave of armored knights began to clank their way through the rubble.

“I... Don’t think those things are human,” the Twin remarked, watching the uncanny knights as they drew their barbed swords, glowing eyes locked on the troops. “Be careful!”

“Where’d Jester go?” Centurion Ifill asked, pulling herself onto her battle horse.

“Dead, I’d imagine,” McCoy remarked, “No one could’ve survived that...”

“Let’s hope he’s dead,” Fish nodded in agreement, summoning a duo of chains, “And let’s hope we’re not about to join him.”

“Is this the part where we yell charge and begin the most epic battle of all time?” the Lieutenant asked, glancing at the Twin. He was answered with a laugh, raucous and loud enough to rival the explosion that had incinerated the gates.



“So we’re looking for this object,” the Swordmaster was trying to explain to the Evocator and the Witch, “And it’s usually found in a very secluded room. And in this room, there’s surreal lighting, usually a pedestal...”

“No, there’s almost always a pedestal,” the Corporal corrected him in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice. He held his handgun at the ready, creeping through the frozen corridors of the Fortress. “It’s like one of those rules. If there’s an important item, it’s always on a pedestal...”

“With surreal lighting!” the Swordmaster chimed in.

“Yes, and usually there’s very either serene music or dark and foreboding music playing. And it may or may not be guarded by a boss fight,” the Corporal continued rather lightheartedly as they turned the corner, running into a duo of armored knights. A few bullets from the Corporal’s gun and the knights were both down, unmoving and lifeless.

“You two seem to have a lot of experience with this,” the Evocator remarked, following the two Elite members down the narrow hall. She was trying to recognize bits and pieces of the Fortress, but it seemed so overrun with ice that it was unfamiliar. Belarus had lighted her firestick and was helping with the cold factor by warming the platoon up. But it didn’t help the alien appearance of the Fortress. She passed by the paintings and statues that decorated the eastern wing of the main floor, saddened by the fact that they seemed so unfamiliar to her.

“My dear, we’ve experience with everything. Pretty much,” the Corporal said charmingly, adding a toothy grin for effect (and effect only).

“Everything?” the Witch cocked a devious eyebrow.

“Yes. Everything,” the Corporal answered with an equally devious smile, matched with an eyebrow wriggle.

“This should be the main hall up here,” Russia pointed out, using her leadpipe to direct the Corporal and the Swordmaster, “The staircase to upstairs is here... Do you think the ‘all important item’ is upstairs?”

“It very well could be,” the Swordmaster inclined his head, drawing his katana as they approached the doorway into the large main corridor. “Main halls are also typically the hot spot for boss fights.” He added this with a warning look to the Corporal, who exchanged his nod for one of his own. The Witch took the hint and drew her wand, smirking all the way as she did.

But as the platoon entered the main hall, the Swordmaster was surprised to find that there was no large boss battle awaiting him. Instead, the main corridor was deserted. Empty. Lifeless. Its pillars were webbed with ice, the banners holding the Overlord’s insignia torn and battered. A pale, chilling wind blew through an opened window, causing dust to stir on the floor. But that was all- no life, no guards, mere desolation. The Swordmaster frowned and looked back at the Corporal, who seemed to be more concerned about the frozen throne than anything else. After trying to crack the ice, he merely plopped down upon the throne, wincing as the ice made the butt of his pants wet.

“Nothing?” the Witch sighed in disappointment, “And here I thought the story was getting better.”

“I guess this isn’t a very typical story, then,” the Corporal remarked.

The Evocator was distracted with something else. Walking the frozen halls, she looked at the pillars and how they were frozen, ice crawling up and connecting them. But what lay in the midst of the ice concerned her above anything else. She ignored the platoon, for their bickering didn’t seem to matter at the moment. Her eyes, dark and sharp as they were, had been unprepared for this. Heart stopping- if only for a mere second- and the Evocator was certain she was going to faint. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream, too stunned for words and too outraged for tears. Clasping her mouth with a hand, she stumbled back, almost falling over entirely.

“What is it?” It was Prussia. But the Evocator couldn’t hear at the moment. She just stood, transfixed by the form within the ice. Horrified.

“Dear God... It’s the Theurgist!” Belarus gasped, pointing at where the Theurgist’s body lay incased in ice, dangled high in the air as some sickening trophy. Russia pulled the Evocator back with a hand, trying to direct her away from the gruesome sight. The Swordmaster and the Corporal exchanged looks for a moment before moving from where they stood. Though something had caused the Corporal to hesitate.

“No...” the Evocator gasped suddenly, her entire form shaking. “No...”

“She’s going to faint!” Prussia yelled, “Witch, do something!”

“What do you want ME to do!?” the Witch snapped, “Get her away from there! She looks like she’s going to-”

“ALEXI!” the Evocator screamed, surprisingly enough not loud enough to shatter the ice. But something else did shatter, breaking through the stained-glass dome that lay above the main corridor. The Corporal had expected this before anything else, his gun drawn and bullets firing as the large creature came spiraling down into the hall.

The Swordmaster whirled around, katana drawn as the winged beast landed, separating the Corporal from the rest of the platoon. Its long neck arched in the air, its short snout parting to release a terrifying shriek-roar of its own. Wings beating through the air, the beast knocked Belarus and China down with its tail, clawing at the ground angrily as it eyed the intruders maliciously. “Jabberwocky,” the Swordmaster cursed, “Damn poisonous dragon...”

“I thought that died with the others?” China yelped, staring wide-eyed at the large creature.

“We’ve found our target,” Maverick appeared next to the Swordmaster. He hadn’t even seen her leave, though he knew that whatever she was doing was benefiting the ANF in some way. Maverick cackled, then said, “Jabberwocky... The item we’ve been looking for.”

“Great. So kill this and the shield disappears?” the Corporal asked. “Sounds... Fun.”

“Evocator... Evocator...” Russia was trying to snap the Evocator out of her panicked state. Eyes fading in and out of focus, the Evocator shook uncontrollably, her hands trying to tie her hair back into a ponytail. “You have to focus... We need you, now...” Russia said gently.

“I...” Evocator nodded her head up and down slowly, then stepped forward, a stinging tear rolling down her cheek. “... I n-need to do this...”

“You will do this,” the Witch said firmly, “Come on. We all know you can.”

The Jabberwocky was done eyeing his potentially dinner. Rearing up on its hind legs, it began to lash out with its jaws, striking at the Swordmaster. He rolled to the side, sunglasses still in place atop his nose. The Corporal exchanged his handgun for an assault rifle and began firing at the Jabberwocky’s wings. Its tail lashed out, slamming him and pinning him against the wall of the hall. The Swordmaster lunged forward, dodging the Jabberwocky’s venomous fangs and plunging his katana into the beast’s shoulder. Releasing his grip on the sword’s hilt, he dropped to the ground, pulled out a dagger, tossed it once, caught it, then sent it flying at the Jabberwocky as it turned to bite him. The blade raked across its snout, causing it to rear up in rage.

Belarus snuck around the back to where it had the Corporal pinned against the wall. Pressing her burning firestick against its tail, she cackled as it screamed angrily, releasing the Corporal. The Jabberwocky responded by reaching out and grasping Prussia with a clawed hand, holding her high above the ground. Mouth agape, the Saboteur hung just feet away from the Jabberwocky’s fangs.

“Oh no you don’t!” the Corporal had recovered by now. Closing his eyes, he tossed his assault rifle away, a swirling light surrounding his feet. Machete drawn from its sheath on his belt, he rushed forward, springing up. Manipulating gravity to give himself a boost upward, he swung the machete, allowing it to move with inhuman strength. The machete embedded itself through the Jabberwocky’s lower jaw, sticking up through the monster’s tongue. Prussia was released then, falling to the ground, unconscious (though whether this was from the landing or the shock, no one knows).

“Corporal!” the Witch yelled, sending a blast of fire magic at the Jabberwocky. As its wing caught fire, the beast began in a rampage, its claws sinking through the Corporal’s vest and into his torso. Its jaw had snapped his arm, fangs piercing through it in his brave attempt to slay the beast. As the Corporal’s bloody form hit the ground, the Swordmaster found himself paralyzed in horror.

“No!” the Evocator yelled, “Not him, too! I... I don’t allow this! NO!” Her palms began to glow- one red with fire and the other blue with ice. “Frost! Flame! EVOKE!” As the fiery lion rushed forward, an icy wolf did the same, encircling the already burning Jabberwocky. The Witch had rushed to the Corporal’s side, looking his arm wound over. The Swordmaster had gotten ahold of himself by now, and was running forward, second katana drawn. The frost spirit pinned the Jabberwocky’s left wing, while the flame spirit pinned the right wing.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, the Evocator screamed at the top of her lungs. A flick of her wrist and the frost spirit exploded in shards of ice, embedded into the Jabberwocky’s wing, while the flame spirit merely exploded into the other wing. As the creature reared up in pain, the Swordmaster leapt high into the air, throwing his sword directly into the Jabberwocky’s chest. As the blade made contact, the massive creature fell backwards, hitting the staircase and breaking it on the way down. Blood spurted from the gaping wound, spilling onto the floor and staining the ice crimson.

“No one else has to die...” the Evocator sank to her knees, “I won’t let anyone else die because of people like them... No...”

“That’s great and all but this guy is dying,” the Witch looked over her shoulder at the Evocator, “He’s been poisoned! I-I can deal with his chest wounds... Evocator, I need your help!”

“I-is he going to be okay?” the Swordmaster had not yet gone to get his swords from the now very much dead Jabberwocky. Instead, he stumbled over, looking down at the unconscious Corporal. “W-Woody? Woodson... Get up... Come on...”

The Evocator closed her eyes, reaching a hand out to summon the healing spirit. As she did so, she fought back a sob, stifling it by closing her mouth. As Eirene spilled forth and glided over to the fallen Corporal, the Evocator allowed herself to sink to her knees once more, this time, next to the Corporal. The Swordmaster stood in petrified silence, shaking uncontrollably.

“Maverick... Can’t you help?” Russia asked quietly.

“Jabberwocky poison cannot be cured. Not by any means that Maverick does know,” Maverick spoke quietly. She perked up suddenly, turning to face an intruder in the doorway to the eastern halls.

“W-what’s happened here?” It was the Sorceress. She stood in her flowing robes, staff in hand as she eyed the dead Jabberwocky. “I-I followed you both... I couldn’t... leave you two...” She walked a few steps before she spied the Corporal, her eyes wide in horror. “... No...”

“K-Katherine...” the Swordmaster stammered, “No, he’s not dead... He’s just-”

She said nothing. In silence, the Sorceress walked over to the unconscious Corporal, glancing from the corner of her eye as she noted that the Witch was trying to heal his wounds alongside Eirene. “He was poisoned. By the Jabberwocky,” the Witch tried to explain, “I need all the help I can get. I can’t do this alone...” The Sorceress looked down at the Corporal, still unable to speak. She reached down and pulled some of his bangs out of his eyes, expression darkening as she noticed how he was sweating.

“H-he’ll be okay...” the Swordmaster sounded like he was trying to convince himself. “He’ll be fine... He’s my partner... He’s always fine...”

“He’ll die unless we find something. Some sort of elixir...” the Sorceress was trying to sound calm, but the Witch could tell that she was fighting back tears. “... We have to save him...” She was unable to control a tear rolling down the side of her face, and wiped it away quietly.

“We can buy him time at least...” the Evocator glanced at the Sorceress.

“But how much?” the Sorceress asked.

“He will die. He will die. No need to put spilled milk back into a cup,” Maverick said gruffly, “DIB frequents this place. Why stay?”

“Because it’s a life we’re trying to save!” the Sorceress snarled suddenly, pausing to stop the flow of her healing magic. Maverick quietened down then, watching the Sorceress as she returned to healing the Corporal, a few more sorrowful tears splashing against the stone floor.

“... Useless...” Maverick breathed, then vanished.


Stirring on the ground, the Overlord rolled over, finding herself freezing cold. Panting heavily, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, trying to collect her thoughts as she did so. What had happened? She didn’t remember. She could see images, as though it had been a dream. Dragons falling from the sky, blood staining the melting ice. It was as though death had rained throughout the Second Realm. She grabbed her hip, feeling a sting as though something had clawed her. Perhaps something had- she just couldn’t remember.

“You’re up early!” the Theurgist exclaimed cheerily, sitting on a log with his legs crossed.

“And you’re still dead.” She wasn’t in the mood for joking around. Forcing herself up, she cast her gaze across the frozen Wasteland, a pillar of smoke originating from within the Fortress. “I see it worked.”

“Of course it did. You only just mass-murdered an entire freaking horde of dragons,” the Theurgist whistled, “Didn’t think you had it in you. So what? Is that what happens every once a month? You turn into a large wolf and go psycho on someone?”

“... Eh, kinda the same concept,” the Overlord nodded. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath before opening her eyes once more, “How long have I been out? An hour? Two?” The Theurgist nodded his head and she stretched, “The shield must be down by now. I’ll go check in on my forces, I think...”

“Overlord, just one more thing...” the Theurgist had begun but it was too late. In a poof of light, the Overlord had vanished. Hanging his head, the Theurgist muttered, “... You’re gonna wish you’d listened to me... Again... I can already tell. You never listen to me. And it always gets SOMEONE killed...”